Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 187

Chapter 187: Can I have one try in the field?

Ivan was pretending to be fierce, but for a moment he really didn't know what to do with Malfoy.

Fortunately, Ivan soon thought of a way to intimidate him, turned his head and said to Harry and the others who were watching the excitement.

"Where is Colin, who likes to take pictures? Find him and take some pictures of Malfoy... Wash them out and send them to everyone."

"I seemed to see this kid just now, so he should be in the corridor over there... We can ask Corindo to take some photos, so that everyone can take a good look..." George, who is not too troublesome to watch the excitement, think This must be very interesting, he went to Colin with a smile.

Malfoy was completely panicked. He didn't quite believe that Ivan really dared to do this, but he didn't want to bet on this probability and become the laughing stock of the school.

Malfoy's face was blue and white, and it took a long time to squeeze a few words out of his mouth with difficulty.

"Mud... I'm sorry..."

After speaking, Malfoy's face was not very good-looking, and he looked very twisted...

Ivan wasn't very satisfied, and Malfoy obviously wanted to say the word mudblood again just now.

"Forget it, Ivan, let him down, if Professor McGonagall sees it, you will have to be punished." Hermione felt enough, she shook her head.

Ivan glanced at her, then nodded, and with a wave of his wand, Malfoy fell from mid-air, gnawing at the mud.

"George, come back, no need to go!" Ivan turned his head and found that George had run halfway, so he hurriedly told him to come back.

Colin was annoying, and if he knew anything, the whole school would know.

On the other side, the very stiff Wood yelled at the Slytherins.

"Don't hurry up! This is our Gryffindor home court today!"

When Marcus darkened, he was about to greet the Slytherin players to leave, but Malfoy, who had just gotten up from the ground, said angrily.

"Why let us go, this is not your Gryffindor site..."

"What? Do you still want to fight?" Ron eagerly drew out his wand and said, he had long wanted to teach Malfoy a meal.

George and Fred also looked at each other playfully.

Marcus frowned and wanted to stop Malfoy to shut him up, but then he heard Malfoy say.

"This is the Quidditch arena. If anyone loses, get out of here. Dare to come?" Malfoy couldn't help but gave Ivan a provocative look.

He knew that there was a big gap between his strength and Ivan, so he had to find his place on Quidditch.

The Slytherin players were also a little moved, and there were many senior students among them, but they were cleaned up by a little wizard like Ivan just now, and everyone felt humiliated.

Marcus, who had originally intended to dissuade, also temporarily closed his mouth.

The Slytherin team with the new broomstick has almost no possibility of failure, and they do have the training rights on the field, there is no need to back down...

"Ivan is not a member of our Gryffindor." Wood stood up at this time and explained, by the way, he had to refuse directly.

After all, seven hands of 2001 were enough to boost the Slytherin team's combat power by a large margin, and Gryffindor had only a few winning percentages until restrained tactics were developed.

It's a pity that he can still wait for him to say it, and George on the side yells loudly.

"Compare, whoever loses will get out!"

"Yes, what about the new broom? Quidditch is not something you can win with a good broom!"

The excited little lions also didn't have the idea of ​​confessing, let alone Ivan's just performance, which severely beat Slytherin in the face for them, which greatly strengthened their confidence.

Wood sighed and said nothing more.

He felt that it would be good to meet Slytherin a while in advance. Even if he loses, he can understand how much advantage the light wheel 2001 can have in terms of speed, so as to facilitate the development of corresponding tactics in the official game.

It's a shame at most...

"Can I have a try?" Ivan suddenly turned his head and said to Wood.

Wood was stunned, then a little embarrassed. "Are you sure you want to play? But you haven't participated in any training yet, and you can't cooperate with everyone."

"It doesn't matter, I know all the rules of Quidditch, and when I took flight lessons, Madam Hooch was very satisfied with my flying talent." Ivan said confidently.

Hearing what Ivan said, Wood had more confidence in Ivan, and felt that he might be another flying genius like Harry.

In addition, Wood didn't know how to win this time, so after thinking about it, he said to Ivan.

"You can ask them to see who is willing to make a position."

Ivan turned his head to look at the group of Gryffindor players. When he was about to question, Fred threw his broom over and said with a grin.

"What do you think of the batsman?"

"Very good, I heard that this position can still hit people?" Ivan asked jokingly after taking over the old-fashioned sweeping five-star.

"If your aim is accurate enough..." Fred shrugged. Of course, the batter can't hit people directly, otherwise the Quidditch game will change from playing to hitting.josei

However, if the batsman is strong enough, he can clear the opposing player by hitting a wandering ball.

It’s just that it’s not easy...

Roaming ball can not only move by itself, but also very fast, often running full of the field, not so good to play, not to mention that the opponent's key players are usually protected.

"Halse, I thought you were going to hide underneath and watch." Malfoy used to feel sorry that Ivan was not a player. Now seeing Ivan voluntarily ask to play, I feel a little excited.

This means that he can humiliate the opponent severely when he is practicing later.

"You have no choice but to insult me..." Ivan said indifferently with the five-star sweep that he had just acquired.

Malfoy was itchy for a while~www.mtlnovel.com~ The Slytherins were also very excited, they exchanged eye contact with each other, and soon a consensus was formed...

"Well, Ivan, you have taken the place of Fred. Then I will drive them off one by one!" George saw that Ivan made Malfoy and the others speechless, suddenly. He happily patted his shoulder and said.

The rest of the Gryffindor team members welcomed Ivan's joining. Fred even had blind faith in Ivan. He hadn't seen anything that Ivan would not.

This is why Fred is willing to give way...

The only insider, Harry, hesitated. He remembered that in the first flight lesson, Ivan had hooked the broomstick with his feet in his hand, and successfully fooled Mrs. Hooch...

So Harry wondered if it was the right choice to put Ivan on the court...

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