Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 198

Chapter 198: You learned Animagus for this?

George and Fred have been a headache, but Ivan can't be troubled. He thinks of the various odds options that Muggles make when they bet, and he speaks.

"In fact, in addition to setting the odds for each match, you can also set other odds, such as who can catch the Golden Snitch, how many goals the winner has scored, or how many points are the difference between the two sides? ..."

Of course, Ivan doesn't know exactly how to do it. He is only familiar with the rules of Quidditch.

"Yeah, why didn't we think of it?" George said with joy, and then continued as if thinking of something.

"We can also ask Wood to transfer you to the position of chaser to control how many goals are scored. In this way, it should be foolproof!"

Ivan rolled his eyes, do you really think I am a god? How much can still be controlled?

The opponent's goalkeeper is not blind, and he may be blocked no matter how accurate he is.

But it was clear that George and Fred had high hopes for him, and after cleaning up their secret base, they took Ivan to find Wood.

Ivan shook his head and didn't say anything. He felt that Wood would probably not agree.

After all, the Gryffindor team has been training according to this tactic for more than a week, and it is impossible to temporarily change the tactics.

But what Ivan didn't expect was that Wood only agreed after a little thought.

"That's not bad, those Slytherins must think you will be a batsman, and then train according to this, and then just hit them by surprise." Wood said in Ivan's surprised eyes.

"Then our previous tactics were not practiced in vain?" Harry said dejectedly, and he was injured in the target these days.

"Of course the previous training will not be wasted. We can prepare two sets of tactics to deal with different situations..." Wood talked openly, he had this idea originally.

Ivan's amazing hitting technique is the best choice for scoring goals...

After all, the Quidditch game is not based on which team wins the most, and that team wins the trophy.

Instead, the points scored by each Quidditch are added together, and the team with the highest cumulative total score wins!

This makes the scoring of every goal very important, catching the Golden Snitch can only terminate the game and get one hundred and fifty points.

Ivan doesn't really care about whether he is a batsman or a chaser, but he still has some doubts.

"If I'm a chaser, doesn't Fred have to play?" Ivan asked.

"What's the matter? Fred, can't you play?" Wood heard Ivan's implication and turned to look at Fred.

"Yes, I'm not feeling well recently. I may not be able to play the ball." Fred immediately covered his stomach, pretending to be weak, and blinked at Ivan, beckoning him not to break through. Yourself.

"I think it's better to let Ivan and Alia change positions." George also said to help, hiding his body in front of Fred.

Fred took the opportunity to turn his back, doing something secretly, waiting to turn around again, nosebleeds swishing out of his nose.

"I think I have to visit Madam Pomfrey these days to see if my body is still saved..." Fred tried to block his nostrils with two fingers, but the nosebleeds sprayed out directly from the gap and stopped. Can't stop.

The corners of Ivan’s mouth twitched.

Wood was also quite speechless when he saw this scene. Although he didn't know what was going on with Fred's nosebleeds, he was not a fool. Naturally, he could see that there was something tricky in it.

"Is this the effect of the quick-acting skipping class candy? It's interesting!" Angelina said with a grin.

"How do you know the quick-acting skipping candy?" Fred was stunned, his hands full of nosebleeds.

"Isn't it the leaflet you sent?" Angelina took out a leaflet from her pocket and shook it in front of him.

Fred turned his head and glanced at George in amazement, and George nodded at him with embarrassment, indicating that it was the leaflet he had sent the other day.

Fred swallowed and looked at Wood's darkened face, thinking that he might be cold...

Just as Wood was about to have an attack, Ivan spoke with comfort. "Captain Wood, Fred does have other things to do these days. Even if you keep him, he doesn't want to train."josei

"Captain, Angelina and I don't want to be replaced either. Let Fred be out." Alia opened the mouth to help.

The rest of the team members also helped to persuade a few words.

George and Fred, two live treasures, are very popular in the Gryffindor team.

On the contrary, Wood was so annoyed that he had to compromise in the end and let Fred be the substitute, and then come back when something went wrong.

"As for you, hurry up and train for me, don't you know how many weeks are left until the first game?" Wood yelled at several people.


Time passed in a hurry, and it was mid-October in a blink of an eye.

Except for the necessary classes and Quidditch training, Ivan spent the rest of his time in the library.

However, after consulting a lot of information and going through the "Anthology of Ancient Chinese Characters", Ivan did not find the meaning of the string of character keys.

"So what the **** is this?" In the afternoon's Transfiguration class, Ivan tried to draw a simple character on the notebook, muttering to himself with some headaches.

Harry, who was sitting aside, looked over curiously, glanced over the characters written on the notebook by Ivan, and suddenly stunned.

In his sight, the character seemed to come alive...

"Now, get out of class is over!"

In the stands, Professor McGonagall's voice interrupted Harry's thoughts. At this time, Ivan also crossed out the characters that had just been written, and packed his books to leave.

"Halse, keep it for a while!" Professor McGonagall said again.

Ivan was somewhat surprised, but thought that Professor McGonagall might want to inquire about his progress in studying Animagus, so he stopped.

Waiting for the students in the classroom to leave one after another, Ivan walked forward quickly.

Professor McGonagall looked serious~www.mtlnovel.com~ before Ivan could speak, she said first.

"Halse, I heard a few days ago that there was a strange owl that made a lot of noise in Hufflepuff’s girls’ dormitory, and even had a very happy chat with a girl from Ravenclaw... ."

Ivan suddenly felt a guilty conscience. He did not expect that the noise he had explored in the form of Animagus would actually reach Professor McGonagall.

But this is no way. Hufflepuff’s lounge is too difficult to get in.

Ivan had no choice but to use some special methods to betray a little witch who had just entered school in the form of Animagus, holding him into the lounge of Hufflepuff.

Everything was going well, who knew that Hufflepuff's little witch had a whim and had to keep him in a cage...

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