Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 181

Chapter 181: You guys want something hard...

Ivan walked around in the aisle of the girls' bedroom. At first, he was a little trembling, for fear of being exposed directly, but slowly calmed down. No one could see through the camouflage effect of the compound decoction during the whole process.

The task progress reminder sounded in Ivan's mind every time, but he frowned when he walked through the aisle.

Because the increased progress is really too little, far less than what he got in the lounge and boys' bedroom, this shouldn't be right.

Is it really necessary to enter a dormitory to take a look?

Ivan gritted his teeth, reached out and knocked on the door of the nearest girl's dormitory, ready to find an excuse to go in for a stroll and come back.

After waiting anxiously for a while, the door of the dormitory was opened. A little witch with loose hair opened the door and looked at Ivan outside the door with a surprised expression.

"Hermione? Didn't you say you want to go to the library to read? And what did you knock on the door for? Why didn't you just come in?"

"Lavender?" Ivan screamed secretly in his heart. He didn't expect that behind a door he chose at random would happen to be Hermione's bedroom.

Mainly, after entering the lounge, the effect of the spot map is greatly reduced. Hundreds of names are in this small area, and it is difficult to distinguish who is where.

In addition, it was suspicion that Yifan never checked the live spot map all the way.

However, Ivan still compulsively calmed down, and quickly made up a reason.

"Just now I suddenly remembered that there was something I forgot to take, so I'll come back first." Ivan said, deliberately ignoring the knock on the door.

"Oh, that's it." Lavender didn't have much doubt, and walked away.

Ivan bit his scalp and walked inside. The decoration of the female dormitory was completely different from that of the male dormitory. There was a thick pink girlish style, and several underwear-like things were just thrown on the chair.

Since it was Saturday, Parvati hadn't even gotten up yet, slackingly in her pajamas, lying on the head of the bed flipping through the new issue of magazine.

Ivan glanced casually, and then his eyes were attracted by the large and small dynamic stickers on the surrounding walls.

Because countless Lockhart on the sticker is smiling at him...

Ivan almost couldn't hold the expression on his face. He had known that most of the little witches in the school were Lockhart fans, but he didn't expect to be crazy enough to stick Lockhart's headshot all over the bedroom.

Don't you feel shivering when you look at it like this every day?

Ivan shook his head helplessly, wondering what they were thinking.josei

To avoid doubt, Ivan found the bed with Hermione's name written on it and pretended to put the book.

I planned to do nothing, but happened to see some tailored daily prophet newspapers next to Hermione's pillow. The first newspaper was the news report that Lockhart took the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

On the next class schedule, Defence Against the Dark Arts was circled by her in a pink heart shape.

Worthy of being a big fan of Lockhart...

Ivan thought generously. If he remembers correctly, in the original time and space, Hermione even put Lockhart's card under the pillow to sleep.

"What else to look at? Hermione?" Lavender leaned forward curiously at this time, and put a book on his shoulders, didn't he say to leave with a book?

Ivan was about to find a reason to fool around, but at this time Lavender saw the newspapers placed on the bedside by Hermione.

Ivan felt a little bad, but couldn't stop it, and Lavender snatched it over curiously.

"What is this? Is Professor Lockhart's collection of events?" Lavender excitedly checked the stacks of newspapers and said gossiping.

When Ivan was about to scold Lavender and let her return the things, Lavender suddenly said in surprise.

"Ah, I didn't expect there to be reports about Hals..."

Ivan was stunned for a moment, glanced at the cut newspaper that Lavender was holding, and found that it was really the case.

In this pile of newspaper collections, except for Lockhart’s autograph book sale and the report on his appointment as a professor in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the rest are news from the time of his own newspaper. In terms of quantity, the collection should be very complete. ...

"Where? Where? I want to watch it too!" Parvati who was lying on the bed beamed his eyes and jumped out of the bed. He didn't care whether he was gone, so he moved to the side of Lavender. , Snatched a few tailored newspapers and read them.

"Enough! Bring them to me quickly!" Ivan scolded with a black face.

No matter what, this thing was carefully kept by Hermione, it was her privacy. Ivan already regretted that he had come in hastily, but he didn't dare to let them continue watching.

"No!" Lavender said with a grin, holding the stack of tailored newspapers to his chest. "Unless you tell us which is more important in your heart, Professor Lockhart or Hals?"

How can Lockhart's straw bag compare to me?

Ivan murmured in his heart, but he didn't dare to say that. After all, he was now like Hermione, so it's hard to talk nonsense.

"Are you sure you won't give it?" Ivan sighed as he looked at the two little witches who looked gossips.

"Yes! No." Parvati hurriedly lifted the things in his hands high, with no intention of returning at all.

"It seems you want something hard..." Ivan muttered to himself.

Ivan subconsciously wanted to pull out the wand, and suddenly remembered that his wand had a different style from Hermione, and if he took it out, he might be exposed on the spot.

Thinking of this, Ivan had to give up the idea of ​​using magic, and instead rolled up his sleeves, revealing his white arms...

"Hermione, what are you doing?" Lavender felt a little scared watching Ivan's movements, but Parvati quickly calmed down after looking at it.

We have two people!

When Lavender was about to cheer himself up like this, he saw the opposite "Hermione" viciously rushing towards him... The goal was very clear, that is, the newspaper collection in his own hand...

"Bring it!"


"Parvati, come and help, Hermione is crazy.. Take her!"

"Let go and give me the newspaper, or you two will be dead!"

"Uuuuu...it hurts..."


The three people fought fiercely in this small dormitory. The newspaper collection scattered by UU reading www.uukanshu.com was everywhere...

Ivan couldn't get the newspaper, so he snatched their magic wands wisely and released a few small magics at will, which made Lavender and Parvati limp in their hands and feet, unable to resist, and successfully defeated this disadvantage. battle...

Humph, fight with me!

Ivan arrogantly sorted out the clothes that had been pulled apart, but looking at the two little witches who were about to cry in front of him, he made trouble again and whispered to himself.

"It's over, what should I do now?"



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