Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 196

Chapter 196: Inheritance knowledge of pure blood family

"I just gave some trivial suggestions." Ivan shook his head, and didn't mean to take credit.

He knew very well that even without himself, George and Fred would make these things in the future, he just moved this time forward.

"Come on, we all know how good you are!" Fred said with a grin, thinking it was Ivan's humble language.

"I said before that inviting Hals to be our special adviser is the most correct choice." George picked up a prepared firework and handed it to Ivan to indicate that he could try it.

"How? Would you like to experience our masterpiece?"

Ivan raised his hand to take it, and the outside of the boom fireworks looked like the fireworks in the Muggle world, with rough red leather on it, before the icon was printed.

Ivan was very interested in these interesting magic items in the previous life, and now I have the opportunity to experiment by myself.

Fiddled with it casually, and Ivan quickly figured out how this thing should be stimulated, input a little magic power, the top of the paper tube in his hand "shooed", and a dazzling spark came out.

Immediately afterwards, the red fireworks brought up a long tail of red sparks in the sky...

But this is just the beginning. Colorful sparks constantly gush out from the paper tube, rushing around in mid-air, and when they encounter obstacles, they will explode suddenly...

Dozens of fireworks rushing around hit the wall or debris from time to time, bursting out a spark, making chaos in the small storage room...

A few even flew towards the three people standing in the middle, and Ivan activated the effect of the protective ring to block it, and blue-violet sparks exploded in front of them, looking extremely gorgeous.

George and Fred were a little embarrassed by the fireworks, but they didn't take it seriously, grinning humiliatedly, after all, this was the effect they expected to achieve.

"It's not over yet, if someone tries to stop them with the Vanishing Curse, or other curses, they will definitely ask for trouble!"

As George introduced with a smile, he drew his wand and cast a coma spell on a smashing firework.

As the light of a spell flashed, the hit fireworks suddenly expanded and burst...

The crackling kept on, the huge firelight appeared like a dragon's head in mid-air, and the blue-violet sparks splashed all around, spreading several meters away, it looked extremely gorgeous!

The corners of Ivan's mouth twitched, and he felt that if this power was stronger, it would be no problem to sell it directly as a weapon.

Ivan remembered the magic props developed by the Weasley brothers in the original time and space. They said they were funny magic toys. In fact, many of them were more like dangerous illegal items.

For example, this Weasley swish-boom fireworks, or the ecstasy called "Wonder Witch", and another magic item that can turn the entire corridor into a swamp when released!

Ivan remembers that it should be called a portable swamp. After release, it can turn the entire corridor into a swamp landform. If used well, it is completely a strategic weapon!

I have to say that it is too wasteful to use these things for pranks...

"By the way, George, how did you make these interesting things?" Ivan asked, very curious about the source of their knowledge.

You must know that with his current knowledge of fourth-level alchemy, he couldn't make something like a portable swamp, but George and Fred made it in the original time and space.josei

"Fred and I accidentally turned over many old books from my father's library before going to school. The knowledge we used to make these props was learned from there." George didn't mean to hide it, he said directly. .

Is the inherited knowledge of the pure-blood family?

Ivan remembered the flying Muggle car he saw at the beginning of school, which seemed to have been modified by George and Fred's father Arthur Weasley himself.

Thinking of this, Ivan became more interested in the magic tricks that the two had founded, which was a brand new knowledge of alchemy.

"By the way, Ivan, what do you think of the effect of the booming firework just now?" Fred said expectantly.

"Very good, I think there will be many tricky little wizards who will like this." Ivan quickly recovered and said with a smile.

These are all good things to create explosions and chaos. It can be improved to increase the power to use against the enemy...

"We think so too!" George nodded, and then chatted with Ivan enthusiastically about their sales plan, as well as subsequent improvements and research work on magic items.

Combining his previous life, Ivan learned some sales knowledge in the Muggle world, and gave them a lot of advice. Some knowledge is even more advanced than what is used in the Muggle world now.

Although these are all theories, Ivan himself does not have any practical experience, but this does not prevent George and Fred from understanding.

At first they were able to participate in the discussion together, and the knowledge soon became Ivan alone...

George and Fred were stunned for a while, and when Ivan was talking a little dry, George asked with a weird expression.

"I just wanted to ask, is there anything else you don't know?"

"Don't say that, I just usually read a lot of books! This knowledge is what I see in some Muggle books. Muggles are much better than our wizards when it comes to making money." Ivan shrugged. Shrugged, then hesitated.

"If you want to talk about things I don't know, of course there are."

George and Fred were very curious.

Ivan waved his magic wand, and the light spot formed by magic power turned into a strange symbol in mid-air. This was one of a large string of characters given to him by the system.

"Have you seen anything similar?" Ivan asked

"No, this looks like some kind of character, is it a new kind of magic text?" George shook his head, saying that he hadn't seen it either.

"Maybe we can try to burn it onto magic materials and see if it can do anything." Fred gave a feasible suggestion.

Ivan nodded ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and soon experimented with enthusiasm, arranging a few of the characters in his mind, trying to enter the magic power, but nothing happened.

"En...may not be used like this..." Fred said with embarrassment, touching his hair.

If these characters are really a kind of magic text, even if they are arranged in a wrong way, there will be some reactions, such as direct explosions.

Ivan touched the smooth chin. As a person who inputs magic power, he can perceive more than George and Fred watching by.

These characters actually have some reactions to magic, but they are extremely weak...



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