Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 209

Chapter 209: Are you going to use what I gave you to deal with me?

"I have to say that the gadgets you made surpassed my expectations and were able to withstand my oblivion curse. You must know that the iron armor curses released by some adult wizards can't do this." Lockhart said with appreciation .

He originally thought that Ivan would be like other wizards, and part of his memory would be erased by him unsuspectingly.

But I didn't expect that Ivan would be able to detect and resist his attack in advance, and even cast a spell to reflect his Forgotten Curse, which Lockhart hadn't expected.

But fortunately, the curse-preventing cloak he had bought with a lot of money before was more useful than he thought, and it resisted the bounced Forgotten Curse.

This went beyond Lockhart's expectation, and at the same time made him realize that he is not the liar who was incapable of casting spells before.

"So you plan to use what I gave you to deal with me?" Ivan asked.

"I think when you were making these things, you definitely didn't expect to have this day, right?"

Lockhart looked very proud, but looking at Ivan's calm complexion, his face suddenly changed, Chan smiled and took two steps back, and said tentatively.

"Could it be that you have left what back door?"

"I don't know how to do this kind of thing..." Ivan shook his head, his alchemy level has not yet reached the point where he can leave the back door at will without being discovered.

Lockhart was about to breathe a sigh of relief, and heard Ivan continue.

"But you think, why don't I make a magic item for myself..."

"Isn't it lack of money?" Lockhart said strangely.

"Of course not!" Ivan's face was completely darkened, with a gloomy face, and he continued with his wand.

"Now I'll teach you a lesson. The real powerhouses in the magical world are not piled up on crooked things... I remember you said that the soundproofing here is good."

Lockhart raised his eyebrows, not quite understanding what Ivan meant.

"Shenfeng Wuying!" Ivan whispered softly, launching the Shenfeng Wuying curse that had been blessed by the enhanced magic text.

Several invisible waves of magical power cut through the air, making strange noises...

At the moment the tip of Ivan's wand lit up, Lockhart's face suddenly changed, and his hair exploded.

He vaguely remembered a dark wizard he had encountered in the Romanian jungle. The powerful destructive spell of the other side made him almost die there...

But even so, the threat that the curse brought to him was not as strong as this time!

"There are many obstacles!" Lockhart knew it was useless to dodge, gritted his teeth and released the obstacle curse.

Lockhart’s potential burst out in the face of danger caused the magic to run away again, turning into a deep blue fireball, whizzing and flying forward...

Lockhart has never been fortunate that his magic lost control, but this time it was an exception!

This represents his vitality...

However, it was in the gaze of Lockhart's expectation.

The dark blue fireball that he had high hopes for was cut in half almost instantly, and was cut into smaller pieces by invisible things in the air, and was directly wiped out.

The expression on Lockhart's face froze, and it turned to fear. He couldn't see what Ivan did. There was nothing in front of him!

But this is what makes the fear spread to the whole body like a vine...

Fast...too fast...

Lockhart felt that death was approaching and activated the protective cloak at this critical moment.

The magic barrier rose again from around Lockhart,

There is also a sense of security that also rises, but all of this is torn to pieces in the next moment...

The sturdy magic barrier, this time like paper, was easily pierced by the invisible blade.

The "buzzing" vibration sounded in Lockhart's ears, and his cheek seemed to be cut by something...

Just as Lockhart felt desperate, the feeling of death suddenly disappeared without a trace, Lockhart was stunned...

In the next second, the table behind him was cut into two pieces along the center, and fell to the ground with a dull sound. The mirror further behind was covered with cracks, and the head of the petrified wood carving was directly cut off.

Even the photos hanging on the wall are no exception. The Lockharts in the photos hid elsewhere early, leaving only the blank photo frames cut in two.

Lockhart turned his head dumbly and looked at this scene, taking a breath...

"I..." Lockhart turned his head and looked at Ivan. He threw away his wand very spinelessly. He opened his mouth to say something, but he heard Ivan's voice again.


The protective cloak that had just been hit hard did not shelter Lockhart this time, which made Lockhart's body overturned uncontrollably. He mistakenly thought that Ivan was about to do something to himself, and suddenly shouted in panic.

"Stop...Stop! You can't kill me! I am the recipient of the Merlin Medal of Level 3, an honorary member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Alliance, and a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who has won the Most Charming Smile Award five times..."

Lockhart's nonchalant gibberish, even the idioms he used to introduce himself.

"No, you are just a liar who only uses the Forgetting Curse." Ivan knelt down and pointed his wand to Lockhart's nose.

"I'll give you five hundred, no, a thousand gallons!" Lockhart shouted as the wand in Ivan's hand glowed with dazzling light.

"Two thousand!" Ivan increased the price.josei

"Yes!" Lockhart nodded without hesitation.

Ivan was depressed for a while, and it seemed that he had once again underestimated Lockhart's financial resources.

However, in Ivan's estimation, 2000 Gallon should have stepped on Lockhart's bottom line. If there is more, Ivan is worried that the other party will feel sorry for not giving money in the future, and what will happen.

After all, this is Hogwarts, Dumbledore’s territory,

Ivan knew very well that he could expose Lockhart’s identity as a liar, could beat him up, but could not kill him at will...

Ivan waved his magic wand ~www.mtlnovel.com~ to dispel the magic and put Lockhart down.

Lockhart got up from the ground shivering, and subconsciously wanted to pick up the wand on the ground.

But without touching his hand, Lockhart was worried that Ivan might be misunderstanding, and immediately took it back... Instead, he held up his hands to show that he was harmless to humans and animals, and there was still a little fear and fear on his face.

The powerful Shenfeng Shadowless Curse completely shattered Lockhart's unrealistic thoughts.

Lockhart wanted to understand what Ivan said.

The small wizard in front of him is warning him that even if he possesses these seemingly powerful magic items, he cannot pose a threat to him...

As long as the opponent has this idea, the effort of lifting the wand can defeat everything he depends on...

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