Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 230

Chapter 230: Plan to capture Dobby

what? Let me be chased by a stray ball on the Quidditch Stadium two days later! Harry said crumbled after hearing Ivan's plan.

This is called a little risk? He was almost smashed by a walker last time!

"I will release the Confusion Curse this time, I will adjust it, and it shouldn't hurt you!" Ivan said uncomfortably.

"But is this really useful?" Harry was very skeptical.

"Of course, we just have to wait. The news that you have encountered an attack again on the court spreads. I believe that after a while, Dobby will take the initiative to explain to you!" Ivan explained.

Ivan knows Harry's place in Dobby's mind very well!

After Harry "killed" the mysterious man, he greatly improved the difficult situation of the house elves. For this reason, Dobby was very grateful to Harry and regarded him as his savior...

It is precisely because of this that Dobby will come to Hogwarts to "help" Harry at Hogwarts without hesitating to violate the rules and self-harm.

So Ivan is certain that once Dobby learns that Harry Potter, which he most respects, has encountered the same attack on the Quidditch pitch as before, and suspects that it did it, he will definitely come forward to clarify.

At that time, he only needs to use the compound decoction to become Harry's appearance, and when Dobby is unprepared, he can easily catch the opponent by direct sneak attack.

Apart from this, Ivan couldn't think of a better way to draw out the mysterious house elf.

After listening to Ivan's overall plan, Harry doubted Dobby's claim that he was particularly concerned about him.

But Harry hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and agreed. He happened to have something to ask Dobby to ask clearly.

"Then it's settled, we will exchange identities with compound decoction after the game." Ivan clapped, and at the same time gave Harry an apologetic look.

In fact, during the game, he can also use the compound decoction and Harry to identify each other, so that Harry does not need to be chased by the stray ball again.

But considering that Harry could not learn his pitching skills, Ivan might be more skeptical than revealing flaws, so he finally dispelled the idea.

"By the way, Ivan, what does Dobby spend so much time asking for your notebook for?" Harry hesitated for a while and asked aloud.

Ivan shook his head, and was about to say something to fool him, but was suddenly interrupted by Harry.

"Because that thing has something to do with Voldemort, right?"

"Voldemort? Mysterious man?" Ron was taken aback, looked at Ivan in surprise, and stepped back unconsciously.

Ivan's face changed and he looked at Harry puzzledly, not sure how he knew it, and so sure.

"Dobby told me... he said that old Malfoy once sold an item related to Voldemort to a little wizard at Hogwarts, and he opened the dangerous thing by my side... Harry started to explain.

There are not many little wizards in Hogwarts who meet this requirement.

In addition, this time Dobby broke in inexplicably just to steal one of Ivan's items, and Harry confirmed that the little wizard Dobby was talking about was Ivan.

Ivan frowned. What he didn't expect was that Dobby knew about it and told Harry about it, so he had no choice but to explain it aloud.

"That's right. Old Malfoy visited my magic shop during the summer vacation and sold a black diary. At that time, he told me that it could help me learn and answer some questions for me, so I kept Take it with you..."

"Later I found something was wrong with that thing, and a lot of the knowledge passed to me was wrong, so I planned to destroy it, but I didn't expect to see it today."

Ivan naturally threw the pot on Old Malfoy, saying that he was just an innocent second-year wizard who was deceived.

"Oh my god, how can you believe Malfoy's father's words! You don't look at how bad Malfoy is usually, neither of them is a good thing!" Ron said with a hatred of iron and steel.

Harry nodded in agreement, and then asked instead. "How about we tell Professor Dumbledore about this?"

When it comes to Voldemort, Harry didn't dare to care. He hadn't mentioned this to Dumbledore before because he couldn't be sure whether Dobby was saying true or not, but it was different now.

"It's better to wait until we catch Dobby..." Ivan shook his head.

If not necessary, Ivan didn't want to seek Dumbledore's help, especially because he didn't want Dumbledore to know that he had contact with Voldemort's Horcruxes.

Even if it can't be concealed, it is best to destroy the Horcrux before handing it over to Dumbledore, lest Dumbledore learn something unfavorable to him from Tom.josei

More importantly, Ivan has always wanted to think about the contradiction between Dumbledore and Aysia, and whether his father's death is related to the old principal...


Two days passed in a flash.

During this period, Ivan transformed into an Animagus form more than once, wandering throughout the castle, instructing some talkative owls to help him find Dobby, and to pay attention to possible abnormalities in Hogwarts.

Among them, the secret room entrance of the girls' bathroom is the most critical spot to watch.

What makes Ivan breathe a sigh of relief is that in the past two days, the school has been extremely calm, and there has been no basilisk attack.

This represents Tom Riddle, who has not succeeded in bewitching Dobby the house elf.

But Ivan thinks this should happen sooner or later, after all, Dobby seems to be not very clever...

So he needs to get back the Horcrux before that!

"Ivan, your confusion spell shouldn't be a problem by then?" Harry asked secretly in the Gryffindor locker room before the game.

He is very worried that he will be hit by a walk-in ball and lose the game, so Wood will probably be sad.

"Don't worry, the roaming ball will fly slower this time, and you can dodge it no matter what." Ivan said comfortingly.

It really took him a lot of effort to impose a confusing spell on the walking ball.

Last time after Harry was attacked ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Mrs. Hodge increased the protection of these balls, and she would check it carefully a few hours before the game, and Ivan managed to hide it. she was.

"In short, you can play Harry normally in this game. We are already a lot ahead. Even if we lose the Snitch, it will not affect us to win the championship." Ivan added.

This is the last Quidditch game this year. After a previous match with Slytherin, the Gryffindor team had another match with the Hufflepuff team.

As long as the game against Ravenclaw goes smoothly, you will be able to win the Quidditch championship of this school year!

His legendary value is just a little bit close to the protection mode of the exchange system, and the next bloodline is merged. Maybe after winning the championship this time, he will be able to gather it together!

(PS: Looking at the comments, many book friends don't like to read Quidditch chapters. After that, I will try to summarize the content of Quidditch in a few paragraphs.)

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