Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 234

Chapter 234: Dealing with basilisk

Latest URL: The next day, in the afternoon, on the long table at Gryffindor, Harry looked at Ivan who was a little absent-minded, and asked curiously.

"Ivan, did you catch Dobby last night?"

"Of course, but Dobby has lost that thing..." Ivan nodded, then spoke.

Harry put down his knife and fork in surprise, looked around, and saw that no one was paying attention, so he asked in a low voice. "Then what shall we do?"

"Don't worry, I will find that person as soon as possible..." Ivan said comfortingly.

Harry felt relieved when Ivan said this.

In fact, Ivan is also having a headache for this. There are so many people in the school and the Horcrux is easy to hide. To find the person who has obtained the Horcrux is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

After dinner, Ivan refused Harry's request to go with him and went to the abandoned girls' bathroom alone.

Maca, who had been watching for a long time here, quickly flew over after seeing Ivan's arrival.

"Has anyone been here before? Maca?" Ivan asked, and the latter shook his head.

Ivan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Tom wanted to confuse a person not so easily, at least not in just a few days.

As early as the day the Horcrux disappeared, Ivan asked his owl to focus on the corridor outside the girl's bathroom, and immediately reported to him whenever he saw someone coming in or heard any other movement.

People can also hide by the phantom spell, the only way to enter the secret room is this one.

If you want to enter it, you must open this entrance. The movement caused during this period can never be hidden from the sensitive owl.

So as long as you stare here, you will be able to catch the person who took the Horcrux sooner or later...

Of course, the premise is that he must dispose of the basilisk first before setting it up as a trap!

Otherwise, the opponent and the basilisk have both pinched him...

After all, Tom Riddle's control of the basilisk is much better than he is now...

This is bad for him!

"Hiss~ (open! Ivan uttered snake language to the entrance organ, and accompanied by a shock, the passage was slowly opened, and then he jumped down and entered.

Coming to the secret room again, Ivan was already familiar with the road.

However, Ivan did not relax his vigilance, and was always on guard for accidents. It was not until the Hushen guard confirmed that the basilisk was still staying in the lair, which was finally relieved.

"Speak to me, Slytherin-the greatest of the Big Four at Hogwarts..." Ivan aloud opened the door to the basilisk lair.

The basilisk quickly responded to the call and crawled out of the mouth of the Slytherin statue, winding a huge body, the hideous snake head leaned in front of Ivan, spitting out the letter.

"Hiss~ (eat... Eight-eyed giant spider...

Ivan didn't expect the basilisk to remember it all the time, so he spoke. "First take me to the research room again, I have to look at the information again, and then I will take you to eat the eight-eyed giant spider..."

The basilisk nodded, agreed, leaned down and prepared to take Ivan into the lair like last time.

"If I need to study, can I take some of your blood?" Ivan suddenly asked.

The basilisk did not speak, and opened his big mouth full of fangs, yelling at Ivan for a while, light bulb-sized eyes revealing killing intent...

Although the first two controllers had taken blood from it more than once, it was based on the foundation that it could not resist.

The snakelike voice of the little wizard in front of him, but there is no such powerful force that can force it to obey orders.

Ivan was silent. He originally had a slight expectation for the basilisk, thinking that after fusing the snake blood, he would be able to have an extra powerful helper.

It is a pity that the loss of the Horcrux makes the Basilisk from a helper to a threat again!

Just now was the last chance he gave the basilisk, but the other party was obviously very uncomfortable.

For this, Ivan can only say sorry...His improved potion can be cured in three days, and it is just right to get the blood today!

"I hope those eight-eyed giant spiders can be a little bit stronger... anyway, they are also a kind of magical creature, with a whole nest... No matter how bad they are, the basilisk can be eaten!" Ivan muttered to himself, turning Then he changed his expression, calmed the basilisk with snake language, and asked it to take itself to the research room first.

He needs to take out some useful information first...

Lest you have to climb it next time...


In the middle of the night, on the shore of the Hogwarts lake, a long black shadow flicked across the water quickly, and the fish in the water fled around in horror, shaking waves...

After a while, a huge flat head came out of the water, and Ivan, who was lying on it, coughed hard.

"As I thought, there are always pipes that lead directly to here, even the smell of the sewers is a bit too unpleasant." Ivan jumped off the basilisk's head and looked at the dense black woods around him. Said with emotion.

"Hiss~ (I smell them! The basilisk began to commotion, it smelled the alluring scent again, and there were a lot of them...

Ivan didn't stop him anymore, letting the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider roam in the forbidden forest, and started its hunting plan!

It would have accidentally hurt Hagrid who often came to the forbidden forest, or the horsemen who stayed in the forbidden forest. Ivan chose to start in the early morning, when most intelligent creatures were sleeping.

Moreover, Ivan had roughly judged the location of Aragok’s lair from the spider escape route in the school before, and the place of entry was nearby.

It minimizes the possibility of being seen by others. If it can be hit by any unlucky guy~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ivan can only say sorry.

It didn't take long for the basilisk to successfully find the eight-eyed giant spider's lair with its keen sense of smell, and went straight into it excitedly.

The eight-eyed giant spiders obviously didn't realize the basilisk's raid, or they sensed it but had not had time to escape. The sound of the basilisk biting its prey suddenly sounded in the lair.

Then countless small spiders gushing out of the cave, very small, they are ordinary spiders crawling over to take refuge in the castle, they probably did not expect that the basilisk would directly kill their lair.josei

But it is precisely because of its small size that the eyes of the basilisk can not be seen at all, and the basilisk has no interest in eating them, so it is safe.

Ivan was guarding the door, looking at the five buttons in his hand, he had to say that the five-level Transformation Curse had initially been completely deformed, so that he could easily turn five roosters into buttons and bring them directly beside him.

"It should be almost..." Ivan waited a lot and noticed that the movement inside became smaller and smaller, and then slowly walked into the cave. The patron saint surrounded him as his eyes. .

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