Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 216

Chapter 216: Don't be fooled by appearances... Hals!

Look? What do you think? Ivan was stunned, and then he remembered the scene where the Horcrux sucked Harry into his memory in the original time and space.

Sure enough, the next moment, the diary seemed to be blown by the strong wind. The pages of the diary were smashed and turned to the first page automatically. The black ink was connected together into a scribbled word...

Ivan glanced at it, that was the beginning of a story, and then the white light exploded, a suction pulling his body, Ivan subconsciously operated Occlumency, and that feeling disappeared again.

Perhaps I felt the barrier, and the endless black mist gushed out from the diary. Ivan became vigilant, but the black mist did not mean to approach him, but spread to all directions...

When everything stabilized, Ivan found that the surrounding area had become a dark space, completely composed of thick black fog, and all the tables, chairs, and beds in the bedroom disappeared...

Ivan was somewhat flustered. Seeing the black mist, he vaguely remembered that when he fought Voldemort last school year, the opponent had also used a black mist that could devour the essence of life and corrupt the shadow of the unicorn.

Fortunately, Tom's black fog is not so strong under Ivan's perception, and it is not difficult to break through the space formed by this black fog.

Thinking of this, Ivan felt a lot more relieved, quietly waiting for Tom Riddle's action.

Before Ivan was allowed to wait long, in this pitch-black space, a figure suddenly appeared beside him, and then the figure spoke.

"Hello, Hals, meet for the first time, this is Tom Riddle!"

Ivan turned his head and looked over and saw that beside him was a handsome black-haired boy who was fifteen or sixteen years old. He was wearing a Slytherin academy robe with a bright prefect badge on his chest. ....

Ivan’s pupils shrank slightly, and he was surprised. He did not expect that Tom Riddle, as a Horcrux, still retains the power to manifest his body...

"Hello, Tom, I have to say, you are much more handsome than I thought..." Ivan quickly sorted out his emotions and said with a chuckle.

I don't know how Tom will disfigure himself in the future... Is this the price of power?

Ivan kept spitting out in his heart, and at the same time stretched out his hand, intending to shake hands to confirm the status of the other party.

Tom stretched out his hand to grip Ivan's hand...

Ivan felt that what he was grasping was not an entity, as if he could crush the opponent's hand with a strong force.

This made Yifan's heart feel a little calm, judging from the performance of the original time-space opponent in the secret room, it should be incapable of directly hurting people.

"Tom, what is this place, what are you taking me here for?" Ivan asked.

"The person who made me put magic on the diary so that I can meet you here...this is the world of my memory!"

Tom explained, and then waved his hand, and the dark space suddenly changed.

The billowing black mist kept surging, combining black and white to form a scene and a figure, and this monotonous world suddenly became agile as if being splashed with multicolored paint...

Ivan stared around and found that it was an orphanage. Standing in the center... was a short, black child.

Tom Riddle started his own narration with a trace of nostalgia..

"It's a long story. I grew up in a Muggle orphanage and never met my parents.

In fact, most of the other children there are like that. Once... I was friends with them happily, and my intelligence made the dean admire...josei

I thought I would keep going like this, waiting for a family willing to adopt me and start a new life..."

Following Tom Riddle's words, the surrounding scenes began to change continuously, realizing everything he told, Ivan silently watched the scenes, and did not reply.

Tom's tone suddenly became high.

"It may be hard for you to imagine that there are disputes in that little orphanage... Delicious snacks and toys are always limited, and there are always children who will get together to bully others and have some fun.

And I soon became the alien being rejected in their eyes! It all started from that day! "

The black mist that constituted the scene was reorganized again and transformed into an outdoor scene.

Ivan looked around. It was in the courtyard next to the orphanage.

In the distance, the little boy with black hair was arguing with several children of the same age.

While pushing each other, a slender black snake suddenly sprang out of the grass. The children present were all startled and screamed and ran away, but one of the small fat piers in the crowd was tripped. , Fell to the ground.

The black snake seemed to be frightened too, with a ferocious hair, rushed to Xiao Pangdun's body.

At a critical juncture, the black-haired boy made a hissing noise in his mouth, and the black snake immediately slumped down, but the little fat guy was still scared to pee his pants...

The scene continues. Because of his ability to talk to snakes, the black-haired boy obviously feels that other children are becoming more and more repulsive to him.

This is not the worst!

Because the black-haired little boy quickly showed more magical qualities. When the mood fluctuates, he can smash the cups, kettles, or fetch objects next to him.

This ability sometimes accidentally hurts others...

This makes the black-haired boy isolated by almost everyone, but the black-haired boy is not sad because he has a new playmate, the black snake...

I don’t know how long these days have been. In Tom’s narration, another turning point is soon reached. A couple is preparing to adopt a child in an orphanage!

Most of the children expect that they can be adopted by this family, because they know from the dean that after being adopted, they can live a better life in the future!

So when the man in suit and leather shoes arrived at the orphanage with his wife, all the children were trying hard to please them, and Tom was no exception.

Not only that, he is handsome... intelligent and very organized, and he quickly emerged from these ordinary children. The couple are extremely satisfied with him.

The dean of the orphanage and all the employees also tried their best to speak for him...

Seeing that everything is about to be achieved~www.mtlnovel.com~ When the little Pangdun was eating, he inadvertently mentioned that Tom likes to be company with a snake and often communicates with it!

In the picture, the couple's complexion immediately changed... the dean's complexion also became ugly, and immediately reprimanded the little fat man not to talk nonsense...

"Look, I once saved him, he treated me that way..." Standing next to Ivan, Tom looked at this scene with a sarcastically smile.

"That little fat guy is too bad..." Ivan tried his best to say as a child, "Your dean is a good man..."

"It's good to me? Are you sure?" Tom Riddle smiled happily, then his face suddenly became gloomy and whispered. "Don't be confused by appearances... Hals!"

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