Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 182

Chapter 182: Quantum State Hermione

Ivan was in trouble all of a sudden, if only he could forget the curse, the two curses would make them forget what happened just now.

It’s just that it’s obviously too late to learn now...

"Quick recovery! Newspapers are coming!" Ivan reluctantly waved the wand that had just been seized from Lavender, first dealing with all the chaos around him.

The newspaper collection scattered on the ground due to looting has long since become wrinkled and incomplete, but under the magic of the restoration curse, it is quickly refilled and smoothed.

Turned into paper butterflies, they fluttered and fell on Ivan's outstretched right hand, neatly stacked on top of each other.

Ivan arranged the newspaper collection in chronological order and placed it on the original bedside, restoring Hermione's previous layout as much as possible.

After doing all this, Ivan turned his gaze to Lavender and Parvati, thinking about how they should keep this secret.

After hesitating, Ivan with one hand on his hips, pointed his magic wand at the two men, threatening viciously.

"Listen well, the newspaper business is a secret. You'd better forget it for me and never let it out! You know?"

Lavender and Parvati curled their lips, thinking that Hermione did not want others to know that she was secretly collecting news papers tailored to Lockhart and Hals, so there was no doubt.josei

But they obviously didn't intend to just give in, and they didn't reply at all.

Ivan could see the two people's thoughts, and simply tapped the cup on the table with his magic wand, turning the cup into a groundhog scurrying all over the floor.

In the two doubtful eyes, Ivan grabbed the groundhog by the back of its neck and lifted it up, and threw it into the cage of the owl.

"Did you see it? If anyone dares to mention anything in the future, I will turn you into a groundhog and put you in a cage!" Ivan's gaze swept towards the two little witches.

Lavender and Parvati looked at the iron cage. The groundhog turned into a cup was tapping the railing of the iron cage with their little paws in horror, and there was a shocking scream in their mouths...

The two nodded in horror. They thought Hermione was terrible...

Seeing the expressions of the two little witches, Ivan nodded in satisfaction, and then reminded him as if he had remembered something.

"Also, this matter is not allowed to precede me in the future!"

Lavender and Parvati were very strange. They nodded under Ivan's threatening gaze, with tears in the corners of their eyes. They didn't want to become groundhogs and be locked in a cage.

Ivan felt guilty for a while, and then realized that he seemed to have destroyed the harmony of the girls' bedroom, but there was nothing to do.

All **** system tasks.

Ivan sighed, and the system prompt sounded at this moment.

[Ding, the exploration of Gryffindor resident is completed, and the current exploration progress is 63%...]

After receiving the prompt, Ivan paused briefly. Knowing that staying here would not increase the progress of the task, he restored the groundhog in the cage into a cup, put it back in place, and then cast it. Ran holding the book and walked out of the bedroom.

Immediately afterwards, Ivan returned to the responsive room and waited for about an hour. The effect of the compound decoction gradually disappeared.

Ivan only breathed a sigh of relief until he saw himself in the mirror and returned to the original state.

When I used the compound decoction to become Hermione just now, the physical difference always made Ivan feel very uncomfortable...

It's no wonder that in the original time and space, few people are willing to become the opposite sex...

But it didn't take long before Ivan began to worry again. He didn't think he could hide from Hermione after threatening Lavender and Parvati.

The little witch is too clever, she might have found out something about Lavender and Parvati’s sudden change of attitude towards her, and then guessed something from it.

But without forgetting the curse, Ivan couldn't think of a better way for a while, so he had to put it aside for the time being.

Just so depressed, they returned to the lounge. Harry and Ron were still playing a new set of wizard flags. Judging from their expressions, there was no doubt that Ron had won again.

"Ivan, are you here to play chess? Playing with Harry is not challenging at all." Ron asked expectantly.

"Okay!" Ivan remembered what he had said to Hermione in the morning, and nodded in agreement.

Harry shrugged, and he has lost several games in a row so far, so he didn't care about Ron's words, and generously gave way.

Sitting at the chess table, after Ivan waited for the **** to reset, he directed the white **** and Ron's black camp to fight.

Although the wizard banner looks gorgeous and even the chess pieces have self-consciousness, the rules of the next issue are no different from the chess he played in his previous life.

This is why Ivan can quickly grasp it,

His chess skills are all honed with advanced computer AI in his previous life and when he was bored on the hospital bed. He occasionally played a few games with masters in the chess software, so he could deal with Ron, a somewhat talented kid. The head is still no problem.

The two of them played until noon. Ivan, who was about to win the seventh victory, was about to direct a wizard to the center and win the final victory, but unexpectedly saw Hermione humming in from outside.

Ivan immediately became nervous, commanding the chess pieces absently, and the chess path became messy.

Even Harry, who is very good at chess, couldn't stand it. He kept pointing around, trying to restore the situation, but Ivan didn't hear it at all, and watched Hermione enter the girls' bedroom.

One minute...Two minutes...

Ivan waited for a while and didn't see Hermione come out angrily to ask him to reason.

Wasn't it discovered? Still didn't guess it was him?

Ivan was very confused, and the chess game was a big defeat, and within two minutes he was counter-killed by Ron, who was originally at a disadvantage.


The day passed in a flash, weekend morning.

Ivan, who was eating breakfast in the hall, paid attention to the changes in Hermione's expression from time to time. The little witch was the same as usual. She sat quietly and occasionally chatted with Harry and others.

But this time, Hermione did not take the initiative to sit next to her with the dinner plate~www.mtlnovel.com~ but this is not a basis...

Ivan felt tangledly that the little witch in front of him seemed to have become a quantum form, somewhere between knowing and not knowing, and a result would collapse unless he asked.

If I didn't understand, Ivan simply stopped thinking about it. Considering that I still need to study Animagus with Professor McGonagall today, Ivan hurriedly ate breakfast and walked to the agreed metamorphosis class.


Ivan opened the door and entered the metamorphosis classroom. On weekends, it was empty. The tables and chairs were neatly arranged. Only a brindle cat was squatting on the lecture table, watching him quietly...



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