Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 213

Chapter 213: Lockhart in the limelight!

I bet that Lockhart will definitely make a fool of myself later, or I will just eat all my wizard chess..."

At the moment when the two sides were fighting, Ron turned his head and vowed to say, but he turned his head and was immediately dumbfounded when he saw the result.

"Then your appetite is really good, Ron!" Ivan vomited at the right time.

"What happened just now?" Harry was confused, he only saw Marcus cast a spell, hit Lockhart, and was bounced back.

Not only Harry, but the little wizards in the audience couldn't believe their eyes. All this happened so quickly...

"It's an iron armor curse! Professor Lockhart bounced Marcus' magic with the iron armor curse!" Hermione said aloud at this time, and judged from the effect that it should be an iron armor curse.

"Impossible, I hadn't heard him chant the iron armor curse just now!" Ron didn't believe it at all.

"In fact, it is possible to cast spells without chanting. Powerful wizards almost have no spell-casting skills..." Ivan explained aloud.

Not only that, if you can understand the principle of a magic spell, even a young wizard can do it after a period of practice.

Just like in the original time and space, the sixth grade Harry once used the knowledge left by Snape to release the fuchsia clock without curse...

"A powerful wizard? Are you sure you are talking about Lockhart?" Ron's expression was very strange.

I didn't say that... Ivan shrugged.

"Yes, I just used the iron armor curse, Miss Granger adds ten points!" Lockhart, who heard several people whispering, turned his head and clapped loudly.

"And Mr. Hals!" Lockhart looked at Ivan, then spoke. "He guessed that I am a powerful wizard who can cast spells without spells. I will add ten...no, fifty points!"

Add fifty points? !

The little wizards in the audience were stunned for a moment, and Hermione was also hesitant to speak, why did she add ten points?

Ivan scratched his head, not expecting Lockhart to come out for himself suddenly.

But soon, Ivan realized that Lockhart was planning to please himself...

Adding fifty points at a time, it really does not spare any effort...

"Professor...Professor Lockhart! Can you help me untie the curse first!" Marcus, who had been forgotten for a long time, yelled at this time.josei

Marcus regrets it very much now, he really can't understand why Lockhart is so powerful all of a sudden.

And the feeling of tap dancing in public was uncomfortable, so Marcus had to put down his face and ask Lockhart to release his magic.

"No hurry!" Lockhart smiled and shook his head, looking at everyone in the audience. "Now I will teach you how to effectively subdue your opponent and make him lose the ability to fight back."

As he spoke, Lockhart flicked his wand randomly.

Accompanied by a dazzling flash across the air.

Marcus, with a frightened expression, was instantly knocked out by a huge force, hit the wall behind, and slowly fell to the ground.

The magic wand in Marcus's hand also came out and fell into Lockhart's hand spinning in the air.

Lockhart was pretending at this time, introducing the disarming curse he released with the help of magic props to everyone.

"This is the Disarming Curse! As you can see, this Slytherin was easily taken away by me..."

"Of course, generally speaking, if you want to use the disarming spell, you need to recite the spell—except your weapon!"

After saying this, Lockhart wittyly blinked at the little witches below the stage, and the high voice echoed continuously in the large exhibition hall.

"After all, there are not many magical masters like me in the entire magical world!"

As Lockhart's voice fell, there was a burst of warm applause from the audience. Some little witches screamed and called Lockhart's name, and some even cried excitedly.

They were originally Lockhart’s fans, but Lockhart’s successive embarrassments over the past few months really disappointed them.

Especially after the Quidditch War, it is well known that Lockhart was a liar..

If someone publicly expressed their admiration for Professor Lockhart in Hogwarts, it would definitely attract scorn and ridicule from everyone...

So these diehard fans have had a very difficult time during this period. They were ridiculed and accepted. The most deadly thing is that their faith has collapsed...

But now it's different. Lockhart has shown his amazing strength and extraordinary spell-free spellcasting skills under the attention of everyone!

This makes them rekindle the fire of hope, how can they not be excited?

The other little wizards faintly couldn't believe it, because Lockhart's transformation today was too great.

It's just that Lockhart casts spells without curse twice in a row, and his easy and freehand energy has fooled most people.

"When is Lockhart so great?" Ron muttered to himself with his mouth wide open. He even wondered if someone used the compound decoction to pretend to be Lockhart...

Hermione was also extremely surprised, her brown pupils widened, and she was very surprised by Lockhart's sudden eruption.

Ivan noticed Hermione's reaction, and it was a little strange. He thought that Hermione would be just as excited for Lockhart's show off like those other little witches who admired Lockhart.

At this time Lockhart was enjoying the long-lost cheers, and the whole person was a little fluttering. Fortunately, he did not forget about the class. After clearing his throat, he said to everyone in the audience.

"Then now who wants to come up and make gestures!"

Seeing no one was on stage for a while, Lockhart Shi Shiran said again. "I believe that you have accumulated a lot of contradictions in normal times. Now it is a good opportunity to vent. You can designate who you want to challenge. Anyone can!"

As soon as Lockhart's voice fell, Malfoy jumped up from the stage.

"Good job! Malfoy, you are the first person to have the courage to come up! I can't believe that you are a Slytherin... The Sorting Hat should let you go to Gryffindor College!" Loha Especially praised.

"I don't want to be assigned to that stupid college, I would rather drop out of school and go home than go to that kind of place!" Malfoy's face turned black, and said arrogantly.

The lion cubs in the audience looked irritably at each other, but Malfoy didn't care. His eyes were fixed on Ivan, and his mind was full of memories of having eaten away on each other's hands since going to school.

"Ha..." Thinking of this, Malfoy wanted to call Ivan up to fight with him, but for a while, he thought of Ivan on the Quidditch pitch and knocked down more than a dozen Slytherins in one go. He trembled and turned. And said loudly.

"Harry Potter!"

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