Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 235

Chapter 235: The basilisk caught in madness!

Latest website: Stepping into the cave, Ivan's eyes are greeted by the corpses of spiders, which look different in size, and most of them have no wounds on their bodies.

Obviously these spiders were dead the moment they saw the eyes of the basilisk...

The few remaining parts were either torn apart, or hit hard, or even crushed directly into pieces...

Ivan couldn’t help feeling the basilisk’s combat effectiveness.

The dead snake eyes deal with the hordes of enemies, and then use the hard thick skin and lethal fangs to clean up the fish that slipped through the net. If a nest of eight-eyed giant spiders die, they may not have much impact on the basilisk.

Thinking of this, Ivan frowned. I'm afraid things won't go as smoothly as he thought. It's impossible to expect the Eight-eyed Giant Spider to fight with the Basilisk and lose both.

There is a lot of space in the cave, and it is filled with the smell of corruption.

After entering the depths, there were more and more spider corpses. Besides, Ivan also saw the corpses of other animals.

There was even a horseman. It seemed that half had been eaten. The lower half of the corpse was vaguely covered with layers of spider webs, and there were many white spider eggs piled on it, which was extremely disgusting.

Ivan had long known that these eight-eyed giant spiders were not good, but he did not expect that they would actually have the courage to eat horsemen, such intelligent creatures.

But thinking of Agrak in the original time and space, letting his heirs attack Harry and Ron, Ivan was relieved. They even dared to eat sorcerers, not to mention being a mere horseman...

At this time, deep in the cave, a sound of neighing and struggling came.

Ivan couldn't help speeding up his pace. When he saw the battle outside, he thought that the Basilisk could easily destroy this eight-eyed giant spider lair. Now it seems that he has encountered some resistance?

Far away, Ivan saw two behemoths fighting.

The basilisk’s big mouth full of fangs is biting on Aragok’s long limbs, and the snake body that is tightly wrapped around this giant spider is now a bit bloated, perhaps because it had swallowed a lot of prey before. reason.

Aragok was clearly at an absolute disadvantage, although his wisdom enabled it to actively avoid looking at the basilisk and avoid direct death.

But in the face of his natural enemies, Aragog, who is already old and weak, can't even make a decent resistance. He can only drag his car-sized body against the edges and corners of the wall, or use its big claws to tear the snake. The blame entangled his body.

The skin of the basilisk is not generally hard, and Aragok's long claws can only leave shallow traces on it.

The old spider could only call his children to rescue him weakly. However, the eight-eyed giant spider in the cave was either killed by the basilisk or had escaped.

The effect of the snake venom slowly penetrated the whole body, and Aragok felt that he became weaker and weaker, and a figure was faintly seen in the line of sight that was close to blindness, walking towards him.

"Save me! Wizard... I'm Hagrid's friend... Save me!" Aragok was like a drowning man who had caught the duckweed. His low voice was full of longing for life, so much so that there was no Think about why there is a wizard here.

What made Aragok even more delighted was that the wizard on the opposite side seemed to nodded faintly.

Of course, Ivan did not intend to rescue Aragog, but now the opportunity is really rare. While the basilisk binds its prey, he is also in an immobile dilemma.

Except when peeling, there is no better meeting on the phone than now...

Ivan held the magic wand and activated the effect of strengthening the magic text...

The two giants entangled in front suddenly felt a danger of death enveloping their hearts.josei

Aragok thought Ivan was here to help him, so he didn't move.

Basilisk has the same idea, but it doesn't want anyone to disturb its hunting operations, so instead it demonstrates, raising its head and barking at Ivan...

"Shen Feng Wuying!"

At the moment when the basilisk spoke, Ivan waved out his magic wand, and the invisible magic blade cut through the air, making strange noises and rushing into the basilisk's big mouth.

A sorrowful roar resounded in the deep cave...

After being blessed by the enhanced magic text, the penetrating Shenfeng Wuying directly cut off the flat head of the basilisk, one eye was cut off, and the mouth was even more pierced. After a hole, a large amount of scarlet cold blood fell on the ground.

The basilisk twisted his body frantically, slammed away Aragok, dragged his body and slammed into Ivan.

"Hiss~ (dead! The only remaining eye of the basilisk stared at the little wizard in front of him. The severe pain made it no time to think about why Ivan suddenly shot himself, and only killing was in his heart. Thoughts!

The bucket-thick tail of the basilisk swept towards Ivan at an amazing speed!

Ivan didn't expect the vitality of the basilisk to be so powerful, and the small half of his head was cut off without death.

He clearly remembered that Harry was holding the sword of Gryffindor in the original time and space, and killed the basilisk with just one sword!

Could it be that Harry, the savior, is full of luck? Run through the mind of the basilisk, or what special ability does the Gryffindor sword have?

Ivan didn't have time to think about it, the snake's tail was already in front of him... Ivan drove the shadow of the unicorn next to him to materialize, bucking the trend and blocking the middle.

The patron saint's pointed horn pierced into the firm crusty, and pulled a long wound on the basilisk's tail. , But could not stop the basilisk's angry blow.

Ivan, who didn't dare to open his eyes, only had time to activate the effect of the protective ring, and was knocked out.

Fortunately, the existence of the patron saint and the iron armor curse somewhat weakened the effect of the collision, and Ivan did not suffer much damage.

While being drawn away, Ivan suddenly threw out the five buttons that he was holding in his left hand~www.mtlnovel.com~ and lifted the transformation spell he had set.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling light lit up at the top of the wand!

"Fluorescence flickers!"

Under Ivan's full effort, the light in the dim cave at night was as bright as day!

Five roosters sounded in the next moment,

The crow of the rooster is undoubtedly fatal to the basilisk...

The basilisk with blood all over, as if being stimulated by some kind of irritation, became even more frantic. The huge body was scurrying around in the cave, and the sharp neighing sound was endless...

Three of the roosters were crushed to death by the huge snake body. Ivan once again controlled the shadow of the unicorn to fight with the basilisk in a violent state, consuming the opponent's physical strength...

Unstoppable blood poured out from the wounds of the basilisk being pierced. After struggling for a few minutes, the behemoth finally fell helplessly to the ground...

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