Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 195

Chapter 195: Character keys and clues

Ivan rolled his eyes. Although he didn't understand how beautiful Luna's airship was, the other party obviously didn't take it because of this. It was even dreaming to expect the other party to come back...

But he was an owl now, he couldn't use a flying curse, nor could he help Luna.

[Ding, explore the Ravenclaw girls’ dormitory..]josei

The system prompt sounded in his mind, and Ivan's expression paused, which meant that he should go.

"Thank you for taking me here. I think I have to leave now." Ivan flapped his wings and flew into the air, speaking.

"Why are you leaving?" Luna's light-colored eyes looked at him curiously, making Ivan a little uncomfortable.

Just when Ivan doubted whether he had been exposed, he heard the little witch speak in a misty voice.

"That won't work, you haven't delivered the letter for me yet?"

Send a letter?

Ivan rolled his eyes, and then remembered that he had told Luna earlier that he was sending the letter in place of her father’s owl...

I didn't expect Luna to remember it all the time, but Ivan didn't have this idle time, and was really an owl delivering letters.

When Ivan was wondering how to refuse, a gray-white owl staggered and flew in from the open window.

However, Ivan's expression was abruptly, with some guilty conscience inexplicably, because that was the one he had knocked out before.

The gray-white owl shook violently after seeing Ivan, so scared that it almost didn't fall from the sky.

It wasn't until I saw Luna on the side that she flapped her wings excitedly, and yelled constantly in her mouth.

"Is that so? The owl that looks a lot like you snatched your letter and knocked you out?" Luna's face showed a look of surprise, but when she turned her head and looked over, she found that Iraq was missing. Van's trace.

Walking to the window, Luna looked out, only to find that the strange owl had flown away...

Ivan flew high in the sky, turned his head and looked over, and saw Luna standing outside the window and the owl who was "cooing" in protest. He couldn't help but feel fortunate.

"Fortunately, I slipped fast!" Ivan muttered to himself, then turned around and flew towards the other side. He had to go to the boys' bedroom for a walk...

Taking advantage of the night time, Ivan used the form of Animagus to recklessly explored in Hogwarts, and explored all the lounges of Slytherin and Hufflepuff.

[Ding, explore the Hufflepuff Lounge, and the progress of exploring Hogwarts has reached 71%. Do you receive rewards? 】

Just after Ivan strolled around again, he finally completed the exploration mission that he had never forgotten before.

"Receive the reward!" Ivan said.

The next moment, a large number of weird characters suddenly appeared in Ivan’s mind.

These characters looked extremely weird. They weren't any kind of characters he knew, nor did they look like ancient magic texts. The most important thing was that the prompts given by the system made Ivan confused.

"These characters are the keys!" Ivan muttered silently to the information the system fed back in his mind.

Even so, Ivan didn’t have any clues, there were too few hints,

What does this mean?

How can a string of characters be used as a key?

If there is a key, where is the "door"?

Ivan was very depressed. With a thought, he suddenly remembered the task of The Mystery of Blood. After opening the system bar, he found that the progress of the task had changed.

【Task: The Mystery of Bloodline

Mission: Find a way to integrate multiple bloodlines

Current task progress: 15%

Task reward: legendary value*1


"The progress has increased by ten percent?" Ivan was stunned for a moment. It seemed that his previous guess was not wrong. Completing the exploration mission was indeed a breakthrough.

If you can figure out the meaning of this series of payments, you might be able to find a way to fuse multiple bloodlines.

Thinking of this, Ivan prepared to go to the library to look up books about texts to see if he could decipher these characters.

As for continuing to push the progress of the mission to explore Hogwarts to 100%, to get more information?

Ivan didn’t have this idea at all. The whole Hogwarts was too big and too mysterious. He had already explored all the places he could go, but even so, he could only push the task progress to 7%. Only eleven.

Ivan felt that even if he stayed here for seven academic years, he might not be able to understand the full picture of the castle.


A few days passed in a flash.

Just as Ivan was soaking in the library and inquiring about the meaning of the characters, Wood restarted Quidditch training and summoned all the players to the Quidditch Stadium in the evening to participate in training.

Taking into account the possible student status and legend points, Ivan had to spare some time to continue to practice his flying skills.

After training in the afternoon, Ivan was about to return to the dormitory to take a bath and rest, but was caught by the sneaky George and Fred.

"What's the matter?" Ivan looked at the two people in front of him, strangely.

"Do you remember the last semester we said we wanted you to be a special counselor?" George said mysteriously.

"Of course," Ivan nodded, and then asked unexpectedly as if thinking of something. "Your magic trick shop is about to officially open?"

"Yes!" George and Fred said in unison.

"We found a suitable place to serve as our base." George said happily, and Fred continued.

"So we want to invite you to see..."

They found a room for everyone? Ivan thought this for the first time, but after the two arrived at the so-called secret base, they realized that it was not the case.

This is just a storage room that seems to have been abandoned for a long time. It is the size of a classroom, and it has piled up many items for making magic props...

George proudly took Ivan to look at the layout inside, and explained it aloud.

"This place was accidentally discovered by Fred and I~www.mtlnovel.com~ We have been observing this place for a long time. No one has been to this place for a long time, so we will tidy it up and temporarily use it as a magic trick. The proving ground and station of the workshop!"

"It looks pretty good," Ivan nodded, looking at the half-finished joke toy merchandise on the table.

Fred was excitedly pointing to two of the new props and introduced Ivan to them.

"This is a decoy bomb, as long as it is thrown out, it will go around everywhere, and it's only appropriate to create chaos!"

"That's whoosh-boom fireworks, one of our masterpieces!"

"Thanks to the ideas you told us during the summer vacation, and two hundred Jin Jialong as research funds, we can make so many interesting things." Fred said with a smile.

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