Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 192

Chapter 192: I'm the most familiar eagle on Hogwarts Road!

"Ye Xiao? Why did I become this? It's impossible? It's so good to change to a phoenix, thunderbird, etc..." Ivan said helplessly as he stood by the pool, looking at the reflection on the water.

With the completion of the transformation, the system prompt sounded in Ivan's mind at the same time.

[Ding, your Transfiguration level has been improved, the current level is 5 (3/3200)]

[Ding, special magic: Animagus Transformation (Owl) has been unlocked. 】


"I know I have become an owl, but can't I change it to the nickname night owl?" Looking at the name of the shapeshifting creature of Animagus in the system, Ivan couldn't help but vomit.

Perhaps it was Ivan’s request that the system bar was converted from the Chinese interface to the English interface, so that there is no need to entangle the problem of aliases, because they are all the same word...

Ivan rolled his eyes, and the only thing to be thankful for was that the polymorphism he had been stuck with for a long time finally escalated as he expected.

It's just that Animagus is a special kind of magic, there is no level display, but it is strengthened as the level of Transfiguration increases.

"Forget it, just owl..." Ivan sighed.

Now that the Animagus form had been determined and could not be changed, Ivan quickly accepted this fact and studied the help that this form could bring to him.

The most important thing is concealment!

As the wizard's most powerful animal companion, the owl is everywhere in the magical world. When necessary, he can pretend to be an owl delivering letters and go in and out of various places without being targeted.

What makes Ivan a little dissatisfied is that in the form of an owl, he cannot cast spells at will.

Although he still possesses magic power, he cannot use magic without the common guidance of wands, gestures, and spells.

This makes the combat effectiveness in this state very worrying...

Ivan couldn't help but think of the fast-running brindle cat when he was in the Forbidden Forest last school year. Maybe there is any way to improve his combat effectiveness in the Animagus form.

If he remembered correctly, Sirius, who was also an Animagus, turned into a dog, and even restrained Lupin, who turned into a werewolf.

This is not what an average large dog can do...josei

Thinking of this, Ivan was no longer tangled, flapping his wings hard, adapting to his new body, and then flew again crookedly.

Since the time limit of the experience card has not yet ended, it didn’t take long for Ivan to gradually master the normal flying skills. In the dense forest created by the house of responsiveness,

Ivan soon experienced that being able to fly freely is a huge advantage in itself, and it has a much higher safety factor and maneuverability compared to becoming other creatures.

More importantly, feeling the oncoming breeze, Ivan felt it was much more refreshing than riding a broom...

After getting used to it for a while, Ivan remembered his exploration mission, and now seems to have found a way to complete it.

It is much safer to sneak into the bedroom as an owl than to use the compound decoction.

Unless his acting skills are too bad, or he ran into a master of transformation like Dumbledore, otherwise, the whole of Hogwarts he came and went freely...

Ivan no longer hesitated, opened the door with difficulty, flew out of the responsive house, and wandered in Hogwarts Castle.


At this time, it was evening, and the little wizards who had just had dinner chatted and laughed in twos and threes, and returned to the dormitory.

Ivan flapped his wings and swept through the air without anyone caring, and he could even eavesdrop on the conversation between them, because to outsiders, he was just a gray owl, and there was nothing to pay attention to.

What surprised Ivan even more was that this form gave him much more help. Because of his transformation, he also automatically mastered a foreign language-Owl!

Whenever owls flew past him, Ivan could get some information from their calls.

"Cuckoo~ (to deliver the letter This is a postman owl.

"Gummy, gummy~ (so hungry, can't fly This is a thin owl.

"Cuckoo...(Today our Slytherin password is pure blood... This is a Slytherin owl.


Although most of the content of the owl's screams are useless nonsense, occasionally a small amount of interesting information is revealed.

For example, the password to enter and exit the Slytherin dormitory today,

This discovery made Ivan very happy, which meant that he could go to the Slytherin bedroom for a stroll.

Just as Ivan was preparing to act, a gray-white owl with an envelope bound to his feet flew slowly by his side.

Ivan was stunned and turned his head abruptly.

Huh...Why does that owl that deliver the letter look so like me?

That's not as good as...

Thousands of thoughts flickered in Ivan's mind, quickly turned around, flapped his wings and caught up with the owl that looked a lot like himself.

"Goo, coo, coo-coo~ (Hey, where are you going? Do you need me to help you guide? Ivan tried to communicate with the other party in eagle language he didn't know how many levels.

"Goo...(Go to Ravenclaw’s female bed to deliver a newspaper, I know how to go, I don’t need you to show the way! The gray-white owl glanced at Ivan sideways, and grumbled in his mouth. .

Evan suddenly felt that his eyes lit up. He was worried that he did not have a suitable identity to go to the female bed to explore. Isn't this a good opportunity?

"How about let me deliver the letter for you? So you can rest for a while. You know, I am the most familiar eagle on Hogwarts Road. Everyone calls me a little messenger who is eager to help the eagle." Ivan Goo Said grumbled.

"Goo, coo~ (No, I have to deliver the letter by myself! The gray-white owl ignored Ivan's proposal and flew forward on its own.

As a self-disciplined owl, it will not let the eagle deliver letters for laziness.

Ivan was comforted, but the other party was still indifferent, and Ivan had no choice but to resort to a trick...

Ivan flapped his wings abruptly and rose into the sky, but then crashed down at a faster speed...

what! Ye Xiao pounces!

The sensitive hearing made the gray-white owl spotted the danger ahead of time, but it was obviously too late at this time, and only had time to make a "guck" sound, and Ivan fell to the ground with a flap of wings.

One move succeeded~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ivan continued to do his best, swooping down, flapping his wings.

Under the flow of magic power, Ivan was surprised to find that his strength was much greater than before, and it didn't take long for the innocent owl to be photographed and fainted.

After that, Ivan slowly untied the rope tied with the newspaper from the opponent's feet, held the newspaper in his mouth, and flew towards Ravenclaw's bedroom pretendingly.

From now on, he is an owl delivering letters...

(PS: The chapter name of the next chapter is too long, it may not be able to be played, so I will post it here as a preview [Ivan: Why do you want to make things difficult for a poor owl who just came to deliver a newspaper?])



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