Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 210

Chapter 210: It doesn't matter if you can't remember, your injury will make you remember!

Don't forget about two thousand gallons. "Ivan looked at Lockhart's horrified look, and was lazily intimidating him, and cut the door lock with the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse.

"In addition, I am not interested in debunking your identity, but I don't want to have a similar thing for a second time..."

Ivan opened the door, and after one last glance at Lockhart, he closed the door and left, leaving only a word that echoed in the messy office.

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember, the wound on your face will help you remember..."

After Ivan left, Lockhart couldn't hold on and sat down on the ground. Only then did he feel a bit numb and itchy on his face...

Lockhart reached out and touched it, and found traces of blood on his hands.

Lockhart suddenly looked at the broken mirror, fragmented himself, with a shallow wound on his face...


At the same time, Ivan in the corridor is also reflecting on his behavior.

The three magic items made for Lockhart this time almost pit him himself.

Ivan had no choice but to use the strengthening magic text once every six hours, blessing Lockhart with the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse, so as not to keep this guy from asking for trouble all the time.

"It seems I have to take time to learn the Forgetting Curse." Ivan sighed.

Whether it was in Hermione’s bedroom last time, or the conflict with Lockhart just now, if he could forget the curse, he wouldn't have to be so troublesome at all, just clear their memories for a while.

It's just that there are so many things he has to do recently, so he has never had time to learn.

Lockhart happened to be the Master of Forgotten Curse, and Ivan wanted to simply wait for Lockhart to prepare two thousand gallons next time, and then find him to learn it by the way.

I just don't know how Lockhart would explain his messy office. The things that were destroyed by the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse were not so easy to repair.

However, after only one day, Ivan realized this little trouble, and he couldn't help but Lockhart, who was good at rhetoric.

Because suddenly there was a rumor in Hogwarts...

Lockhart, their Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor, was studying a highly destructive magic in his office yesterday. During the experiment, he accidentally cut the office desk in two.

Ron, who was eating lunch in the large exhibition hall, almost sprayed the juice on Harry's face after hearing the news, and couldn't help but vomit.

"Lockhart is starting to brag again, I guess he must think that if this news comes out, we will continue to pay attention to him..."

Hermione interrupted without waiting for Ron to finish.

"No, this should be true. When Professor Lockhart asked Filch to move the table yesterday, I saw it with my own eyes. The table was cut in half in the middle.

The cut is as smooth as a mirror, and the picture frames, wood carvings, etc. have been cut. It must be a very powerful spell..."

Hermione was chirping, and Ron and Harry rolled their eyes.josei

"Do you still believe in the liar Lockhart? If he was as good as he himself said, he wouldn't have passed out last time at Quidditch." Ron shook his head and retorted.

"I didn't say that he was not a liar..." Hermione glared at him angrily, and then continued. "I just told you what I saw, I didn't lie to you."

"Then maybe Lockhart fooled you in some way, such as sawing these things with a saw, pretending to be magical." Harry guessed.

"Yes! Everyone knows that Lockhart is a little better than the dumb gun. If he knows magic, why not just use the healing spell to repair these things." Ron also talked freely.

Seeing the three people quarreling on this topic, Yifan shook his head and did not participate in their discussion.

He couldn't say that he actually cut it with the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse, right?

Ivan was a little curious that after hearing the news, Snape would guess something from it, then went to Lockhart's trouble and asked him how he learned his magic secretly...

Hermione's attitude towards Lockhart also went beyond Ivan's expectations.

He remembered that Hermione was Lockhart's diehard fan, and this time he bluntly said Lockhart was a liar...

It seems that Lockhart's reputation in the school has been completely ruined, no wonder he would be willing to pay a high price for the magic items he made.

After lunch, a few people went to today's spell class together noisily.


In the afternoon, Ivan went to the library to look up information about characters as usual, and Hermione also went with her.

"Ivan, are you looking for something lately?" Hermione asked curiously. She had noticed that Ivan seemed to be distracted recently, often looking for something in the library.

"Do you know this kind of characters?" Ivan thought for a while, and felt that Hermione might be able to give herself some help, so she wrote a few of the characters on a piece of paper.

Hermione took the paper and looked at it twice, thinking hard for a while...

"How? Do you have a clue?" Ivan asked.

"No, I don't know this thing either. Maybe it's some kind of magic text or symbol." Hermione stuck out her tongue and said with embarrassment.

Ivan was somewhat disappointed, but didn't care too much. It was normal for Hermione not to know that he had no clue after searching for so long.

Taking advantage of the afternoon break, Hermione took the initiative to help find clues to these characters. Ivan went to the shelf to pick up a copy of "Symbol Riddle", and wrote the remaining characters on the paper, comparing them one by one.

He felt that the shapes of these characters were referring to something, such as a place or something.

However, I went through the entire "Symbol Riddle" and found nothing similar.

Ivan sighed and returned the book to his place, holding the paper with the characters on it, and preparing to leave. When he reached the corner, he bumped into a little witch.

Ivan stepped back a few steps and nothing happened~www.mtlnovel.com~ but the other party slammed into the shelf, and the book in his hand fell to the ground.

"Sorry, are you okay?... Luna?" Ivan said apologetically, and then was stunned again. The figure in front of him was Luna, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

The oddly dressed little witch shook her head gently, her silver-gray pupils stared at Ivan for a long time, and the palms of her hands were showing some shape, and then she nodded herself.

Ivan was confused and didn't know what the other party was doing. He leaned down and picked up the book that Luna had dropped.

When I was about to return it, Ivan discovered that this turned out to be a book related to Transfiguration. The page that opened was introduced by Animagus...

(PS: There is one more update today, it will be posted later..)

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