Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 183

Chapter 183: Practicing Animagus

"Sorry, Professor McGonagall, it seems I was a little late." Ivan closed the door and said apologetically.

"No, I haven't just arrived." The brindle cat opened his mouth, uttered a word, and then jumped to the ground with a light leap.josei

The figure continued to expand and swell in mid-air, but within a second or two it twisted and turned into a middle-aged witch with square glasses and dark green robe. That was Professor McGonagall.

Ivan's eyes were hot. The ability to switch between the two forms at will without a wand or chanting. No matter how many times I saw it, Ivan felt it was amazing.

"Then, before we officially start learning, I must ask a question, how much do you know about Animagus?" Professor McGonagall helped his square glasses and walked to the lecture table again to ask.

Ivan thought for a while, and then said solemnly.

"Animagus is an advanced transformation technique used by wizards on themselves.

After being proficient, there is no need to chant or use a magic wand. The magic function is to transform oneself into a certain animal. Most of them are used to detect or avoid danger. Few people are wary of an ordinary creature... .

There are some risks in the initial conversion process, so in addition to talent and perseverance, Animagus’ practice usually requires a little luck..."

Ivan recalled the description of Animagus in the original work, and talked about it in light of the information he had consulted last school year.

Professor McGonagall's expression also became more and more satisfied, which means that Ivan did not make a decision to practice Animagus with a single shot, but was prepared and consulted a lot of information.

Waiting for Ivan to finish his understanding, Professor McGonagall continued to add.

"That's pretty good, but you have missed a few! The first Animagus transformation is usually limited to ordinary creatures, and becoming magical creatures will bring unpredictable consequences.

Second, this type of transformation requires a report to the Ministry of Magic after being trained. Since the 20th century, there are only seven Animagus registered so far! So the Animagus Transfiguration is not dangerous, but extremely dangerous! "

Having said this, Professor McGonagall glanced at Ivan, hoping that he could understand the danger, and then continued. "Of course, the danger is not constant. The higher your level of transformation, the lower the risk of corresponding transformation."

Ivan didn't care about the risk of deformation in McGonagall's mouth. He still had some confidence in the level of deformation art he brought. Moreover, he still had a temporary buff like the Xueba experience card, which shouldn't be overturned.

But Professor McGonagall's report to the Ministry of Magic made it difficult for Ivan.

Ivan had a bitter face, and he didn't want his Animagus shape to be known to everyone. In that case, the value of this magic would be greatly reduced.

Can I not report?

Ivan quietly asked with his eyes, Professor McGonagall just treated him as if he hadn't seen it, and ignored him.

Ivan is not discouraged either. Professor McGonagall doesn’t say anything, which to a large extent means that he will not interfere, so he should be conscious of registration.

As Ivan was thinking about things, Professor McGonagall had already carefully introduced him to the difficulties of Animagus' cultivation. Ivan quickly arranged his mood and listened carefully to every step.

Animagus’ practice is extremely cumbersome. The first step is to hold a leaf of Mandrake in his mouth for a whole month.

You have to go from one full moon to another full moon, and you can't let Ye Zi leave your mouth in the middle, otherwise it will start again.

After a month, you can use this leaf to make cumbersome potions, and finally bury the potions in a place that is completely undisturbed and not in contact with the sun. When a thunderstorm comes, you can take it out. ...

If the potion taken out completely turns blood red, it means that all the steps are correct. Drinking the potion at that time can start the first Animagus transformation...

Listening to the steps of the practice, Ivan frowned, which is too troublesome...

He also thought that Animagus Transformation only needs a high level of Transformation Curse to practice.

"Professor McGonagall, is the making of potions necessary?" Ivan couldn't help but asked.

The other steps are more cumbersome and can be solved, but it is more difficult to bury the potion in a place and wait for the storm. Who knows when the storm will come around here?

It’s not easy to go abroad to find a storm-prone place to bring buried potions, right?

"No." Professor McGonagall shook his head, but continued without waiting for Ivan to be happy.

"But this can greatly reduce the difficulty and danger of training. Unless you are confident that you have the transformation skills of Principal Albus, you'd better follow the steps honestly!"

Professor McGonagall waved his magic wand in the air, and the brilliance of magic power circulated in the air, slowly turning into a few half-human and half-monster creatures with distorted shapes and painful expressions.

"These are the wizards who have failed to transform. So far, there is no way to restore the wizards who have failed to transform." Professor McGonagall said very seriously, without the slightest joking, and warned Ivan that he didn't want to be like this. , It’s best not to mess around in private.

Ivan had to dispel his previous unrealistic thoughts. He was not confident that his transfiguration was comparable to Dumbledore, even under the blessing of the experience card.

At this time, McGonagall placed a young emerald green leaf in front of Ivan.

"This is the leaf of Mandela grass. You should be thankful that your Professor Sprout has recently introduced a batch of Mandela grass, which has saved a lot of things."

"As for the specific timing of practice, you are in your hands." After finishing this, Professor McGonagall paused, and then said with a smile. "Perhaps you can look at the Muggle weather forecast and choose which day is more appropriate to start."

You also know the Muggle weather forecast~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ivan is still very interested. It seems that McGonagall, who often enters the Muggle world to recruit students, is not ignorant of life there.

It's just that Ivan doesn't want to wait silly for the time. God knows how long it will take to usher in a storm. If this can't be waited for several years, wouldn't he work in vain?

Ivan thinks that the House of Requests may be able to create a scene where you can practice the transformation of Animagus...

After Ivan took the leaves of the mandela grass, Professor McGonagall handed over another practice notebook.

I opened the note and looked at it. Ivan found that it was all about the experience of practicing Animagus Transfiguration. The writing was very detailed, and some dangerous points were highlighted. It is obviously Professor McGonagall these days. Sorted out....



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