Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 218

Chapter 218: Dumbledore's source of power

Did you find the answer? "Ivan asked curiously.

"Yes.. But it's very difficult! I have tried to talk to Dumbledore about this, he told me the accumulation of knowledge and the power of belief are particularly important... the two are indispensable!" said this, Tom can not help but After laughing, he continued.

"It sounds like something to fool a child, doesn't it?"

"But I was still young, so I believed him! It wasn't until I followed the footsteps of the great forerunner Salazar Slytherin and deciphered many clues left by my ancestors, that I found this somewhere! "

Tom snapped his fingers, and a black mist surged in the air, converging into a book.

Ivan suppressed his excitement and forced himself to calm down. The cover and name of this book were very familiar to him. It was "The Origin of Blood"!

"This "The Origin of Blood" revealed to me everything that Albus Dumbledore had hidden! It also made me understand the truth of the magic world!" Tom did not notice that Ivan's expression was slightly wrong, and said with emotion.

"What does this book say? Why is it called Origin of Blood..." Ivan asked knowingly, wanting more information.

Tom glanced at him and introduced Ivan to the content of the book, starting with the history before the Wizarding War.

It is important to mention that in this ancient history, some wizards have taken the innate power of powerful creatures through various means. The Dumbledore family is also one of them. The fusion is the blood of the phoenix!

"You should have seen Dumbledore's Phoenix?" Tom turned to look at Ivan.

"Yes, it looks beautiful and powerful..." Ivan nodded.

"That's proof!" Tom raised his eyebrows, and said grimly behind him.

"Although the Slytherin blood I inherited is also very powerful, it is a pity that my father is a poor Muggle. He has tainted the blood of my ancestors, so that I can't fully obtain the power of the blood!"

Having said that, Tom clenched his fists tightly, and the black mist beside him was also disturbed.

But this situation only lasted for a while, and Tom was calm again...the calm was a little scary, and he continued to talk.

"In short, I found a way to restore the integrity of the blood in the book "The Origin of Blood", but this book is not complete. The most critical part was deliberately torn off, which caused me a lot of trouble. trouble..."

"I have always suspected that it was your current principal Albus Dumbledore who did this! Because according to the description in the book, the inheritance of blood will proceed in a diminishing manner.

But more than a thousand years passed, and the power of the Phoenix blood showed no signs of diminishing here. Dumbledore was still strong enough to summon his own phoenix, even infecting the guards of the gods into the appearance of a phoenix! "

"So the kind principal in your eyes may not be what you think.

Dumbledore is probably afraid of those talented little wizards, worried that someone will become stronger than him. I think this is why he has always been wary of me. "

Tom looked at Ivan sincerely, "You are very similar to me, Hals, we are all extremely talented little wizards, and Dumbledore will start targeting you sooner or later!"

Ivan nodded nonchalantly, and did not answer.

Tom didn't care, and said to himself.

"I put the book in the forbidden book area. You can find it in the twelfth column of the seven rows of bookshelves in the forbidden book area at midnight tonight."

"I set up some interesting little magic there to prevent this book from being obtained by the mediocre. I believe this will not stump you..." Tom's voice became weaker and weaker, as if he was very tired.

Ivan's face was a little weird, because he had already got the book "The Origin of Blood", and of course, he wouldn't be stupid enough to say it directly.

Most of Tom Riddle's words were in Ivan's expectation. He had long suspected that "The Origin of Blood" might have been hidden by Tom in the forbidden book area and had something to do with Salazar Slytherin. ...

The only thing that surprised Ivan was that Tom said that the "Origin of Blood" he got was missing from the beginning, and guessed that Dumbledore might have torn it.

If this is the case, why did Tom say that he found a way to complete the bloodline? Ivan has read that book, and there is no mention of relevant content in it.

The blood fusion medicine he made is exactly the formula given by the system...

In addition, there are many questions surrounding Ivan’s heart.

For example, why did Tom leave such a book in the banned area and set up numerous obstacles instead of taking it away...

Ivan opened his mouth and was ready to continue asking for more details, but Tom's original solid figure suddenly dispersed again.

Immediately afterwards, the entire space trembled violently, and finally shattered into an endless black mist, converging towards the center, and being involved in a whirlpool.

After everything dissipated, Ivan found himself back in the bedroom again. The tables, chairs, and beds were still placed in their original places. What happened just now was like a dream...

Only a diary with a black cover was quietly placed on the table. The pages of the book seemed to have lost its luster, and the paper was slightly yellowed. It also recorded the story just told in the form of words.josei

It took a long time for Ivan to recover. After thinking about it, he wrote in the diary with a quill pen. "Tom, are you okay?"

Ivan's inquiry was quickly answered, and black ink appeared on the diary.

[Very bad, in order to tell you these things, I have consumed too much power, I am afraid I can't talk to you for a while. In short, after you get the book and read it, let's talk again...]

So miserable? Isn't it?

Ivan curled his lips. In his opinion, Tom created such a black fog space to talk to himself. The cost is not small, but it will never hurt the roots.

Tom said so, nothing more than expecting him to grab some creatures to absorb life force, so that he can regain his strength.

The bait thrown out ~www.mtlnovel.com~ is "The Origin of Blood"...

If you change to another little wizard, you will feel sympathy after hearing Tom’s tragic childhood experience, follow his advice and go to the restricted book area to get "The Origin of Blood", confirm Tom's remarks, and finally believe in him. ..

While digesting the huge amount of information that Tom Riddle had said, Ivan closed the diary. Put it into the pocket of the wizard's robe and carry it next to your body.

I have to say that the black mist space created by Tom Riddle really scared Ivan.

If Tom came and fooled Harry, Ron, and Neville by taking advantage of his absence, where would he cry?

(PS: Thanks to Xiaozhu + the rewarded 100,000 starting currency, and become the third leader of this book! Sahua??ヽ(°▽°)ノ?...)

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