Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 229

Chapter 229: It turns out that you are also an owl!

Although Ivan doesn't understand Owl language now, as long as he becomes an Animagus form, he can communicate with Maca without obstacles.

Soon I learned from Maca who stole the Horcrux, and then took the Horcrux back and destroyed it!

The Horcrux disappeared for only a few hours now, and Tom shouldn't have time to do anything.

Thinking of this, Ivan ran out of the door with Maca in his arms, planning to find a place where there was no one to transform and ask.

Staying in the bedroom, Harry and Ron looked at each other and didn't quite understand what Ivan was going to do... Do you want to ask this owl?


At the same time, Ivan took Maca into the training room of the responsive room.

Suddenly in the new environment, Maca seemed very excited, fluttered his wings and flew around in the training room. When he returned, he was horrified to find that Ivan's body suddenly shrank quickly.

But soon Maca was stunned, his round eyes dullly watched Ivan change from a person to an owl.

After adjusting to his new body, Ivan flapped his wings and flew to Maca's side, intending to ask what happened in the bedroom just now.

"Cuckoo~ (So you are also an owl?! Before Ivan had time to ask, Maca cooed cutely, and licked his cheek closely with his beak.josei

Hearing this, Ivan's face turned black, and he almost fell out of the air.

He has only temporarily become an owl...

"Don't make trouble!" Ivan waved his wings and slapped Maca, and then asked about business. "Maca, what happened in the bedroom just now?"

Maca didn't disappoint Ivan either. Although his expression ability was inaccurate, he still spoke intermittently.

Soon after he left, an ugly strange creature about the height of a table suddenly appeared in the bedroom.

Then after the strange creature came in, it turned around, searching for something, making the bedroom a mess.

Faced with this situation, Maca naturally couldn't tolerate it, so it released a few "kind" in the cage and let them fight the strange creature.

It's just that those "kind" were not strong enough to get rid of the intruder. In the end, the intruder took something from Ivan's suitcase, and then disappeared.

"The table is so high, the ugly strange creature? Can it suddenly appear and disappear? Dobby?" Ivan muttered to himself. The only thing that met this condition was Dobby.

But why? How could Dobby be bold enough to steal the Horcrux directly?

You must know that Dobby has never stolen the Horcrux in Ginny's hand in the original time and space. As a house elf, Dobby is unlikely to directly undermine old Malfoy's plan.

It was because of this that Ivan had never thought of Dobby before.

When Ivan was thinking about it, he felt his cheek rubbed against him, and turned his head to look over and found that it was Maca who was leaning towards him.

"Cuckoo~" Maca made a burst of unclear notes.

"Wait... what do you want?" Ivan faintly felt that something was wrong, and he suddenly remembered that Maca seemed to be a female owl.

Ivan was so frightened that he quickly changed back to his original appearance.

Maca blinked her eyes dumbly, not understanding how Ivan suddenly changed back...

Ivan looked at the cute owl in front of him, very helpless. It seemed that he had better not deform randomly in front of Maca in the future.

After learning that Dobby was the one who stole the Horcrux, on the way back to the bedroom, Ivan kept thinking about how to catch the other person.

In terms of strength, Duobi is not weaker than the average adult wizard, and it is not easy to deal with.

More importantly, this house elf's whereabouts are uncertain, and he can use Apparition at Hogwarts at will. Not to mention trying to catch the opponent, it is difficult to find it!

Even so, Ivan is not without help, his Animagus form can communicate with all the owls in the school, these "kind" in a sense are his eyeliners.

In addition, Ivan also knows an important piece of information that can be used.

That is Dobby pays great attention and care to Harry. As long as a suitable game is set, the opponent can be automatically hooked...

I just don't know if Harry will agree..


When Ivan returned to the dormitory, Harry and Ron helped him clean up the mess that was thrown away, and even the few "owls" running around were locked in a cage by them.

"Harry, Ron, thank you!" Ivan said shamelessly. He had forgotten to help clean up when he left in a hurry.

Harry and Ron shook their heads to show that they didn't care.

"By the way, Ivan, have you figured out who messed up our bedroom?" Ron asked curiously.

"It's an ugly strange creature as high as a table... I think it's probably a house elf." Ivan nodded and said.

Harry's face changed and he exclaimed.

"It's Dobby!"

"What? Which Dobby? Was it the guy who hurt you with a walker last time?" Ron didn't think of it at first, but he quickly reacted.

After the previous Quidditch game, Harry once told him that it was done by Lucius Malfoy's house elf Dobby. Even when school started, they missed the train, and it was this house elf who was almost expelled from school.

Had it not been for Dobby, how could he have received a roaring letter from his mother in the public, and his face was completely ashamed that morning.

"It turned out to be that **** again!" Ron tickled with anger, wishing Dobby hang up and smoke.

But soon, Ron asked curiously. "Did you really get news from your owl?"

He watched Ivan rushing out with an owl before, and when he asked for a place to question, he thought Ivan was crazy...

"You know, Maca has always been smarter..." Ivan shrugged and didn't explain much.

Ron really wanted to complain ~www.mtlnovel.com~ What he actually wanted to ask was how Ivan communicated with an owl.

"Anyway, I thought of a way to bring Dobby out. You may need to cooperate with Harry." Ivan turned his head and looked at Harry.

Harry was caught in a brief stupefaction at this time. He remembered Dobby's words when he had a secret conversation with him in the school hospital. After Ivan called him several times, Harry came back to his senses.

Ivan reluctantly repeated what he had just said, and Harry said in surprise.

"Do you have a way to catch Dobby?"

"That's great!" Ron was equally excited.

"Yes, it's just that you might have to sacrifice a little bit. This plan is a little bit risky!" Ivan looked at Harry and was vaccinated in advance.

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