Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 194

Chapter 194: Your owl fell halfway and can't come!

Luna's weird words made the Ravenclaw do not know what to do. After chanting a few "crazy girl" in his mouth, she angrily looked for her hairpin.

At this time, Ivan had already sent the card to the marble bust of Rowena Ravenclaw. Without using the Flying Curse, it would take a lot of effort to get it.

This is also a small test of wisdom. He believes that a qualified Ravenclaw can definitely think of a way to take it down.

The reason why I was willing to help Luna temporarily, Ivan was somewhat embarrassed considering that he had just injured the other's owl.

After all this, Ivan took the newspaper in his mouth and flew to Luna to complete his task of delivering the newspaper.

"Thank you!" Luna thanked her very seriously, and then looked at Ivan's "Singing and Singing" in his mouth, and asked strangely.

"Why are you here to deliver the paper? Where is my father's owl?"

Even though the owl in front of him was gray and white and similar in size to her father's, Luna recognized it at a glance.

"It fell halfway and couldn't come, so I'll deliver the letter to it." Ivan murmured to himself, without expecting the other party to understand it.

But she didn't want to, Luna showed a surprised look on her face, and she murmured. "Do owls wrestle? It's the first time I heard..."

"Can you understand owl language?" Ivan looked at the little witch in shock.

How is this possible?

"No, I don't understand..." Luna shook her head, and the cork that hung around her neck dangled with her movements.

Ivan was confused and could not understand the thoughts of the little witch in front of him. If she didn't understand, how could she know what I was talking about.

At this time, Luna stretched out her hand and took down the "Singing the Devil" from Ivan's mouth. She waited for the latest issue for a long time and opened it directly.

After Ivan finished delivering the paper, he planned to fly away, looking for someone whose window was not closed, and wandering in, but after accidentally scanning the headline of "The Devil", he stopped.

The headline above directly surprised him..

[The potion genius Ivan Hals does not exist at all! 】

what? I don't even exist?

With a dark face, Ivan stepped his little paw closer, wanting to see what was written on it.

Luna didn't care about one more animal reading the newspaper, and generously laid down "Singing and Singing".

This is undoubtedly convenient for Ivan. After reading it carefully, Ivan was speechless.

I don't know who edited this article, it's full of conspiracy theories.

It is stated that Ivan Hals, the so-called potion genius, is likely to be a cover introduced by the Ministry of Magic to alleviate the contradictions between werewolves, and the wolf poison potion does not exist at all.

The reason is that an eleven or twelve-year-old little wizard, it is impossible to research something like wolf poison potion...

Ivan was speechless for a while. He didn't know how many bottles of his wolf poison potion had been sold. The nomination of the Merlin Medal was published in the newspaper, and some people thought he was fabricated...

Besides, the Ministry of Magic is not idle. What good is it for them to make up a potion genius?

While Ivan was spitting out in his heart, Luna's ethereal voice rang in his ears.

"But the Ministry of Magic is always looking for something to do, whether it makes sense or not, doesn't it?"

Ivan opened his mouth. He didn't say anything just now, and he didn't feel the magical fluctuations of dementia. Could this little witch understand the owl's expression?

Luna was not replying to his words this time, but she said to herself while looking at the newspaper.

"Yeah...but this news is definitely wrong. I saw Ivan Hals during the school opening ceremony. I want to write a letter and send it back."

With that, Luna stood up and put the newspaper away, and then walked towards the bedroom.

Ivan waved his wings and followed. He just needed to go to the other party's bedroom for a stroll, so he landed on Luna's shoulder and prepared to take a ride.

Luna also didn't care at all, and while chatting with him about harassment gangsters and crooked snorers, discussing where these magical little creatures are most likely to appear?

This person-by-bird communication has attracted the attention of many Ravenclaws and casts curious eyes.josei

If another person did this, the wise Ravenclaws might wonder if there was something wrong with it.

But Luna usually wears clothes and is maverick, and she has some weird, non-existent creatures, so that she became famous in Ravenclaw not long after she first arrived.

Some people even wonder if the sorting hat is wrong, why would she be assigned to Ravenclaw...

A few Ravenclaw girls, on the other hand, felt that Luna was indeed a mad girl, and she actually communicated with an owl.

This is also the reason why Ivan chatted with Luna generously. With this layer of cover-up, who can see clearly what is real?

Ravenclaw's bedroom was set up next to the huge Ravenclaw statue, where he just placed the issuing card.

When I got here, Ivan realized that in just such a short time, the hairpin placed on the head of the statue had disappeared without a trace, and it seemed that it had been taken away by the other party...

As expected of Ravenclaw, Ivan felt that he underestimated the little witch...

Luna didn't care about this at all, she found the door of her bedroom straight from the aisle, and walked in with Ivan.

It's not the first time Ivan has entered a girls' dormitory, but the style here is obviously different from that of Gryffindor's girls' dormitory, which tends to be fresh and elegant.

There are many books and study notes neatly placed on the table,

Something incompatible with the general style is a bed leaning on the corner, where many weird decorations are hung~www.mtlnovel.com~ It looks like it is carved from carrots, and the bed is surrounded by a circle of wooden barrels. plug...

"Strange, where's the airship I made? Remember to put it here..." Luna stepped forward and looked at an empty basin beside the bed in surprise.

"Maybe someone stole it and hid it?" Ivan thought about it for a moment, then had a guess, and said.

He remembered that in the original time and space, because of Luna's weird behavior, many people liked to deliberately tease her, hide her things or throw them away...

This time is probably no exception...

Luna quickly thought of the Ravenclaw girl just now, but she didn't mean to be angry, but said with emotion.

"Then she must also think that the airship is very beautiful...when she has played enough, maybe she will come back..."

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