Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 184

Chapter 184: Does he know...

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall!" Ivan bowed.

Professor McGonagall reservedly stated that she was just doing what a transfiguration professor should do.

"In short, you can do some preparatory work this semester first, and wait for the time to come. If there is anything you don't understand, you can always ask me." Professor McGonagall said.

Ivan took a mandela leaf and a notebook for the practice of Animagus, and walked out of the metamorphosis classroom, instead of going back to the bedroom directly, but walking towards the responsive room.

I need a place suitable for practicing Animagus...

Ivan silently thought in his heart that the door to the destination did not open immediately this time, but slowly appeared after waiting for a while.

Ivan opened the door and entered, and found that it was an empty area, all around it was pitch black, and it was barely possible to see a forest.

Stepping on the soft soil under his feet, Ivan almost thought that he was somewhere in the forbidden forest, but it was extremely quiet here, and no insects could even be heard.

"It turned out to be real soil..." Ivan tried to squat on the ground, picking up a pile of soil and rubbing it, and the touch was no different from the soil outside.

But this place is quiet enough to not be disturbed, but what about the storm?

When Ivan was thinking about it, a thunderbolt flashed across the sky, and the thunder was deafening. Ivan looked up towards the sky, only thick dark clouds could be seen.

Suddenly, the pouring rain fell down, and the whistling wind made the trees sway around, and the sound of raindrops beating against the branches and leaves...

Yifan was surprised at the power of the House of All Requests. He was able to create such a large space out of thin air and restore the special celestial phenomena of the outside world.


Ivan used his magic wand to launch a magical ray into the sky. After a long time, he didn't know what he encountered and burst into red fireworks. It seemed that this space did not extend infinitely, but had limits.

I just don't know how the stormy weather is formed... It seems that this place is more mysterious than I thought.

Ivan completely ignored the pouring rain, and experimented in this vast space. After confirming that this space was sufficient to meet his own requirements, he satisfactorily walked out of the responsive house.

The rest only needs to wait until the other preparation steps are completed, then the Animagus transformation can be carried out.


Three days later, on the night of the full moon, Ivan smoothly put the leaves of Mandrake in his mouth, stuck it on his tongue, and officially began to practice.

Ivan thought it was a simple job, but he quickly realized the difficulties. He almost swallowed the leaves of the mandela grass when he went to bed the first night.

And when eating, you need to hide the leaves of Mandrake under your tongue and chew them carefully, for fear of swallowing the leaves together.

"Ivan, what's the matter with you? Are you feeling sick?" Harry asked strangely as he watched Ivan's weird behavior.

"Well, it's nothing, I feel pretty good." Ivan said vaguely, with a leaf in his mouth, which made him speak awkwardly.

"Are you sure you don't need to visit Madam Pomfrey?" Ron was also a little worried.

"No." Ivan shook his head, rejected the kindness of a few people, and then cut a small piece of steak into his mouth and chewed slowly.

He felt that after a month, the mandrakes in his mouth might be savory. Can this thing really be used to configure special potions?

Ivan kept complaining in his heart, and in the past few days, he completely stopped half of the exploration mission he had done before.

The previous experience of using compound decoctions clearly told him that this thing is not a panacea, and if he has a similar experience again, there is no way he can come back.

After completing the transformation of Animagus, it is better to explore, just like Peter Pettigrew, in the form of a mouse, it is almost free to come and go within Hogwarts.

But this premise is that his Animagus form is a small animal. If he becomes a stag, everyone knows that there is a problem in Hogwarts.

Thinking of this, Ivan turned his head and glanced at Hermione. In the past few days, he still hadn't figured out whether the little witch knew what he was doing in the bedroom.

But I could still vaguely feel that Hermione seemed to be a little more alienated from him... I didn't take the initiative to speak to him for several days.

Forget it, it doesn’t matter to her, it’s more important to practice magic...

Ivan simply stopped thinking about it. Recently, studying Animagus's practice notes was enough to give him a headache. Many difficult points need to spend school points to learn.

After Ivan finished eating and got up and left the auditorium, Hermione came out of the girls' pile with the plate and sat next to Harry and Ron.

"Hermione, what do you always do with Ivan these days? You quarreled?" Harry couldn't help but asked aloud, always feeling that his two good friends had something wrong with their relationship recently.

Is it awkward?

"No." Hermione shook her head, rejected Harry's remarks, then hesitated, turned her head to look at Ron and spoke again. "Is Ivan playing wizard chess with you on Saturday morning?"

"Yes, we played the wizard chess all morning. What's wrong?" Ron glanced at Hermione in a puzzled look. He didn't understand why she asked, but he nodded.

Hermione's complexion became more and more confused, and who on earth had turned into her the other day and sneaked into the girls' dormitory.

Last Saturday, after returning to the dormitory from the library, Hermione inexplicably found that Lavender and Paraty were a little scared of themselves. At the same time, they were strangely knocking on them, and then they figured out the whole story.

Hermione knew from a guess that someone had used the compound decoction ~www.mtlnovel.com~ to pretend to be herself, but the news was concealed by her, and she did not expose it, or told Professor McGonagall.

After all, Hogwarts as a whole can use polymorphism, and there are not many little wizards who can easily turn a cup into a groundhog.

But Ivan is the only one who has been in contact with him these days and can easily get his own hair.

Although I don’t know what Ivan is doing in her bedroom, but thinking of the news papers I cut and collected, Ivan may see her. Hermione is at a loss, her face is like a fire...

Until he heard Ron mention that Ivan played a morning wizard game with him on Saturday morning, the little witch became a little uncertain, tangled with a fork, and poke the steak on the plate riddled with holes.

Does he know, or does he not know?

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