Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 212

Chapter 212: I have locked the door, none of you want to leave today!

I don’t know who will teach us today," Hermione squeezed all the way to the forefront, curiously guessing. "I heard people say that Flitwick was a duel champion when he was young, maybe he came to teach us how to do it. duel..."

Harry thought it might be Professor McGonagall to teach...

"I thought you could guess who belonged to this gilded stage..." Ivan ruthlessly gave them a head blow, shattering their fantasy...

"Did you mean..." Looking at the gold-inlaid stage, a figure appeared in Harry's mind, swallowed, and asked with a hint of luck.

"No..." Ron was also a little desperate, he felt that he shouldn't have come.

"Yes, it's Lockhart!" Ivan nodded, and then pointed to the door of the large exhibition hall.

The three of them cast their gazes over, and they saw Guidro Lockhart as expected.

It's just that Lockhart today seems to be a little different from the past. In addition to the purple-red robe, he also has a large golden cloak on his back, and there is also a rectangular magic tape on his side.

"Hello everyone!" Lockhart stepped onto the stage enthusiastically, waving at the little wizards around him.

At the same time as he raised his hand, the gold ring with sapphires on Lockhart's finger was exposed in front of everyone, but because of Lockhart's usual sassy temperament, it would not arouse people's suspicion.

With Lockhart on the court, there was a boo in the audience.

Lockhart didn't care, just as if he hadn't heard, he cleared his throat and said loudly to himself.

"Come around, everyone get closer! Listen to me!"

"Yes, your principal Dumbledore specially allowed me, your Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor, to start this duel club!

The purpose is to fully train everyone so that when you need to defend yourself one day, you can use the knowledge I teach you..."

While Lockhart was talking on stage, Marcus of Slytherin interrupted impatiently.

"Professor, can we leave now? I think I might as well stay in the bedroom and play wizard chess."

There are many little wizards who have the same ideas as Marcus. After learning that the duel club was run by Lockhart, everyone had no hope for it.

"No, not! I must tell you that it is extremely humiliating to avoid a duel in the magic world!" Lockhart shook his head.

Then Lockhart pointed to the door and said loudly.

"So in order to prevent someone from leaving a mark of shame, I have locked the door of the hall, and no one wants to leave until the class is over!"

A group of little wizards turned their heads and looked at the closed door of the exhibition hall. They were speechless for a while...

"How could he do this?" Ron said dissatisfiedly.

But Ivan knew that Lockhart had already made a desperate move and was ready to use the opportunity of this duel club to redeem his reputation in Hogwarts.

In order for this grand performance to have more audiences, Lockhart certainly will not let anyone leave.


Just when everyone was making noise, a dazzling red light rushed into the sky from the top of Lockhart's wand.

The light of the spell touched the ceiling and exploded, bursting with brilliant sparks, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Seeing this, Lockhart nodded in satisfaction.

Although what he wanted to release just now was not the curse, but luckily it achieved the same effect, didn't it?josei

"Ahem... now I will teach you the duel skills, and I will choose a person to be my assistant to demonstrate to everyone..."

Lockhart's gaze flicked across the stage, thinking about who to choose to complete his debut...

This goal can't be too weak, so it can't be a freshman in the first year, but it can't be too strong, or he can't beat...

Lockhart's gaze paused briefly on Ivan's body, vaguely remembering the scene where he was almost alive yesterday, and he couldn't help but shudder. Finally, he turned to a Slytherin student and confirmed his goal.

"You! That's right, you don't need to look at others... it's you, Marcus!" Lockhart pointed his finger at Marcus, who had attacked himself before.

"Me?" Marcus was at a loss, but thought that Lockhart was a silly professor, so he stepped onto the stage graciously.

Ivan was very surprised that Lockhart didn't ask Snape to do the demonstration. Could it be that this guy has learned well?

"Quick.. Look, the cloak behind Lockhart is actually broken!" Ron said with a sneer.

After Lockhart turned around, Ivan also noticed this, and there was a big gap in the golden red cloak.

After Ivan thought about it, he understood that this should be a protective cloak. In the activated state, he forced a shot of the enhanced version of Shenfeng, causing some damage.

This does not hinder the normal use of the protective cloak, but the protective effect may be weaker...

"Okay! Let's officially start!" Lockhart on the stage gestured loudly, holding his wand.

"Now bow first!" Lockhart made a garish bow and motioned to Marcus on the opposite side to do the same as himself.

Marcus's movements were very perfunctory, but he lowered his head slightly, and eagerly clenched his wand eagerly.

Marcus felt that he would soon be able to knock down a teaching professor under the spotlight, which was enough for him to brag for several years.

And Lockhart is still teaching everyone how to hold the wand during a duel, and let everyone rest assured that this is not a real duel, and he will not take Marcus's life!

Even if he can do it easily!

"Professor, can you start?" As Lockhart belittled himself in front of everyone, Marcus's face suddenly darkened.

"Of course," Lockhart looked at Marcus who was impatient, raised his eyebrows, made a dueling posture, and counted.

"one two Three..."

"Tarantella dance!" Marcus had already shot the moment Lockhart uttered the last word!

The curse of galloping is like a red lightning~www.mtlnovel.com~ passing through the air,

Lockhart on the opposite side seemed to have not had time to react, and a smile appeared on Marcus's mouth, his face even more contemptuous.

Marcus seemed to have seen Lockhart dancing a funny dance on the stage in horror, which is why he chose this spell.

The next moment the curse came, Lockhart's face was still calm, he pretended to point his wand at himself, and the curse immediately bounced back.

The red light hit Marcus faster than before, and Marcus's body danced a funny dance uncontrollably...

Apart from Marcus's horrified yelling, there was sudden silence...

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