Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 237

Chapter 237: Fusion of the blood of the basilisk!

Latest website: Just after Ivan spoke, a strange feeling came to my heart.

Suddenly, Ivan found that the magic in his body became extremely active, even so active that he could directly control it.

This reminded Ivan of the magical state he entered on the verge of collapse when he first performed the blood fusion, and felt very similar to the current feeling.

Ivan stretched out the index finger of his right hand, Shen Feng Wuying instantly activated, and the invisible magic blade slashed across the square table in front of him.


There was a crisp sound of breaking through the air,

In the next moment, the square table and the crucible on it were neatly cut into two pieces and fell to the ground!

"Is this the protection mode?" Ivan said with emotion, he can freely control the magic in his body without the need to cast spells or wands.

This made Ivan realize that the protection mode can not only be used to fuse multiple bloodlines, but also to improve strength and protect himself at a critical moment...

I just don't know how long it will last...

Ivan glanced at the information prompt in the system bar, then his face changed drastically...josei

"Oh, it's only one minute!"

Ivan suddenly became nervous, because five seconds have passed since the time was delayed!

Seeing this, Ivan no longer hesitated, and poured the fusion potion in his right hand into one mouthful.

The green liquid inlet was extremely bitter, and Ivan forcibly endured it and swallowed it into his abdomen with difficulty.

But then, Ivan felt a cold deep into the soul, gradually spreading from his stomach, gradually flowing into the body, deep into the bone marrow and blood, all the way up to the brain...

What made him even more shocked was that there seemed to be some power in his blood that had awakened, boiling like hot oil...

Ivan could even clearly hear the neigh of unicorns in his mind...

Under the influence of this force, the biting coldness gradually receded, but it soon came up like a wave again...

Perhaps because of the protection mode turned on, Ivan found that he seemed to have acquired the ability to look inside.

He can clearly see his body, representing the magic power of the basilisk and the magic power of the unicorn, as if using the body as a battlefield, constantly intertwined and collided...

It was only then that Ivan understood what was going on with the conflict of fusion of multiple bloodlines.

"Stop it for me!" Ivan naturally didn't want these two distinctive powers to consume each other in his body.

Decisively mobilized the manipulable magic power in the body and suppressed the unicorn's power.

After losing control, the fusion potion finally came into play, slowly blending into the whole body, Ivan obviously felt that his magic power began to increase rapidly...

The magic scale in the status bar increases a little almost every few seconds...

More new-born magic power is gathered all the way up, pouring into the eyes!

Ivan soon felt a burst of pain in his eyes, but he didn't dare to knead it with his hands. He could only endure the discomfort, and finally closed his eyes temporarily when he couldn't bear it.

This kind of suffering lasted for an unknown amount of time, and when Ivan felt that the magical power of the restlessness in his body had calmed down and his eyes had returned to normal, the system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Protection mode is over! 】

Ivan opened his eyes and adapted to it for a while, listening to the system's prompt sound, somewhat disappointed, he originally wanted to use the protection mode to practice some magic.

It was like the first biological transformation through the improvement of the state during the first blood fusion.

But soon, Ivan adjusted it, and in one minute, it would be good for him to complete the second blood fusion.

What's more, he wasted a few seconds before.

Open the status bar..

Ivan muttered silently in his heart, preparing to see how his state would change after he merged with the second bloodline.

【Ivan Hals

Occupation: Blood Wizard

Blood Fusion: 2/7

Magic scale: 97

Magic Bar: Thunderbolt Explosion Level 4 Transfiguration Curse Level 5 Calling God Guardian Level 4 Occupational Technique Level 5 Shen Feng Wuying Level 4...

Blood Magic: Shadow of Unicorn, Eye of Basilisk


Ivan looked at the status bar in front of him.

Compared to before, the magic power has increased by more than 30 points, and now the magic power scale close to ninety points is equivalent to an ordinary adult wizard.

The proficiency of various magics has also improved somewhat, but it is not high in relative terms. Only Shenfeng Wuying's proficiency has soared, and it is one step closer to the fifth level!

The most important thing is naturally the newly acquired bloodline magic, this time it is directly displayed on the list.

"The pupil of the basilisk... is it the eyes of the basilisk that see who is dead?" Ivan suddenly became excited, this is a bug-like ability.

Ivan hurriedly walked to a smooth mirror and checked his current appearance.

"En.. It seems that nothing has changed.."

Ivan found that his appearance hadn't changed much before the fusion, except that his temperament was a little bit colder, neutralizing the affinity that the unicorn brought him, and his eyes were still black.

Ivan thought for a while, closed his eyes, and tried to transfer some magic power to his pupils.

Immediately afterwards, I felt that my eyes seemed to be soaked in ice water. When he opened it again, his black eyes had turned into orange-yellow vertical snake eyes.

Looking at the eyes in the mirror, Ivan couldn't help feeling a palpitating heart.

But just like the basilisk looking at the reflection in the water and not committing suicide, Ivan didn't feel any other reactions in his body except for the feeling that these eyes were a little diametrically opposed.

At this moment, two crisp **** sounds suddenly sounded beside him...

Ivan turned his head and looked at ~www.mtlnovel.com~ only to find that the two roosters who had survived the battle with the basilisk were awake at some point.

However, at the moment when his eyes met the two roosters, Ivan suddenly felt that his eyes were like two black holes, rapidly extracting the magic power from his body, plundering nearly half in just one second!

Ivan immediately panicked, and sooner or later he would be drained if this went on, but the magic in his body was constantly pouring into his eyes, and he was unable to stop it.

In the end, he could only close his eyes forcibly to avoid the fate of being sucked up.

After a while, Ivan felt that his eyes should have been restored to their original state, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"It's too difficult to control..." Yifan rubbed his aching eyes, then glanced at the magic scale in the status bar, and found that his magic power had actually consumed 70%!

Ivan couldn't help being a bit stunned. How did he feel that although the total amount of his magic power had increased a lot, it seemed to be less and less useful!

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