Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 219

Chapter 219: Everyone thinks I am the master of magic!

Ivan sighed, just in case, he had to change Tom's place to live.

Although he once made a cover for a diary that could be used to limit Tom Riddle's power spillover, it is obviously not the time to use it.

No way, Tom Riddle is really smart.

Ivan is sure that if he dares to do this, Tom will be 100% aware of it, which will cause the relationship between the two parties to deteriorate extremely.

He still has many questions for the other party to answer for the time being, so now is not the time for a complete fight...

"Strange, when did Tom take the initiative?" Ivan touched his chin. Tom revealed a lot of information in this exchange. It even showed him some childhood memories, which is not like Tom's usual style.

What Ivan didn’t know was that after Tom Riddle was locked up by him for two months, he could no longer hold back. He was afraid that he would be forgotten in a certain corner again. This is an urgent need to show value.. .

If I didn’t understand it, Ivan left it behind and checked the system’s mission update.

【Task: The Mystery of Bloodline

Mission: Find a way to integrate multiple bloodlines

Current task progress: 25%

Task reward: legendary value*1


"Or is it only increased by 10%?" Ivan was a little surprised seeing the progress of the task before he reached a quarter, but after thinking about it carefully, he came to understand.

Tom Riddle seems to have said a lot, but there is not much content related to the mission, and I don't know whether it is true or not... These improvements are good.

Thinking of this, Ivan was rather helpless and fell into a brief hesitation.josei

Thinking about whether to find a spider, cockroach or something, let Tom regain a little strength so that he can learn snake language and get more information along the way.

Otherwise, Ivan estimates that Tom will not reveal any useful information to him...


The next morning, Ivan, who was eating breakfast in the auditorium, kept yawning.

Last night, he believed Tom’s nonsense and became an Animagus. He wandered around in the Slytherin lounge, trying to find the clues left by the legendary Salazar Slytherin. .

In Ivan's opinion, the place where Salazar Slytherin is most likely to leave a clue is there.

It's a pity that the whole night was wasted in the end, and nothing was found...

I don't know if those clues were eliminated by Tom...

Ivan sighed, his choice was missing.

Originally, Ivan was expecting to find some breakthroughs from other places, but now it seems that it is mostly useless.

As Ivan was thinking about things, Harry and Ron, who were not knowing what they were discussing, suddenly turned their heads and asked.

"Ivan, are you going to the duel club next Friday night?"

Ivan was stunned, but soon realized what they were talking about, and suddenly wondered. "Duel Club? Is Professor Lockhart planning to have the second issue?"

Ivan couldn't help being a little strange. If he remembered it correctly, the duel club created by Lohart in the original time and space was only held for one period, and it was quickly withdrawn.

Could it be that Lockhart decided to hold the duel club forever because there was no embarrassment yesterday, but a show of limelight instead?

"I think the duel club is pretty good, it's much more interesting than class." Ron said carelessly.

Ivan smiled and didn't say anything. He was not surprised that the duel club would be so popular.

After all, the little wizards at Hogwarts had finally learned all kinds of curses and defensive magic in the school, but there was nowhere to use them. This was almost the resentment of all the little wizards.

The duel club hosted by Lockhart solved this problem well, so how can it be unpopular?

Hermione also added enthusiastically at this time.

"I heard that Professor Lockhart also invited Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout to join the class this time, and of course... and Professor Snape!"

"What about Professor McGonagall?" Ivan asked strangely. Since Lockhart has invited the deans of the three major colleges, why not invite Professor McGonagall.

"Lockhart is going to teach us Gryffindor himself...so Professor McGonagall was not invited." Harry sighed helplessly.

Ivan didn't expect Lockhart to have such a big battle, and he was not afraid that he would not be able to hold back then and reveal his stuff...

Professors like Snape and the others were not as foolish as ordinary little wizards, and it was easy to see that Lockhart was an empty shelf.

In fact, Lockhart already regretted it.

So after the last class in the morning, Lockhart found Ivan, who had not yet returned to the bedroom, and took him to his office.


Lockhart locked the door for the first time, took out a large bag of Jin Jialong from the office cabinet, and threw it on the table.

"This is what you want!"

Ivan didn't take it for the first time, but looked around. Lockhart's office was already very different from when he came last time.

The full-length mirror erected in the corner of the wall has been changed to another style, and the photos on the wall are all taken down. In addition to letters from fans and a large number of autobiographical books, there are a few more books on the slightly messy table. Textbooks such as "Standard Spells" and "Magic Theory".

"I thought you were either busy replying to fans every day, or busy showing up. I didn't expect you would still read some magic books." Ivan said with some surprise.

"No way, a true master of magic cannot know nothing..." Lockhart shrugged.

Ivan did not reply, opened the bag with Jin Jialong on the table, waved his magic wand to count, and quickly stopped because the number was wrong...

Ivan immediately turned to look at Lockhart.

"There are five thousand gallons in it. I hope you can do me another favor!" Lockhart said in a sincere tone, and moved the bag containing Jin Jialong to Ivan's body.

"Next Friday night, I will host the second duel club! At that time the deans of the other three academies will come! And I, a real master of magic cannot and should only use three kinds of magic!"

"But you are not a master of magic~www.mtlnovel.com~ just a famous liar... I advise you to do it in moderation." Ivan ruthlessly exposed Lockhart's true face and let him be well. Sober up.

"Yes, I know... Of course I know! But the problem is that so many people witnessed my easy non-spell casting in the duel field last night... and successfully stopped a chaos."

Lockhart was pacing back and forth at the desk, with an indescribable excitement on his face, he muttered to himself. "Everyone is talking about this now, they think I am the master of magic!"

You may have misunderstood, no one would think so except your fans!

Ivan murmured silently in his heart.

(PS: Add more to tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. The latest chapter is really difficult to write. There are too many things to consider. Please forgive me. Some replies to the comments are included in the words of the author later.

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