Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 186

Chapter 186:

In an instant, Malfoy's body was turned over and hung in the midair of the court, and his broad robe was dragged to the ground by gravity.

"What did you do to me? Put me down!" Malfoy screamed in horror.

A few Slytherin students stepped forward to pull his robe and clothes, trying to pull him off, but it didn't work. They also pulled Malfoy's sweater and robe to tears...

"The curse stops immediately!" Marcus waved his wand to try to cast Malfoy's curse.

But as a magical light flashed, Malfoy remained in the air, even shaking up and down because the spell became unstable.

"Enough, don't touch me!" Malfoy was so angry with the unhelpful Slytherins, he hurriedly covered the empty part of his clothes with his hands.

Malfoy's embarrassed appearance greatly relieved the players of the Gryffindor team, and George patted Ivan on the shoulder to speak frankly.

"Ivan, great, what kind of magic is this? It looks very interesting..."

Ivan was about to explain aloud, Marcus stepped forward at this time and rebuked. "Halse! You dare to cast spells on Malfoy at will, put him down!"

Ivan shrugged, didn't care about Marcus's words, didn't mean to solve the curse at all.

"What are you doing in a daze? Give it to me!" Malfoy was hung in the air and stared at by a group of people. Malfoy was ashamed and angrily looked at the Slytherins who were watching and screamed loudly.

Marcus hesitated, but some Slytherins behind him, for the sake of the new broomstick, pointed their wands at Ivan one after another, and the light of various spells flew away.

"The front teeth match is great!"

"The tongue seals the throat!"

"Break tap dance!"


Although they all had concerns, no one dared to use a lethal curse.

But being hit by a bunch of big evil spells obviously won't end well, and it's light to make a fool of yourself in public.

The Gryffindor players on the sidelines did not expect that the opponent would actually say to do it, and their reaction was slow. When they pulled out their wands to prepare for support, various spells had already hit Ivan's body.

"Ivan!" Hermione screamed worriedly, but soon the expression on her face was stunned again, her brown eyes showed disbelief, and she stared blankly at the scene in front of her.

As many spells approached, a magical barrier emerged from Ivan's body. After the spells touched Ivan's body, they returned the same way...

The colorful magical rays shot into the Slytherin camp at a faster speed, and the little wizards who had just started to cast the spell were all unlucky.

A Slytherin boy kicked off a tap dance uncontrollably, and the rest of the people were not feeling well. The front teeth of several people extended to the chin, and the faces of others showed disgusting puss...

"You..." Marcus drew out his wand and pointed it at Ivan, but he dared not do it, because the group of Slytherins behind him had already set an example for him.

"This time it wasn't my hand!" Ivan spread out his hands, saying that he had done nothing, it was their own fruit.

But Ivan thought for a while, and didn't intend to make the matter worse, so he used his magic wand to dispel the magic in the Slytherin, leaving only Malfoy's.

The ugly Slytherins, while angry, looked at Ivan with a little more fear.

Only then did they remember the rumors in the school. Their last Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Chino had heard that it was blown into powder by the little wizard in front of them...

After shocking a group of Slytherin students, Ivan breathed a sigh of relief, and the ring on the finger of his left hand became dim.

Using the protection ring to bounce five spells in a row, it has already reached the limit of this protection item.

This is because these spells are generally not strong, otherwise they may not be able to resist.

Ivan turned his head to look at Malfoy who was hung in the air and spoke.

"I advise you to apologize to Hermione, otherwise you may hang here for a day, or you can imagine that someone can save you..."

Malfoy's face flushed flushed by being stared at by a group of people.

As a arrogant pureblood, even if he died, Malfoy would not bow his head to a Muggle species and even threatened to tell old Malfoy and Snape about this, and expelled Ivan from Hogwarts!

"Are you sure?" Ivan's expression was a little weird, and if his memory was correct, Snape would definitely be the wizard who could not tolerate the insulting term "Muggle seeds" the most.

It was because Snape said this word that Lily, who had been in a good relationship before, completely chose to break with him, and gradually began to associate with Harry's father, James Potter, which was the pain of Snape's life!

So if Malfoy told Snape excitedly about it, he might have to be beaten...

But... Ivan looked at the appearance of Malfoy being hung in the sky, and felt something was wrong.

How does this scene resemble what Snape remembered,

Muggle girls, fuchsias, and Malfoy as Snape's godson, it would be perfect if Harry could be replaced...

Ivan's expression was getting more and more weird, and he looked around, but fortunately Snape was not here now, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain it.

Maybe Snape will make up a relationship diagram of a love triangle...

That would be horrible...josei

Ivan couldn't help shivering, and quickly stopped the messy thoughts in his mind. He shot Malfoy to be different from James and others deliberately teasing Snape in the original book.

Snape deserves sympathy because he was bullied because of his withdrawn character when he was a child.

Even Ivan had to admit that Harry's father James Potter did a very bad thing in this matter.

But Malfoy was just asking for it...it was necessary for him to change it.

Thinking of this, Ivan said to Malfoy.

"Your godfather, Professor Snape, is not here now~www.mtlnovel.com~ In addition, you better think about it clearly. If any of the teaching professors hear the words you just said, it is light to put you in confinement.

I think Professor Snape is no exception. If you don’t want to die, you can try it someday..."

Ivan took a few steps forward, walked up to Malfoy, and spoke again. "As for now, apologize to Hermione!"

Malfoy had a rather deadly expression on his face, but as Ivan got closer and closer, he looked around in a panic, looking for a sense of security.

However, the Slytherins who originally surrounded him, after seeing Ivan approaching, all subconsciously stepped back...



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