Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 190

Chapter 190: 1 Cut for victory!

Although Malfoy was surprised that Ivan didn't give him a stick, he opened his eyes and saw that he was raised high in the sky by Ivan, and he was immediately frightened.

Originally, Malfoy was still making harsh words because of his arrogance.

As Ivan's speed got faster and faster, he dived to the ground, Malfoy collapsed completely, holding Ivan's thighs desperately, for fear that he would just hit himself on the ground like this.

"Ahhh~" Malfoy's scream echoed in the sky.

But things were not like Malfoy thought. Ivan just flew with him all the way to the ground for a while before landing smoothly...

After landing, Malfoy was still a little frightened, there were even some teardrops remaining in the corners of his eyes, and he kept talking about me to tell my dad to listen...

Ivan was speechless, and the original joy of victory disappeared without a trace. This is just a little devil who is still crying with a runny nose. It seems that there is nothing to be happy about winning.

Marcus looked at Malfoy's gaffe, very embarrassed, and at the same time looked at Ivan with a little more complicated look.

He didn't expect that Ivan would be able to kill one by one under the siege of seven Slytherin players. This flying technique is not weaker than some players in regular matches.

Marcus was secretly shocked by his incredible ability to hit the ball. In the next official game, if there is no way to limit Ivan's performance, then there is no need to hit...

Thinking of this, Marcus had a headache, but he had no choice but to take Malfoy, who had just been relieved, to find the injured players who had just landed, and send those who could not move to the school hospital.

After Marcus left, Wood said to Ivan excitedly.

"You played really well just now. I must propose to Professor McGonagall that you be recruited into the team. With you, we have won the championship this year!"

"But the team seems to be full, right?" Ivan considered the grade points at the end of the settlement, and wanted to agree, but quickly looked at Fred with a little trouble.

He remembered that Fred liked to play, and he always felt a little sorry to take his place.

"It's okay, I'll give you the position of the hitter, as long as it can help us win this year's Quidditch championship." Fred waved his hand, expressing his willingness to give way, and even smiled happily. Ivan was confused.

After such an agreement, Wood quickly thought of a set of tactics, and while there was still time, he commanded everyone to practice.

The core of this set of tactics is to use Ivan’s amazing hitting ability to directly knock down the opponent’s seeker with a ghost fly ball. In that case, the next game situation is up to them...

During the training, Ivan was required to be able to shoot down Harry in flight with a ghost ball under the chase of George, Angelina and others...

"What?" Harry looked at Wood dumbfounded, why should he be beaten?

"You are the best seeker in the whole Hogwarts! If Ivan can shoot you down, he will surely be able to knock down seekers from other teams!" Woodyu slapped Harry on the shoulder earnestly, again. Opened the mouth.

"And it can also train your evasion ability by the way, so as not to be targeted by other team's batter..."

Harry opened his mouth and was about to say something, but under Wood's "all for victory" eyes, he had to ride the broom depressed..

In the following training, Harry, who had suffered in vain, couldn't tell. The whole field was beaten by Ivan.

Ivan wanted to keep his hand, but Wood shouted hoarsely outside the court. The sound of blessing the curse could spread throughout the court...

"Hals, hurry up, fly faster, hit that way!"

"Strong! Didn't you eat today?"

"Aim for me, Potter won't last long!"


Listening to Wood's hoarse shouts, Ivan almost thought that Harry had offended him somewhere during training.

But then he shook his head again. Wood probably wanted too much to win the Quidditch championship.

Originally last school year, with Harry's addition, Gryffindor had won two games in a row, and won the last one to win the championship.

It's just a pity that due to the threat of Chino at the end of the semester, Dumbledore suspended all large-scale activities in the school, and naturally included the Quidditch finals!

With his joining this time, Wood is undoubtedly determined to win!

"Hit, don't keep your hands!" Harry also realized this at this time, gritted his teeth, and shouted at Ivan.

Ivan nodded and started to use all his strength, accelerated out of the encirclement of Angelina and others, shot the wandering ball out, and shot away in the air against Harry who turned not far away. .

However, Harry's flying talent is amazing, and George, as a batsman, is always protected by Harry, so even Ivan is not so easy to hit him.

After training like this all afternoon, Harry was shot down several times.

Thanks to Wood who was always staring off the court and ready to use the Levitating Charm to rescue him, Harry was not sent to the school hospital.

After successfully joining the Quidditch team, Ivan hadn't been happy for long, and soon understood the troubles of joining the team.

Because of the daily Quidditch training, he squeezed a lot of free time.

More importantly, Ivan knew very well that his flight level was far from that of Wood and the others.

The reason why he was able to appear easily under the siege of Slytherin riding a light wheel in 2001 is mostly because in the experience card mode, his speed of thinking and the ability to control the body have been greatly improved... .

However, Wood completely regarded him as a Quidditch genius, which made Ivan very depressed and had to waste a lot of academic points on training.

Fortunately, with such high-intensity training, coupled with several times the learning speed, Ivan's flight level improved linearly after two weeks.

Although under normal conditions, the fly is not as good as Harry, a talented guy, but he can barely hold on for a long time under the chase and interception of George and others.

In line with the principle of not wasting academic points, Yifan uses experience cards less and less.

This has led to the fact that Ivan’s state is extremely unstable after more than ten days of training, and his level fluctuates.

What Wood saw was confused. The more people practiced their flying skills, the better, but Ivan's flight was getting worse and worse...Occasionally, he would return to his normal level at a time of danger.

Wood couldn't help but asked, Ivan bit to death and said that it must be because of too frequent training. Give him a few more days off, and the combination of work and rest is the truth!

"Well, let's suspend training for a few days!" After Ivan insisted repeatedly, Wood had to compromise.

More importantly, after these days of training, Harry, as a target, couldn't stand it for a long time, and desperately needed a rest.

"Huh, I can finally rest," Harry sighed in relief when he learned that he was finally not in training, and then complained again. "Can't Captain Wood change someone to be the target? It's me every time..."

"Who makes you fly the best in the Gryffindor team? George and the others can't dodge my ghost fly ball." Ivan said jokingly.

"Come on, I'm not as good as you." Harry rolled his eyes. He had witnessed Ivan's presence a few days ago, and he did such an extremely difficult action as gliding on the ground. He didn't dare now. try.josei

Ivan smiled but didn't say anything, he was far from reaching this level under normal conditions.

Besides ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ivan doesn't have much interest in Quidditch competitions. I participated this time to see how much impact my participation in the championship will have on the final rewards at the end of the semester.

Secondly, I want to experiment to see if I can gain some legendary points by doing this...

Harry talked with Ivan all the way about flying skills. After returning to the dormitory, he was still thinking about going to Hagrid's guest during the rest of the few days.

It was just that this proposal was rejected by Ivan. There was a reason why he was so eager to request a vacation from Wood. According to his estimation, tomorrow would happen to be the next full moon night.

It also meant that he no longer had to hold that **** leaf all the time. After this month, Ivan was so uncomfortable that he almost swallowed the leaf several times...

At the same time, Ivan was very curious about what his Animagus would be...

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