Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 228

Chapter 228: Witness a cut owl

The basilisk hesitated for a moment, leaned down, and Ivan jumped directly on top of its head, grasping the bulge on the top of the basilisk to stabilize his figure.

The basilisk seems to have become accustomed to this, and took Ivan to walk away from the interior of the statue, crossing the hall of the secret room all the way, walking through the complicated pipeline, and returning along the road when Ivan came.

Ivan stayed on top of the basilisk and passed through this long pipe again, but he was much more comfortable than before.

Ivan learned from the information in the research room that in addition to being treated as a test subject and pet by Salazar Slytherin, the basilisk is often used as a transportation tool and elevator.

After all, the statue at the entrance of the research room was built too high, and the pipe was too long. Only creatures like basilisks can come and go freely.

More importantly, standing on top of the basilisk's head and walking back and forth, there is more... aura!

Perhaps this is the real reason Slytherin raised the basilisk...

After walking through the pipe for about ten minutes, a little bit of light shone through from above, and Ivan knew that he was about to return to the ground.

Saying "open" again in snake language, Ivan soon saw the brighter and brighter stars above, and the faint vibration sound came from above.

In the bathroom, the circular pool formed by a large number of wash basins turned again, revealing the circular pipe underneath.

A huge flat snake head came out of the hole, followed by a small half of the long snake body, and the dark yellow bulb-sized eyes looked at everything that was familiar and unfamiliar around it.

Ivan jumped off the top of the basilisk, then closed his eyes and turned his head, and said to the basilisk.

"Hiss~ (Go back to where you should be!

"Hiss~ (eat...Eight-Eyed Giant Spider The basilisk was very restless and wanted to get out of the pipe completely, but was stopped by Ivan's rebuke.

"Be obedient, go back to your lair, next time! I will take you to eat the eight-eyed giant spider next time I come again!"

The basilisk looked at him hesitantly, then slowly turned his body, swimming and crawling back from the pipe...

Ivan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he sensed that the basilisk had obeyed his command.

Although the snake language was originally a weapon specially made by the wizard to control snake creatures, but the basilisk, such a powerful magical creature, can hardly be succumbed by snake language alone.

Fortunately, according to the information left by Slytherin, after the blood of the basilisk is fused, the power of the snake language will be greatly enhanced, and then he may be able to use the basilisk as a pet to drive it.

Thinking of this, Ivan was even more looking forward to it.

The entrance to the secret room slowly closed, and intermittent crying came into Ivan's ears.

Ivan looked at the innermost toilet in the bathroom and shook his head.

Myrtle can really cry. It's been a while, and her emotions haven't calmed down yet.

But that’s not bad. He used to worry about being seen by Myrtle when he came out. Now he doesn’t have to worry...

Ivan walked to the bedroom while sorting out his harvest.

"Ivan, something has happened!" When they arrived at the Gryffindor lounge, Harry and Ron, looking flustered, suddenly ran towards him.

"What's the matter?" Ivan asked strangely, and at the same time faintly felt something wrong.

Harry and Ron didn't reply, but eagerly pulled him and ran away. Ivan didn't resist. When the door opened and arrived in the dormitory, Ivan understood why they were so anxious.

In Ivan's sight, the huge bedroom was in a mess, and the books and clothes were turned over and thrown on the ground.

The strange-looking "owls" he raised had run out of the cage for some reason. Maca hid on the pillar beside the bed in horror, and rushed over after seeing Ivan.

Ivan stared at an opened suitcase with an ugly face.

He was worried that he could not find a clue in the secret room, and temporarily saved Tom's life. When he went to the secret room, he sealed the Horcrux and locked it in the suitcase and stuffed it under the bed.

So the invaders are undoubtedly coming towards the Horcrux!

Ivan hurried forward to check it, but he couldn't find the black-covered diary. Ivan was immediately confused as to who would want this Horcrux.

Except for old Malfoy, no one else should know that this thing is right here.

And since he got the Horcrux, he has carried him close to him most of the time, and has been properly kept for the rest of the time. Tom Riddle has no chance to seduce other people.

Thinking of someone who might steal the Horcrux in his mind, Ivan suddenly turned his head and stared fiercely at the chubby mouse lying by the window.

Shaban was gnawing at a multi-flavored bean in a leisurely manner. Even if there was a mess in the dormitory, it was nothing to do with him, and it had nothing to do with him anyway.

But after being stared at by Ivan, Scabbard felt a chill rise from the bottom of his heart. Even the multi-flavored beans in his hand were not fragrant. He jumped into Ron's arms as fast as he could, and then shivered in. Lost Ron's pocket.

Ivan withdrew his gaze. Since Shaban still has the guts to stay here, it means that most of the Horcrux matter has nothing to do with him...

"Ivan, is there something important for you missing?" Harry noticed something wrong with Ivan's expression, and asked aloud.

"It's just a notebook for taking notes, it's black, it's not an important thing..." Ivan hesitated and said.

Ivan didn't want to involve Harry and Ron, so he just described what the Horcrux looked like and asked if they had seen it.

Harry and Ron both shook their heads.

"Where were you before? Did you see who did it?" Ivan suppressed the anxiety in his heart and asked again.

"Ron and I stayed in the lounge to lower the wizard flag in the afternoon, and when we came in, we found that it was like this in the bedroom.

We checked our own things and didn't lose anything, so we came out to find you and Neville. Harry explained aloud.

"Which **** ~www.mtlnovel.com~ is so troublesome to steal a useless book." Ron said angrily, soothing the restless speckles in his pocket.

Ivan frowned, this was troublesome, he couldn't even think of who would want to get this Horcrux for a while.

There were no witnesses besides Scabbers. When Ivan was suffering from a headache, Maca flew to his shoulder, pecked at his face, and yelled "coococo~".

"Maca? Yes, I almost forgot, you should have seen it, I can still ask you!" Ivan was stunned first, and then he realized with joy that in addition to the spots in the bedroom, his owls are also the same. Is an eyewitness.

(PS: The theft of the Horcrux is a plot that has been planned for a long time. I also gave a lot of foreshadowings in the front, so it must be written, but the latter will not be the same as the original. Please rest assured... More importantly, some settings are still needed. With the help of Tom to speak out, so...)josei

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