Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 217

Chapter 217: The strong can make the weak succumb!

Ivan frowned slightly, and he didn't quite understand what Tom meant.

"Do you know? The director of the orphanage actually feared me too! He thought he was hiding well..." Tom smiled.

"I was deceived by them at first, but later I learned that these people were trying to promote me, just trying to drive me away..."

"So no matter if it is the dean or the other employees, they are the same!" Tom seemed to be suppressing something, reaching the edge of the outbreak...

As Tom’s mood changed, the black mist space shook, and soon stabilized again, and Ivan fell into silence.

He didn't expect Tom Riddle to be hit like this in his childhood...

"What about that little fat guy, what happened to him?" Ivan suddenly asked aloud.

"He was taken in by the couple because he was the one who would please them the most besides me." Tom said with a sneer.

"In short, after experiencing this, I realized that what I did before was wrong..." Tom said again.

In the picture, the story continues.

In Ivan's sight, the black-haired little boy changed his previous style and began to use his special abilities to take revenge on those who had bullied him one by one.

Such as grabbing their favorite things, occupying all delicious snacks, etc...

This makes Little Tom feared by children of the same age...

But the good thing is that no one dares to bully him anymore!

Ivan is also keenly aware that Little Tom seems to have begun to like this feeling of taking, taking, and being above others.

Even faintly enjoy the expression of others' fear...

Ivan saw everything in his eyes, but said nothing.

"In this way, the days in the orphanage lasted until I was eleven years old... I met your current principal Albus Dumbledore!" Tom Riddle was lost in thought and memory. He waved his hand to reproduce the scene.

In the orphanage, eleven-year-old Tom has adapted to living alone.

In private, there are still people who talk about him quietly and say bad things about him. Even if Little Tom uses various means to retaliate back, it will not change the status quo.

What worries little Tom even more is that the dean of the orphanage and the employees there often ask some psychiatric doctors to do some checks on him...

It seems that I want to send him to some "special" places,

Just one day when little Tom was worried, a mysterious man in a fuchsia velvet suit broke into his world and came to his room.

He lit his cabinet with a spell, showing him a miracle called magic.

"He is your current principal Albus Dumbledore!" Tom murmured in the burning flames.

It was also the first time Ivan saw such a young Dumbledore with his own eyes. He didn't look middle-aged, with a auburn beard, and his actions were quite determined and tough.

After discovering that Tom’s cabinet was full of trophies taken from other children, this young version of Dumbledore forced Tom to return everything and apologize to everyone here!

When things got here, Tom suddenly smiled sarcastically.

"Yes, I must apologize for them, for every child there, for the dean and for the employees there.

Just because of me—Tom Riddle brought them a lot of trouble. "Tom said mockingly.

And when did the deans and employees who had squeezed him out and were going to send him to the insane asylum to apologize to him?

At that time, who had interfered?

Tom paused and continued with emotion.

"Of course, I don't hate him...Professor Albus Dumbledore taught me a valuable lesson on the day he arrived-the strong can bring the weak to submission!"

Ivan looked at Tom, who was calm with a trace of madness next to him, and remained silent for a long time.

He had seen all this from Dumbledore's perspective in his previous life, and now it is a completely different feeling to substituting Tom's perspective.

Perhaps Tom has chosen to conceal some things, but what impressed Ivan is that Tom of all ages in various scenes in his memory has never cried once.

Even when people are squeezed out or targeted, they are calmly thinking about plans for revenge.

After realizing the difference between himself and others, he chose to actively exercise his extraordinary abilities.

Because of this, the young Tom was able to honour the management of the children in the entire orphanage, and even adults such as the dean and employees dare not intervene in his actions at will.

In contrast, Harry’s childhood was much weaker. He was bullied by a group of bear kids, and he never thought of actively motivating or even exercising his abilities...

This kind of contrast made Ivan marvel at Tom's adaptability, coupled with his extreme personality, no wonder he could grow into the future Dark Lord.

"After that, I went to Hogwarts to study and entered Slytherin College." Tom Riddle didn't know what Ivan was thinking, and he still told his own story.

Under Dumbledore’s guidance, the young Tom began his study at Hogwarts and quickly demonstrated his magical talents. Because of his handsome appearance and good conduct, the professors and staff in the school were all Love him very much.

Even the principal of Hogwarts at the time, Armando Dippet, also liked him very much...

"Except for Albus Dumbledore! He has always had a deep prejudice against me, no matter what achievements I make, I can't get his approval!" Tom's expression was very gloomy.

And in the dark fog space, Ivan showed his study career in school, he made a lot of results ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ all subjects are full marks, Slytherin has joined him for almost a year Can get the Academy Cup every year.

Even so, Dumbledore is still very wary of him...

"Tom, you already got the likes of most people at that time, isn't that enough?" Ivan asked, he was puzzled why Tom was so persistent with Dumbledore.josei

"Of course not enough!" Tom shook his head, grimly, and said again. "Dumbledore is special, he is the one who led me into the magical world, and he is also an extraordinary and powerful wizard..."

"I have seen him cast spells many times in school. At that time, I knew that his magical abilities far surpassed other professors in the school, and the principal of Hogwarts, Armando Dipeter, couldn't compare with him..."

"More importantly, I want to understand his powerful secret! I need to find the answer!" Tom whispered.

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