Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 197

Chapter 197: You are so showy, why don't you go to arms?

However, Ivan pondered it over carefully and felt that this kind of character-like thing should not be used to make magic props.

Ivan still has the confidence to tell this point...

Eliminating one possibility, Ivan saw that George and Fred had no clue, so he stopped asking more, and instead talked about the business model of the magic trick shop.

George and Fred even proposed that Ivan should be formally hired as a special adviser to Witchcraft and Wizardry, with one-third of the shares in Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"Are you sure? I, the special adviser, doesn't seem to do anything." Ivan was surprised.

The research on these magic items was done by George and Fred, so Ivan didn't want to take advantage of them.

"Of course, this was decided by me and Fred together. You have contributed so many ideas to us before, but it has helped us a lot." George nodded and said.

Fred also added.josei

"Besides, during our summer vacation, we haven't thanked you for helping us get the order from the Ministry of Magic, otherwise my mother would have burned all our research results..."

Having said this, George and Fred looked at each other and smiled, told Ivan about those funny things that happened in the Burrow, and finally said jokingly.

"When my mother saw the fifty Jin Jialongs you gave us, she thought we had done something bad. She told her that the deposit was given by the Ministry of Magic and she didn't quite believe it."

Ivan didn't expect that he let Maca send Jin Jialong, so that Mrs. Weasley would accept the research work of George and Fred. He remembered that Mrs. Weasley hated them most for not doing business.

"In that case, you are completely free, can you do research at will?" Ivan was heartfelt happy for the two.

"Almost..." Fred nodded.

Only soon, Fred wilted again like a frost hitting an eggplant, smashing his mouth. "But my mother requires all of our homework this semester to be above E (exceeding expectations), otherwise we won't let us study."

Ivan shrugged and said that he could do nothing. George and Fred were actually doing pretty well.

But in the case of studying while doing research, it is indeed a bit embarrassing for them to have an E or above in all subjects.

After being depressed for a while, George and Fred quickly adjusted.

It’s still far from the end of the term, and no matter how hard it is, there will be still time...

George was not thinking about these disturbing things, and spoke to Ivan. "So you deserve one-third of the shares."

"Well, since you said that." In view of this, Ivan did not refuse.

Based on his status as a special adviser, Ivan would naturally not just use some theoretical knowledge he saw in his previous life to perfuse them, but seriously advise them.

For example, the initial magic trick workshop can rely on automatic answering quill pens and "practical" props such as quick-acting skipping candy to quickly open sales.

You know that homework and class are the most troublesome things for most little wizards...

The Quidditch competition soon after, in Ivan's eyes, is also a great opportunity to promote and sell joke magic products.

For example, get some props for amplifying the sound, or bunting that can display the name of the team, I believe most of the little wizards who like to watch the game will buy it.

Change the boom fireworks into celebration fireworks. The winning academy will definitely need this thing to celebrate...

Ivan was talking endlessly, and George and Fred soon joined the discussion.

"If you say that, someone will buy our big **** eggs, and those colleges that have lost the game definitely need this to vent their anger." George suddenly thought of this.

"Yes! Boom fireworks can actually be used to beat people... We can also sell some little wizards from the opposing academy and let them fight each other!" Fred also got more excited.

Ivan stared at the two in a daze, and was speechless for a while.

You are so showy, what magic do you still learn? It's better to become an arms dealer!

Definitely make a lot of money!

However, Ivan also had to admit that the two people's ideas were indeed good, and they participated in discussing some of the details of the sale.

After chatting for a while, Fred, who was still thinking about it, suddenly said mysteriously.

"By the way, when it comes to the Quidditch competition, why don't we make a big profit by making a bet like the last time? This time it's up to me. It just happens that I don't need to participate in the competition and training, so I have more time... ."

Ivan was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Fred with a weird look. No wonder Fred gave way so readily when he joined the team before, it turned out to be this idea!

But listening to what Fred said, Ivan was somewhat moved, and no one was too little about Jin Jialong.

Not to mention that he has researched many magic items a few months ago, and they are very popular, but this is regarded as the profit of the store. Ivan can’t take it at will, and it is impossible to reach home every time for various research expenses. .

The money he got from selling the wolf poison potion was his own.

However, due to the high cost of early propaganda, most of Jin Jialong was smashed into propaganda, otherwise the Daily Prophet wouldn't report him every day.

Moreover, the magical world is not only in the British Isles with werewolves and wizards, but throughout Europe and even the whole world, so publicity is a lot of expense...

More importantly, if you want to move the store out of Knockoff Alley and drive to Diagon Alley, you need at least 20,000 Jin Jialong.

This is why Ivan is very concerned about the newly opened magic trick workshop.

There are thousands of little wizards in the seven grades of the four major colleges at Hogwarts, and every year they can make a lot of money just by selling these little props.

"What do you think? Fred and I can put out a hundred gold gallons as the principal~www.mtlnovel.com~ Compared to last year, we saved five gold gallons as the principal by saving money and saving money. George is very proud this time. One shot is a hundred Jin Jialong.

"Yes, I also offer a hundred gallons." Ivan made the final decision without much hesitation.

Most of the hundred gallons were the surplus of funds when Aiacia bought him the book, and the rest was earned from selling wolf poison potions.

With two hundred Jin Jialong as the principal, George and Fudley threatened to make a big move, and the little trouble like last time could not satisfy their appetite.

"It's a pity that we played against the Slytherin team once in practice last time. This time it is estimated that most people will buy us Gryffindor to win!" George said here, somewhat disappointed, which means that they may this time. Can't make much.

And they can't play a match-fix and deliberately let Gryffindor lose the game, otherwise Wood will definitely kill them...

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