Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 214

Chapter 214: Key...Snake whisper...The secret room

Harry was stunned. How could he suddenly call himself when he saw Malfoy staring at Ivan?

Ivan was also a little surprised. He was ready to take the stage just now.

"Potter! Come up!" Lockhart shouted loudly, grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him onto the stage.

"Okay, now facing your opponent! Bow..." Lockhart glanced at both of them.

Harry's expression was somewhat tense, his right hand held the wand tightly, Malfoy was relatively relaxed, thinking in his heart how to make the other person embarrassed.

However, the two of them are extremely stubborn, and neither mean to bow...

"That's how bowing is, come, I'll teach you!" Lockhart took the trouble to correct the irregular movements of Harry and Malfoy, forcing them to bow face to face, making Harry and Malfoy twisted for a while.

Then Lockhart intervened in the spell used by the two in the duel, let Malfoy use the disarming spell, and Harry used the iron armor curse to defend.

Considering that the two are only in the second grade, Lockhart personally showed them how the magic should be released.

"Except your weapon!" Lockhart pointed his wand forward, and a red light flew from the top of the wand to the distance.

Lockhart turned his head to look at Malfoy. "You are going to do this, Malfoy, do you understand?"

Malfoy was confused. Just as he was about to say something, Lockhart had already turned his head to look at Harry, and instructed him how to use the Iron Armor Charm.

"Armor protection!" Lockhart pointed at himself with his wand, and an illusory magic barrier emerged around him. "Harry? Do you know how to release it?"

"Armor protector~" Harry also followed it several times stupidly, pointing his wand at himself, but it had no effect at all.

"Professor..." Harry looked at Lockhart anxiously, wanting him to teach a few more times.

"Now, start!" But Lockhart ignored him and urged Malfoy to attack with a disarming charm.

"Except your weapons!" Malfoy shouted.

Harry also hurriedly chanted the spell of the Iron Armor Charm again...

The two moved face to face, but nothing happened...

The scene was very embarrassing for a while...

Ivan almost laughed madly when he saw it underneath. The Disarming Curse and the Iron Armor Curse were magic spells that were only learned in high grades.

It usually takes a long period of practice to master it, but not knowing that the light spell can be released, but also the correct gestures to assist in the casting...

Lockhart is a half-hearted person himself, and he can use these two spells by cheating with magic props, so the method taught is not right at all. It is really **** that Harry and Malfoy can use magic.

"I think Professor Lockhart must have a problem. He must have used something else to cast the spell." Hermione, who had learned the Iron Armor Curse as early as last school year, looked suspiciously at Lockhart, who was commanding blindly on stage. , Said suddenly.

Hermione turned to look at Ivan who was squeezing a smile.

"Ivan, you must know something right?"

"No, I don't know anything..." Ivan shook his head quickly. Since the money was collected, of course he would not deliberately dismantle Lockhart.

It was just Lockhart's various show operations that made Ivan quite helpless.

If this foolishness continues, Lockhart will be dismantled again soon...

After Harry and Malfoy on the stage waved their wands stupidly for a while, they also realized that Professor Lockhart's things had no effect at all.

After the two sides looked at each other, they reached a consensus in the dark, disregarding Lockhart, who was yelling next to him, and reacted almost at the same time.


"Tarantella dance!"


The light of the red and green spells collided in mid-air, and then turned to the sides, bringing up an arc-shaped aperture. Malfoy lowered his head to avoid the magic that hit him, and shouted again.

"Oolong out of the cave!"

A flash of light exploded from the top of Malfoy’s wand, and a long black snake rushed out of the black mist, and fell heavily on the floor of the duel arena. He raised his head high and hissed letter in his mouth. ...

"I remember I asked you to use the Disarming Curse, Malfoy!" Lockhart said dissatisfiedly. He raised his wand and released an anti-curse to make the black snake disappear.

However, his spell went wild again. After being hit by his spell, the black snake quickly swelled and turned into a giant python...

The little wizards on both sides screamed and retreated, for fear that the black snake would slip to the stage, and the field would suddenly be in chaos.

Lockhart loudly told everyone not to panic, he came to protect everyone's safety...

"All petrification!" Lockhart remembered that he had another magic, so he used it.

The black python was hit by the curse and shuddered all over, struggling to shake off all the debris, looking extremely painful...

At this moment, Harry made a "hissing" sound in his mouth, and the **** python turned its head painfully to stare at him, and made the same sound, as if one person and one snake were communicating.josei

The communication did not last long, and the black python gave up struggling and collapsed on the floor, turning into a serpentine stone sculpture...

Ivan watching this scene from the audience, at the moment Harry uttered the snake language, there seemed to be a message in his mind that suddenly exploded...

Inexplicably sounded the words Luna and herself had said before, as well as the prompts given by the system, connecting them together.

A paragraph... someone to praise... the key... the snake language... the characters...

Ivan had a vague guess, but he still needs to find someone to confirm it.

Ivan looked at Harry who was speaking snake language on the stage. He didn't know it. After thinking about it, he shook his head. When Ivan decided to go back, he asked Tom to try it out.

After all, I might still need to learn this language. If you find Harry, it is not convenient to keep it secret.

Due to the chaos caused by Harry and Malfoy duel ~www.mtlnovel.com~ this farce called the duel club soon came to an end.

"Oh my God, Harry, you are a snake-like voice, you have been hiding from us before!" On the way back to the bedroom, Ron lowered his voice and couldn't restrain the shock in his heart.

"Snake voice? What do you mean? Do you mean talking to snakes?" Harry said blankly. He didn't understand why Ron was so excited, but he still talked about what he had communicated with a snake from Brazil before going to school. Let me talk about it.

"I think there must be a lot of people in schools that can do a little bit, right?" Harry said with a glimmer of hope.

"No, this is not an ordinary skill..." Ron shook his head, and told Harry that he was almost hooked up with the black wizard in the magic world.

"In fact, it is not so bad. It is said that the founder of Hogwarts can speak snake language..." Ivan said comfortingly.

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