Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 191

Chapter 191: what is this? Cuckoo chicken?

One day passed by, and Ivan waited until the full moon was high in the middle of the night, and came to the high platform invisibly. He looked at the steps recorded in the practice notes and held the mandela leaf in his mouth for a month. Take it out.

Take out a crystal vial and put all the complicated materials prepared in advance one by one,

Under the moonlight, the slightly turbid potion faintly exudes a crystal shimmer, Ivan can clearly feel that under the action of the sky, the magic potion in front of him seems to have undergone a subtle change...

"Next, I hope that the storm created by Bing House can really be effective..."

Ivan murmured to himself, then put away the potion, went through the secret tunnel from the rooftop to the location of the House of Request on the 8th floor, and entered the dense forest that was created out of thin air.

Ivan waved his magic wand and turned a piece of dead branch on the ground into a shovel. Ivan began the work of digging the hole, and finally placed the potion in the hole and buried it.

After making all the preparations, Ivan set the time for the storm to come, adjusted the efficiency to the maximum, and left the responsive room.

Until the evening of the third day, when Ivan re-entered, there was a violent wind in the room responsive to requests, and Ivan was a little bit unable to open his eyes when the wind was blowing.

As a thunder pierced the sky, and the majestic rain fell one after another, Ivan quickly ran to the burial site.

The shovel damaged the crystal bottle, so Ivan had to dig with both hands to clear the silt out one by one.

Even though the cold rain water soaks his body, Ivan does not care, only when the rain water flows down his forehead into his eyes, will he wipe it with the same wet sleeves...

It was not buried deep before, and within ten minutes, Ivan dug a hole with his bare hands, and finally saw the potion he had put down.

After a few days of precipitation and the magical power of the celestial phenomenon, this bottle of originally turbid potion has completely turned blood red, and the fluorescent fluorescence of the magical power is visible to the naked eye...

After being taken out, the magic power seemed to be gradually dissipating. Perceiving this, Ivan went out at the fastest speed to adjust the state of the responsive house and stopped the storm.

When I re-enter, everything is back to the original state.

The surroundings are still dim, and the sky has returned to a gray appearance. Only the wet ground can prove that this place has just faced a storm...

"Clean up!" Ivan stretched out his wand and clicked on his robe. The rain fell from the robe automatically as if it had life.

I have to say that magic is sometimes incredibly convenient...

Ivan paused, then cast a flame curse again, and it took a while to dry himself.

Therefore, Ivan didn't care about the time wasted.

Although the effect of the Animagus potion will be slightly weakened over time, it is more important to ensure your state and mentality than it...

Success or failure in one fell swoop!

Ivan exhaled deeply, pressed his wand against his heart, and slowly chanted the spell...

"Amado, Animo, Animado..."

The strange tone echoed in the dense forest, and there was a faint echo from farther away...

Before long, Ivan felt an inexplicable horror in his heart, and his whole body began to heat up, like a fire...

Ivan suppressed the discomfort in his heart, glanced at the blood red potion in his hand, spent 100 academic points to exchange for the experience card mode, and drank it without hesitation.

In fact, the safest case is to spend five legendary points to redeem the protection mode, so as to be foolproof.

However, it is a pity that it is too difficult to obtain legendary points. Ivan has only had the three legendary points gained last semester so far, so he can only choose a little riskier approach.

The blood-red potion was poured into the mouth, it was sticky like yogurt, but the taste was weird, and the temperature was amazing.

Ivan frowned, and as the potion flowed into his body, the temperature began to rise faster and faster.

Where he couldn't see, the blood flowing in the veins glowed with magical power. Some power seemed to be activated in it, but it quickly fell silent again...

Without waiting for Ivan to think about it, the magic transformation began to be activated in the next moment, and a vague image appeared in Ivan's mind out of thin air.

Isn't it a unicorn?

Ivan only had time to make such a judgment, and was interrupted by the pressure from his body.

In the experience card mode, Ivan can clearly feel that the magic power in the body starts to flow automatically to the whole body.

Just like when analyzing animals before, with the influx of magic power, Ivan "sees" every muscle fiber in his body, even cell structure...

Suddenly, Ivan felt a little clear. If he wants to change back later, he must remember what his body looks like.

Ivan tried hard to remember everything he saw, but didn't understand that after the magic power analyzed his whole body, the magic power in the body had passively remembered his state and no longer needed subjective memory...

Just after every cell in his body was filled with magical power, Ivan suddenly felt that his body began to twist and deform.

The bones began to dislocate, and the trees not far away were getting higher and higher. Under the influence of magic, Ivan did not feel too much pain, and some only had fear and confusion about the unknown...

Soon, in Ivan’s perception, something seemed to extend along the pores, and the magic that was originally circulating throughout the body also slowly poured into his mind at this time, protecting his thinking from being too small. The brain volume is stagnant...

The first transformation lasted for a long time, and when Ivan noticed that everything had stabilized, he tried to manipulate his body.

"Cuckoo cuckoo?" Ivan wanted to say something, but some strange noises came out, which made him feel very bad.

"Bah, what the **** have I become? Cuckoo chicken?" Ivan cried "cuckoo" for a long time before he found a way to vocalize normally. That is to condense the magic power in The part of his throat.

Ivan raised his hand and placed it in front of him, and found that what caught his eye was a pile of gray feathers, what kind of bird it should be.

This made Ivan a little disappointed. It seemed that he was not a magical creature. He had always thought that he would become a unicorn, thunderbird, or phoenix...

Ivan flapped his wings, flew up obliquely, and flew towards the puddle on the side, trying to confirm what he had changed...

When I flew to the edge of the puddle and glanced at the reflection in the water, Ivan almost fell into the water...



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