Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 220

Chapter 220: It doesn't matter, I have faith in you!

I think you can help me, can't you? Lockhart looked at Ivan expectantly, "You have such strength at a young age, you must have some skills to quickly improve your strength!" "

"Does talent and hard work count?" Ivan raised his eyebrows and said hesitantly.

When making the three magical equipment for Lockhart before, Ivan had expected Lockhart to get stuck in a trap after adapting to the rapid increase in strength brought about by this kind of props.

This is also a trap he set up specially in order to empty Lockhart's wallet...

Unexpectedly, Lockhart not only jumped in, but also not satisfied with this...

Thinking of this, Ivan shook his head and said.josei

"Professor Lockhart, I believe you should understand that there is no way to easily become a master of magic."

"In such a short time, I want to make a few magic items for you to enhance your strength!" Ivan spread his hands and said that he could do nothing.

"What should I do then? I have already met with a few deans, and at the next duel club, I will show the students of Hogwarts what a real wizarding duel is!" Lockhart said in a panic.

Hearing this, Ivan rolled his eyes involuntarily.

Looking for a duel with the three chiefs? You are so capable and brave and still need my help?

Professor Flitwick is the champion of the duel, and Snape's combat power is also top-notch. Professor Sprout may be slightly weaker than the two.

But anyway, Professor Sprout can also serve as the dean of the academy. Even if Lockhart uses magic items, he can only be beaten...

He will be revealed in one hand...

"I told you before, let you keep a low profile!" Ivan said silently.

"It's not entirely my proposal this time... it was made by Flitwick first." Lockhart was rather helpless. He didn't want to agree to it at first, but there were too many people at the time and he really couldn't bear to refuse.

Lockhart thought with a frown for a while, suddenly as if thinking of something, staring at Ivan with bright eyes, and then said abruptly for a long time.

"How about Hals, you play for me?"

"It will take at least a month to make the compound decoction!" Ivan rolled his eyes. Of course he knew what Lockhart was playing, and said suddenly.

"Add a thousand gallons, this is one of my few savings..." Lockhart gritted his teeth.

Ivan hesitated, seeing that he had touched Lockhart's bottom line, he agreed.

"Since this is the case, it is not impossible for me to play for you!"

In Hogwarts, there are not many opportunities to fight against several professors in the school for a legitimate reason, even if it is not for those Jin Jialong, Ivan will consider agreeing.

"But didn't you just say that it takes a month to make the compound decoction?" Lockhart wondered. He thought Ivan would find another way to help him.

"For such useful things as compound decoctions, we always have to keep a little spare..." Ivan casually explained.

He made a big pot of compound decoction last time to explore Hogwarts' mission all the way, but because he learned Animagus, he only used it once, so there was a lot left.

The corners of Lockhart's mouth twitched, so his thousand gallons were in vain?

Lockhart felt very distressed. His money was not from the wind, but from the hard work of writing books. In order to collect all kinds of good story materials, he used the Forgotten Curse, and even risked being beaten to death. risks of...

But remembering that the wound on his face hadn't healed yet, and still faintly hurting, Lockhart wisely swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

"By the way, Professor Lockhart, I won't guarantee that I can win by then..." Ivan was vaccinated in advance.

Ivan couldn't be more clear about his strength.

Without counting blood magic and props, he is at best equal to an ordinary adult wizard, and there is a clear gap with several professors...

"It doesn't matter, you just want to let them deliberately without letting the water go, I have confidence in you!" Lockhart patted Ivan on the shoulder and said confidently.

He has personally experienced Ivan's strength. He has seen many famous wizards who can't use such powerful magic!

Ivan's expression was very weird, and he opened his mouth to explain, making Loha especially hope for himself.

But thinking that he still needed this strength to deter Lockhart, Ivan could only helplessly shut up.


Ivan came out of Lockhart's office with a headache, reflecting on whether he had acted too much in front of Lockhart recently.

That makes Lockhart think that he is a powerful wizard who can "keep his hands" on the three principals of Flitwick, Snape and Sprout!

"I'm not Dumbledore..." Ivan sighed and went to the House of Requests as usual.

When I reached the door, Ivan's face suddenly changed.

There is a dirty stain on the wall in front of the house of responsiveness, which does not look very obvious, but Ivan, who has been here many times, can clearly perceive the difference...

Has anyone been here?

Ivan's complexion became very ugly. He turned around the door three times, opened the door and entered the potion storage room, and then rummaged inside.

Since the black mist space displayed by the Horcrux made Ivan vigilant, the Horcrux was temporarily transferred to the potion storage room in the responsive house.

Ivan is very worried that the person who may have entered the responsive house is for the diary!

However, it didn't take long for Ivan to find the diary with a black cover from where it was originally placed.

Confirming that the Horcrux was safe and sound, Ivan breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time guessing who might have been here? The Horcrux was not lost because the other party did not find it, or did the other party not come for this at all?

Ivan didn't believe there was such a coincidence~www.mtlnovel.com~ He looked at the Horcrux in front of him, hesitated for a while, and quickly became firm again.

Never wait any longer!

Originally, Ivan was still hesitating whether he should agree to Tom's proposal and help him restore his vitality. After all, this might cause unknown consequences.

Now Ivan has made up his mind to learn the snake language as soon as possible, obtain a method to fuse multiple bloodlines, and then immediately destroy the Horcrux!

Lest rebirth change!

Thinking of this, Ivan placed the Horcrux diary on the ground, took out a jar from his pocket, and inside it was a spider half the size of his palm, and then buckled it upside down on the cover of the diary.

A faint black mist suddenly floated out of the cover of the diary, and the spider in the jar seemed to have noticed something wrong, and frantically flowed in the jar...

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