Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 180

Chapter 180: Compound decoction

What made Ivan feel a little helpless was that according to his increased exploration progress in exploring the Gryffindor lounge and boys' dormitory, even after exploring the three major colleges by himself, he could not push the progress to more than 70%.

In other words, he always goes to the girls' bedroom and the basilisk secret room...

After hesitating between life and ethics for a while, Ivan still decisively gave up the latter.

It just so happened that tomorrow Saturday had a great opportunity. Hermione would usually go to the library to read a book.

Thinking of this, Ivan scooped up the potion in the cauldron with a spoon and put it into a transparent glass reagent. Instead, he took out the brown hair from his pocket and threw it into the reagent.

The potion that was originally dark a bit like viscous mud, suddenly resembling boiling water, bubbled out, and it took a while before it turned into a bright brown and precipitated.


Saturday morning,

Ivan, who had been waiting in the lounge early, met Hermione holding the book smoothly.

"Ivan, do you want to go to the library to read together?" Hermione asked aloud after greeting happily.

"No, Ron asked me to play Wizard Chess in the bedroom. I won't go today." Ivan shook his head and declined Hermione's invitation.

The little witch was a little disappointed, but she didn't care too much. She walked alone and continued her daily study.

Ivan waited for a while, took out the live map, confirmed that Hermione was still in the library, and then went to the responsive room alone, took out the compound decoction, and drank the brown potion in one breath.

Hmm... the taste is okay...

Ivan smashed his mouth, somewhat surprised.

It is not the first time that he has drunk compound decoction. Judging from the description in the original book, this thing should be more difficult to drink.

But he remembered that everyone has a different taste...

Before Ivan could think much, he felt a tingling tingling in his body.

It was the completely opposite feeling to when I became Walker last time. Ivan was keenly aware that he was shrinking and getting shorter, and the short hair on his head gradually stretched out to his shoulders, curled up, and the color changed from gold to gold. brown...

When Ivan opened his eyes again, he felt that his clothes were obviously looser.

Ivan took out his wand and tapped the nearest mahogany table, turning it into a huge full-length mirror, looking at himself through the mirror.

The figure in the mirror looked exactly like the Hermione he had just seen.

Of course, there is something wrong with the clothes...

Ivan suddenly thought of this devastating problem. He doesn't have a school uniform for girls! !

"I knew I might as well find Tom to learn snake language, and go to the secret room!" Ivan frowned depressed as he looked at "Hermione" in the school uniform in the mirror.

But Ivan sighed, and finally relied on his fate to use the Transfiguration Curse to modify it according to his impression of the girl's school uniform.

Because Ivan was not sure if he could learn the snake language by himself, in his impression, Dumbledore could understand the snake language by self-study.

Among the remaining few people, Voldemort relied on the natural blood, the talent passed down from the ancestors, and Harry was due to the Horcrux.

What's more, Tom is willing to teach more.

"Yeah.. It should be like this here. The skirt is too short. It just got to the knees. The front collar also needs to be changed..." Ivan used the Transfiguration Charm to repair it, trying to restore Hermione's outfit as much as possible.

Fortunately, Hermione is not the kind of little witch who likes to dress up. She usually wears a standard school uniform. Otherwise, Ivan is afraid that she will give up.

After deforming his clothes, Ivan looked in the full-length mirror again, always feeling that the little witch in front of him was a little different from the Hermione he had in mind. It took a long time to pat his head...

A few books are still missing!


In the morning, in the Gryffindor lounge, Harry and Ron were playing the luxurious version of the wizard chess presented by Ivan. The unicorn and the night qi fought desperately on the small chessboard hill. From time to time, you could see the brilliant light on the chessboard. Flying up...

"Harry, your chess moves are too stinky..." Ron commanded a night sky, kicking the white-bearded Dumbledore off the board.

I have to say that seeing this scene, Ron's heart inexplicably felt a sense of accomplishment, as if he had really won a wizarding war.

"It's Ron, your level is so good, next time you'd better play with Ivan." Harry put away the smashed chess piece and shook his head helplessly.

"I have to be able to find him." Ron said helplessly.

In the past few days since the beginning of school, Ivan has disappeared as well as when he was in class and sleeping, and he could not be found.

Ron was cleaning the chessboard and turned his head. He accidentally saw Hermione walking into the lounge from the outside holding the book, and suddenly asked.

"Hermione, did you see Ivan today?"

"En?" Ivan was stunned, am I right here?

Fortunately, Ivan immediately realized the change in his identity, recalled Hermione's tone, snorted, and glanced at the two of them.

"How do I know where he went..."

After that, Ivan was embarrassed for a while, always feeling ashamed to learn the tone of a little girl, and hurriedly accelerated his pace and walked in the direction of the girl's bedroom.

Harry and Ron didn't realize that there was anything wrong, they just faintly felt that Hermione's temperament was more aggressive today...

After moving away from the two, Ivan was slightly relieved.

He also didn't expect that he would run into Harry and Ron so unlucky as soon as he returned to the lounge. It was obvious that they were still in the dormitory when he was checking the spot map in the responsive room.

But Ivan thought for a while, he shouldn't show any flaws.

In the usual chat, Harry and Ron are also unlikely to talk to Hermione...

In fact, Ivan had previously thought about whether to use compound decoction to pretend to be an unknown girl, but in the end he dispelled this idea, because if he meets a close friend of the other party, it is easy to wear it.

And Ivan feels that she is familiar enough with Hermione~www.mtlnovel.com~ knowing that she doesn't have many friends in the girls' circle, otherwise she wouldn't mix with the three of them every day.

When thinking about things, Ivan had already stepped into the aisle of the girls' bedroom without realizing it.

Groups of little witches walked past him talking and laughing. During the period, they were mixed with the smell of various perfumes, and occasionally I could see a few low-grade girls playing and playing...

Ivan didn't squint, but he came to explore this mysterious castle, but he just happened to explore it here...josei

Only when the other party actively greeted him, Ivan smiled and nodded in response...



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