Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 215

Chapter 215: It’s the first time I have seen a little wizard as difficult as you.....

The founder? Which founder? Godric Gryffindor? "Harry asked hurriedly, eagerly hoping that there is a great man in history who has the same skills as himself.

"It's Salazar Slytherin..." Ivan extinguished the illusion in Harry's heart.

"That's terrible!" Harry wailed.

Although there were no rumors in Hogwarts that Slytherin's heirs opened the Chamber of Secrets, even so Harry didn't want to have anything to do with the legendary founder of Slytherin College.

Ivan shook his head and ignored Harry's complaints.

In fact, if it weren't for the influence of Voldemort Horcrux, Snakemanship is still a good ability, at least Ivan would want it now...

After returning to the bedroom, Ivan avoided the sight of Harry and Ron and found the Horcrux diary he had kept for a long time.

As soon as I opened it, black ink appeared on the blank page for the first time.

[Hals, what have you done these days? 】

The handwriting was very sloppy, and Ivan even felt a bit of resentment from it. After smiling, Ivan explained it in the diary with a pen.

[I joined the Quidditch team, and I have been busy doing training with my teammates and participating in competitions recently. Anyway, I have been too busy recently...]

Ivan complained about his current situation and some daily troubles in his diary, which was filled with pages.

Tom also responded patiently to Ivan's distress, without being impatient at all.

For a time, the two regarded each other as their close friends, and even exchanged some little secrets with each other...

Ivan realized that the heat was almost over, and then wrote a character in the diary, "By the way, Tom, do you know this thing?"

The full pages of the diary were broken up into a series of words.

[Where did you see it? 】

"I discovered this by accident? What's wrong, Tom? Is there anything wrong with these characters?" Ivan asked instead, ignoring the process of obtaining the characters.

Tom was silent for a while, and just when Ivan was a little impatient and thought that the other party would not speak, new writing appeared in the diary again.

[This is snake language, or this is a text created by Salazar Slytherin based on snake language. It has a peculiar power...]

Looking at the words in the diary, Ivan fell into deep thought when he learned that these characters were related to snake language.

Ivan faintly realized that what he was looking for might involve Salazar Slytherin, one of the Big Four.

The "Origin of Blood" with a long history...will it be left by Salazar Slytherin thousands of years ago?

Various thoughts flashed through Ivan's mind, and the movements of his hands did not stop. Ivan was very cautious and asked Tom to learn snake language.

[Do you want to learn snake language? why? ] Tom was puzzled.

"Didn't you say that it is a text created by Slytherin himself and possesses peculiar power? Of course I want to learn..." Ivan replied casually, and then asked back.

"What about you Tom? Why can you understand snake language?"

[Because the blood of my ancestors-the great Salazar Slytherin is flowing in my body! Snake language is not something ordinary people can learn, only people with special blood can master it! 】

On the blank pages, black ink converges into words. Even if there are only words, Ivan can feel the pride and pride of Tom Riddle from his heart.josei

However, Ivan did not believe Tom's remarks. According to his understanding, Dumbledore could also speak snake language. The old principal was not a descendant of Slytherin.

As long as I can learn something, no matter how difficult it is, Ivan has the confidence to learn it, so he will not give up and let Tom teach himself again.

Tom responded quickly this time.

[Yes, but I just have a memory that has no power, can't pronounce it, and it's not easy to teach you. Can you find a creature to come over and kill it? I need to use this to cast spells. For example, your owl can...]

"Guckoo~" Maca, who was dozing off in the cage, shuddered suddenly, looked around in horror, and Ivan stretched out his hand to appease him.

"Sorry, Maca is my best friend...I won't hurt it." Ivan rebuffed decisively.

[Then other creatures are fine... Rats? spider? snake? 】

Tom said that he is not picky, he eats everything...

Ivan was caught in hesitation. He knew the details of the Horcrux diary, so he didn't dare to let it absorb vitality and restore power.

[Are you hesitating? Do not you trust me? We are best friends...]

Tom's words appeared clearly on the blank paper, printed very deeply and deeply, and the pages of the book were trembling slightly.

Ivan was keenly aware that his hesitation seemed to have made Tom suspicious, so he hurriedly remedied it.

"Of course I believe you, Tom!"

"However, the dark magic you mentioned looks like dangerous, I am afraid, and..." At this point, Ivan deliberately showed a hint of timidity, and continued.

"Mum once told me that it's better not to believe in anything that is self-conscious...you must understand me, right? Tom? We are best friends..."

Ivan, who is familiar with various routines, knows very well that when his opponent plays an emotional card, the best way to respond is to respond with another emotional card.

As my best friend, I believe in you, and you have to understand me...

Tom Riddle had a headache. Ivan's words made him really not sure how to answer. This was definitely the most difficult little wizard he had ever seen.

Seeing that Tom was silent for a long time and was not replying, Ivan's heart moved and wrote in the diary.

"Let's do it, or I will take you to Professor Dumbledore and ask if he has the magic to restore your power."

The diary began to shake violently. In less than a second, the two pages of white paper that were opened were covered with ink~www.mtlnovel.com~ It looked crooked and scribbled...

[No, don't, don't go to him! 】

[Hals, don’t be fooled by your madness of the principal...he is not a good guy! 】


Ivan didn't expect him to mention Dumbledore a little, and Tom would have such a big reaction.

Just as he was about to appease each other, the many ink marks on the diary finally came together again, forming a series of paragraphs covering two pieces of paper. The thick and thick handwriting occupied Ivan’s sight...

[If you don’t believe me, I can take you to see it myself! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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