Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 189

Chapter 189: Why are you all chasing after me if you don't play?

Seeing Malfoy rushing towards him with a resolute expression, leaving his life and death out of his mind, Ivan was confused..

You are crazy!

Ivan didn't understand how much damage he had done to Malfoy's young mind.

What made Ivan even more unacceptable was that the remaining four Slytherin players were all encouraged, and even the goalkeeper rushed towards him together without even needing the goal.

"Come on together and knock him off!"

"The game can be lost, Ivan Hals must die!"


Ivan saw a large group of Slytherins approaching him. They were speechless. They didn't play well one by one. Why did they come after me?

Ivan had to ride his sweeping five stars all the way, occupying himself in the experience card mode, with superb flying skills, and running to extremely dangerous places.

One time, directly passing the auditorium full of obstacles at low altitude, scared many Slytherin players from getting too close, lest they would be pitted by Ivan again.josei

Only Malfoy chased him and almost ran into the guardrail without stopping...

At this time, George, Angelina and others on the field also realized what was wrong, and flew over here, wanting to support Ivan.

But it is a pity that their broom speed is as high as it is half as fast as the smooth broom, and they can't support it at all.

"Foul! This is a foul of you! You quickly stop them all!" Off the field, Wood, the Gryffindor captain, yelled at Marcus angrily.

"Sorry, I can't help it..." Marcus spread out his hands, expressing that there was nothing he could do, and Fred was so angry that he was about to punch him.

Seeing that the fight was about to start off the court, the form of the court also changed at this time. Harry, riding on the light wheel 2000, provided timely support and successfully helped Ivan contain the two Slytherins.

This allowed Ivan to finally be able to get his hands free, find the position of the wandering ball in the first time, and start his own revenge action.

"Malfoy, go on!" Ivan smiled and waved the bat, with full strength, and hit the ball towards Malfoy.

The head-sized wandering ball approached, and Malfoy was shocked for a while, he didn't have a bat in his hand.

Fortunately, Ivan said a word in advance, and Malfoy's reaction was fairly timely, and he finally hid from him a second before he was hit, and the gust of wind blew Malfoy's robes.

"Halse, you..." Malfoy was thinking about mocking Ivan, but soon he heard a cry of pain from behind him.


Malfoy quickly turned his head to look over, and found that a Slytherin who was just behind him was swollen with a bruised nose and swollen from a wandering ball, and fell off the broom...

"What did you want to say, Malfoy?" Ivan smiled playfully.

The roaming ball just now was not aimed at Malfoy. After all, it was difficult to hit the ball from the front, but the Slytherin who was behind him was different. Malfoy blocked his sight and hitting it was normal.

"Don't forget, you don't have the ball to play now!" Malfoy gritted his teeth and continued to crash into Ivan.

Ivan waved his bat at this time. In addition to playing ball, this thing is the same as hitting people.

Since the Slytherins broke the rules first, he wouldn't be stupid enough to keep on guarding the penalty kick.

watch out!

Ivan muttered silently in his heart, and a bat turned towards Malfoy.

Malfoy was so frightened that he hurriedly lifted off into the air, rubbing his cheek with the wide stick body, and Malfoy dodged dangerously and dangerously.

The wind on the court suddenly reversed, and Ivan chased Malfoy all over the court, while the remaining Slytherins were dragged by George, Angelina and others who were rushed over.

No matter how slow their broomsticks were, they couldn't hold up the crowds, and no one could come to support Malfoy for a while.

But Malfoy relied on his broomstick and ran all over the court, and Ivan was very depressed and couldn't help him.

"Halse, come on, go on!" After Malfoy noticed that Ivan could not catch up with him, he began to float again, and once again pointed his **** at Ivan.

"Ivan, go on!" At this time, Alia, as a chaser, suddenly hit a ghost flying ball over.

Ivan immediately understood what she meant, gave Alia a thumbs up, and then hit the ghost ball at Malfoy, this time directly in the face.

"Halse, you are a foul!" Malfoy was so frightened that he lay his head on the broom with his hands in his hands and yelled, but he didn't care that his previous foul was also.

The ghost flying ball flew past Malfoy, and in the distance, another innocent Slytherin landed...

"Awesome fight, Hals!" Alia flew over with a smile, and high-five to celebrate with Ivan.

George also learned a lot, and got the roaming ball over and let Ivan play it.

Ivan pretended to be playing Malfoy again, clearing the scene one by one...

This caused the rest of the Slytherin players to stare at Malfoy. They thought Malfoy was with the opposing group, or how could it be such a coincidence.

Malfoy had an innocent look on his face. It really doesn't matter to him. This must be Hals's conspiracy to divorce everyone!

Soon, with the combination of everyone passing the ball and Ivan's precise strike, the only Slytherin on the court was left with Malfoy.

At this time, Marcus watched as a Slytherin player was recruited, and fell heavily on the court, crying with distress, he couldn't help yelling.

"Foul, this is a foul of you, let him stop quickly."

"I can't control them." Wood suppressed a smile, and spread his hands like Marcus just now, saying that he could do nothing.

Hermione, Fred, and others were all guilty. Ron had been paying attention to the situation in the sky, wanting to see how Ivan would deal with Malfoy.

At this moment, Malfoy also noticed that he was the only Slytherin left on the court~www.mtlnovel.com~ and suddenly looked flustered, but still shouted loudly and sternly.

"What do you want to do?"

"What did you say?" Ivan smiled badly. He deliberately reminded him every time he played, just thinking about leaving Malfoy to clean up.

Malfoy was going to run away when he saw that the situation was bad, but he was surrounded by George and the others, and there were people blocking him no matter where he went.

Taking advantage of Malfoy's panic, Ivan speeded up with all his strength and drove the broom to fly in front of Malfoy...

Malfoy closed his eyes in horror, covering his head with his hands, thinking that he would be beaten by the stick in Ivan's hand.

However, Ivan dragged Malfoy by the back collar, dragged him off the broom, and soared through the sky with him...

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