Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 211

Chapter 211: Duel club with new clues

"Transfiguration-a little story you didn't know! 》

Seeing the title of the book and the passage about Animagus in the book, Ivan glanced at Luna with a guilty conscience. Could it be that the other party guessed something?

How else do you read this kind of book?

Luna's silver-gray pupils were still staring at Ivan. Just when Ivan was a little overwhelmed, the little witch suddenly frowned and whispered with a trace of depression.

"You haven't delivered the letter for me last time..."

"I'm not a real owl, but I don't have a mail delivery service." Ivan said helplessly, admitting his identity.

There is no way to not admit it, Luna clearly identified him.

And it seems that the other party didn't tell Professor Flitwick or Professor McGonagall, but helped him conceal it. Otherwise, Professor McGonagall would have come to him angrily.

"So that owl is your Animagus?" Luna stretched out her hand again and gestured, then looked at Ivan, her eyes full of inquiry.

"Yes." Ivan nodded. This time he understood Luna was making gestures. It was the outline of an owl.

Then Ivan asked curiously. "How did you find out? There should be no flaws in my deformed owl."

Animagus is a very advanced transformation technique. Once the transformation is completed, even a wizard who is proficient in the same transformation technique can hardly find the clues.

"Because a real owl can't **** other people's letters or read newspapers, can't they?" Luna tilted her head, her tone light and flirty.

Ivan was speechless for a while, and it seemed that he had acted a little too outrageously.

Coupled with the fact that his deformed owl was very concerned about the headlines of "The Devil", no wonder Luna can easily guess his identity.

Ivan quickly thought of the flaws in his transformation.

It's just that Ivan always felt that Luna lacked common sense and was keen to pursue some weird things. Maybe he could accept a special owl.

Unexpectedly, the other party is much smarter than he thought...

Ivan shook his head and handed over the book in her hand. Luna reached out and took it, but her gaze stopped for a moment on the paper in Ivan's hand.

"Did you write this? A passage?" Luna said suddenly.

Ivan's movements paused, and he looked at Luna in surprise, grabbed her wrist and asked. "This is what I saw from other places. There are some secrets hidden in these characters. Can you understand them?"

"No, I don't understand, but I think it should be a paragraph... Maybe it's a compliment to someone..." Luna's voice was a little erratic.

Intuition? The flame of hope that ignited in Ivan's heart cooled down a lot.

The prompt given to him by the system is the key, which may be the key to unlocking a certain place, obviously not in line with what Luna just said.

After Luna got her book back, she was not talking with Ivando, and walked towards the library for herself, muttering, "That paragraph must not have been left by Ms. Ravenclaw. Yes, she is not so narcissistic..."

Ivan vaguely heard Luna's whisper, but he didn't know what the other party was saying.

However, Luna's behavior was strange, and Ivan couldn't guess the other party's thoughts, but suddenly remembered that she hadn't asked her why she could understand owl language.

Ivan thought for a while, and finally gave up the idea of ​​going over to inquire, and walked to Hermione who was flipping through the book on the resting seat.

"Hermione, have you found a clue to the characters?" Ivan asked.

"No, I checked "Ancient Egyptian Magic Text Collection" and "Magic Symbol Collection", but I didn't find any relevant clues..." Hermione was very lost and covered the book in her hand.

Having said that, Hermione hesitated for a while, pretending not to care, and asked aloud. "Who was that girl just now? Is she this year's new student?"

"Hmm... she was Luna, from Ravenclaw College, she happened to meet her, so she just asked if she could understand these characters." Ivan explained casually.

"The result..." Hermione became nervous for some reason.

"Luna said this might be a compliment to someone..." Ivan said.

"Can she understand?" Hermione was surprised, and then a little depressed. Obviously, I have read so many books, but none of the Ravenclaw girls who have just entered school understand much.

"Luna guessed it by intuition..." Ivan said uncertainly.

He remembered that Luna's instinct seemed quite accurate in the original time and space, but he didn't know why he made such an unreliable judgment this time.

intuition? This is also OK? Hermione was speechless for a while, and she was not cold with intuition and the like, which seemed to her to be no different from guessing.


Ivan and Hermione stayed in the library lounge for an afternoon, and until it was almost time for dinner, they walked together towards the large exhibition hall.

When I reached the door, Ivan saw a new parchment on the bulletin board in the hall.

A small group of people gathered around, reading the words written on the parchment, and Ron and Harry were among the crowd.

"Oh my God, Ivan, come and have a look. There is a duel club in school! It's at 8 o'clock tonight!" Ron turned his head and saw Ivan, waved at them excitedly, and said excitedly.

"What duel club? What's that for?" Hermione leaned in curiously and glanced at it.

"It should be a course to teach us how to duel. After all, this knowledge will come in handy one day." Ron imagined in his heart that he could one day be like the protagonist of a biography and fight a powerful enemy for three hundred rounds.

Ivan had known the news a long time ago, so it was not surprising at all.

I even admire Lockhart’s resilience. I was shocked by myself yesterday, but today I'm cheering up again...


When Ivan was thinking about it, Harry and Ron who were discussing turned their heads happily and said to him.

"Ivan, would you also go at night?"

"Of course ~www.mtlnovel.com~ I am also very curious about this duel club." Ivan nodded, he couldn't wait to see Lockhart's performance.

At eight o'clock in the evening, when the four of them came to the large exhibition hall together, they found that this place has changed a lot compared to before.

The long tables of the four colleges placed here have all disappeared somehow, replaced by a gilded stage with hundreds of candles floating above the stage, illuminating the surroundings very brightly.

Almost all Hogwarts students who received the news came, and gathered around the gilded stage to discuss this unusually special new course...

(PS: The third is more complete! The recent plot is not easy to write, it is difficult for the angels to save the manuscript, it is more difficult to add, please be considerate...)josei



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