Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 236

Chapter 236: you know too much!

Latest URL: Seeing the huge corpse of the basilisk fell in front of him, Ivan was finally relieved, this thing is really difficult to deal with.

Had it not been for the basilisk when he was entangled with Aragog, he gave it a cruel shot, the result would be hard to say.

Ivan couldn't help complaining about the wizard who wrote the book, but didn't know how long it would take for the rooster to slay the basilisk.

It took him five roosters to croak for several minutes before the basilisk completely died. I don't know if it was bleeding to death...

Fortunately, the rooster's crowing is not all he depends on, otherwise, he will be killed by the author of the book...

Ivan sighed, took out the prepared test tube from his pocket, and collected the blood flowing from the wound of the basilisk.

【Magic Item: Basilisk’s Blood

Explanation: This is the blood extracted from the Millennium Basilisk, which contains extremely powerful activity and magic...]

Ivan stared at the information introduction given by the system, somewhat surprised, the longer the basilisk lived, the stronger the strength, resulting in the more powerful magic power in his blood.

This means that he will get even more promotion after fusion!

Click... click...

"Thank you for saving me, wizard..." Aragok strode the forelimbs strenuously and stood up with difficulty, weakened under the influence of the snake venom.

The eight-eyed giant spider was originally a highly poisonous creature, and was highly resistant to toxins, but after so long, Aragok was not far from death.

It's just that it doesn't want to die yet, so humblely pleaded. "Do you have a way to treat the snake venom on my body?"

"No, I can't help it!" Ivan shook his head and said cruelly.

The only way he knew to treat snake venom was Phoenix's tears, but Dumbledore would not save a murderous eight-eyed giant spider.

Even if it will, it is obviously too late...

So let's wait for death with peace of mind..

Aragok was silent for a while before suddenly speaking. "I'm dying, wizard...can you do me a favor?"

"Do you have anything to convey to Hagrid?" Ivan turned his head to look at the old giant spider, and asked seriously.

"No! I hope you find the person who opened the Slytherin Chamber and kill him!" Aragok's words were full of killing intent.

Aragok, who has experienced the secret room incident 50 years ago, is very clear that the basilisk stays dormant in the secret room and will never appear unless it is called by someone else...

Thinking of this, Aragok was ready to tell the wizard in front of him everything he knew, and begged the friend of Hagrid to avenge his race!

However, Aragok, who was about to speak, suddenly realized that the appearance of the other party seemed a bit too coincidental...

Why do wizards enter their lair late at night, or just when the basilisk attacks...


"It's you who released the basilisk!" Aragok screamed, shaking his body.

The moment the voice fell, an invisible sharp blade pierced Aragok's head instantly! This old eight-eyed giant spider strode forward with difficulty, and then its huge body crashed down...

Ivan put down the wand in his hand, looked at Aragok's body, and said again.

"you know too much!"

There was a sudden silence in the dim cave, leaving only the corpses all over the floor. Ivan looked around and hesitated what to do with it.

"Wait...how much is the venom of the eight-eyed giant spider?" Ivan touched his chin, very pleasantly surprised. He felt like he was going to get rich overnight!

If he remembers correctly, the venom of the eight-eyed giant spider is worth as much as sixty gallons in the black market in Knockturn Alley!

If it can be sold formally, it is even more than one hundred gallons!

After cleaning the lair, Ivan felt that it would be okay to make up sixty or seventy bottles.

Coupled with the Jin Jialong extorted from Lockhart, Ivan suddenly found that 20,000 gallons did not seem to be as hard to earn as he thought...

Thinking of this, Ivan was excited like a chicken blood, and cut off all the eight-eyed giant spider’s venom sacs, even with basilisk teeth, snake skin and other valuable things. Pack them all together.

It took a whole night to transfer all of the most valuable materials in the cave to the responsive house.

Those who are too heavy to carry and are not easy to carry have to give up.

Finally, Ivan took the two roosters that were still alive, walked out of the cave, turned his head and waved his wand to cast a spell.

"Thunderbolt exploded!"

A huge roar sounded, and the wide cave entrance was blown in half. Ivan made another shot, completely burying the eight-eyed giant spider’s lair...

"Without the basilisk, what can you do? Tom!" Ivan muttered to himself looking at the bombed hole.


Since killing the basilisk, Ivan's tension has been relaxed a lot, but this does not mean that he has stopped, but has become more busy.

Because in addition to searching for Horcruxes, his improved fusion potion is about to be finished, which means that he can immediately fuse the second bloodline...

The blood of the basilisk!

Therefore, in the remaining day, Ivan almost spent time in the responsive room, looking at the many materials left by Slytherin, improving the knowledge of blood fusion.

The understanding of the basilisk is getting more and more profound...

"The basilisk was created by a wizard, the most dangerous and powerful creature!" Ivan stroked the record at the end of the sheepskin scroll and fell into contemplation.

He still remembered that in the book "The Origin of Blood", some ambitious wizards tried to cultivate the most powerful and most suitable magical creatures through various methods.

The despicable Helbo, the creator of the basilisk, came with this purpose...

According to records, Haierbo also became the first person to integrate the blood of the basilisk, and was also the most famous dark wizard at the time~www.mtlnovel.com~ It is rumored that he could instantly put his opponent to death...

Salazar Slytherin is probably the second person to incorporate the blood of the basilisk!

It's just that there is no record on the sheepskin scroll, what kind of abilities the founder of Hogwarts has acquired...josei

But one thing is clearly recorded on the sheepskin scroll, that is, fusion of snake blood will not have any sequelae...

Only then did Ivan put down the sheepskin scroll in his hand and walked to the cauldron that was "grumbling" bubbling, watching the chaotic fusion potion gradually turning into it, and he didn't hesitate to add the cold basilisk blood to it. .

The chaotic-colored fusion potion rose up, slowly turning into dark green in just a few minutes, flashing with faint fluorescence...

"System, exchange protection mode!" Ivan put the potion into the test tube, held it in his hand, and said.

(PS: The reason for Voldemort's snake face will be explained later, and it is related to many factors... Anyway, the protagonist will not change...)

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