Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 185

Chapter 185: Dispute and fuchsia...

After a few days of torment, Ivan reluctantly adapted to the daily life with a blade of grass, except for a little tangled when brushing his teeth and eating, everything else was no different from normal.

[Ding, after a period of study, your proficiency in the transformation spell has improved, level 4 (1599/1600)]

After reading the study notes presented by Professor McGonagall, Ivan successfully heard the tone of increasing proficiency.

Seeing that there is still a little proficiency, Transfiguration can reach level five, and Ivan worked harder, but he didn’t see an increase in proficiency for several hours.

Ivan then realized that he had reached a new bottleneck...

"Ivan, let's take a look at Quidditch training together? Harry said that today is the first training of this semester." Ron asked when he was about to go out.

Ivan thought for a while, as if there was nothing urgent for a while, he nodded and agreed.

And if he remembers correctly, at the graduation settlement last semester, participating in the Quidditch competition and winning will also be rewarded with grade points.

Before leaving the bedroom, Ivan suddenly thought of something, took out a magic wand and threw it to Ron.

"Ron, I have fixed your wand."

Ron caught it, and when he looked at the wand, it had been completely repaired in the middle, exactly the same as the original one.

Ron tried to wave twice in mid-air, and a magical beam hit the ground and exploded into sparks, feeling extremely smooth.

"Oh my god, this is awesome." Ron said happily, which meant he didn't need to be scolded when he got home.

When handing the wand to Ivan before, Ron didn't expect the other party to fix it. He didn't expect Ivan to give him a surprise, and he seemed to feel that this wand was better than the original...

Ron looked at Ivan suspiciously, and asked curiously.

"What did you do to my wand? The spell I just released seems to be a bit more powerful than before."

"It's just a simple strengthening." Ivan said with a guilty conscience.

Finally, there is a research material, Ivan certainly can't waste it, so in these few days of the sky, Ron's wand has been tossed over and over by him for a long time, and he has used it to conduct various experiments.

For example, try to build an enhanced magic writing circuit inside the magic wand so that the holder can get a boost every time he uses magic. As a result, after inputting magic power, the magic wand almost exploded on the spot...

In the end, after a lot of improvements, the result cannot be said to be a success, but it is not a complete failure, because he still completed the strengthening of the magic text circuit, but the increase was minimal.

Ron's strength was too weak, so he could clearly feel that the power of the magic he released had been strengthened.

Obviously the experiment needs more material...

Thinking of this, Ivan was a little depressed. The price of wands is actually not high, but Ollivander's wand shop will not easily sell a large number of wands, and it is difficult to get enough test products.

Ron didn't know this, and was very happy holding his wand. He felt that he would definitely get good results in the exams in the Transfiguration class and the spell class this semester.

The two of them walked all the way to the Quidditch training ground, and met Hermione who was going to go back to the lounge. The three of them discussed it and decided to watch Harry's training together.

When they arrived at Quidditch's practice field, Ivan found that the two groups were facing each other on the field. In addition to Harry's Gryffindor team, there were also Slytherins in green robes.

"What's wrong here? Harry, didn't you say that it was Gryffindor's turn to cover the court? Why are they here?" Ron looked around and said strangely.

Slytherin's captain Marcus Flint stepped forward, patted Malfoy on the shoulder beside him, and said to everyone.

"That's because we have a new seeker, and Professor Snape specifically approved us to train on the court today."

"And my dad bought a new broom for the Slytherin team, and I always have to be proficient..." Malfoy said in a strange tone.

The Slytherin players all smiled, and showed their new brooms to the opposite side, a total of seven smooth wheels 2001!

The light of the local tyrants almost blinded everyone...

Even Ivan has to admit that Malfoy's family is really rich. Light Wheel 2001 is the latest light wheel series that just came out last month, and it is amazingly expensive.

It takes a thousand gallons to buy seven together, and these expenses are just for Malfoy to join the team smoothly.

Ivan couldn't help feeling his own poverty, knowing that his family didn't make a thousand gallons a month, this is still in the case of so many best-selling products.

Even Ivan is like this, let alone the Gryffindor players, they know very well how much the Slytherin team's winning percentage can be increased by the seven latest broomsticks.

The old-fashioned sweeping series of brooms in their hands are not half as fast as others? How do you fight this?

Malfoy smiled very happily. He kept swaying the light wheel 2001 in his hand, and watched mockingly at the five-star sweep of the opposite side. The light wheel 2000 in Harry’s hand could be seen, but it was also the old one from last year. Style.

"At least our Gryffindor team came in based on strength, rather than needing to spend money to join the team!" Seeing Malfoy's triumphant smile, Hermione couldn't help but sarcastically said.

Malfoy, who was poked in the sore spot, turned dark and sullen. "No one asks you, you smelly little mudblood!"

"How dare you say that?!" Alia of the Gryffindor team looked at Malfoy in astonishment and screamed.

Ron wanted to go up and beat Malfoy angrily, but Wood pulled him back. George and Fred rolled up their sleeves, and the rest of the players also showed anger...

Malfoy was a little scared for a while, but as the gold master of the Slytherin team, even if captain Marcus was dissatisfied with him, he still chose to protect him behind him.

The rest of the Slytherins also took out their wands and confronted the Gryffindor players...

Hermione was confused, she could vaguely guess that Malfoy had said something terrible ~www.mtlnovel.com~ but didn't know what it meant, and she looked at Ivan strangely.

"Muggle seed is a very bad adjective. It is a contempt for a Muggle wizard by some pure-blooded wizards." Ivan frowned and explained.

Like Hermione, he was not a purebred wizard in his mind, and he didn't really like the word Muggle, but Malfoy's almost discriminatory remarks could not be regarded as unheard.

The protected Malfoy hid behind triumphantly, seemingly intending to say a few more words.

Right here, Ivan moved without warning, waving his wand and pointing at Malfoy.




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