Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 249

Chapter 249: Duel in the Chamber of Secrets

Latest website: Tom Riddle! "Ivan gritted his teeth.

"Long time no see, Hals!" Tom, in a Slytherin robe, strolled down the long aisle, gracefully like an aristocrat.

"Sure enough, you have been hiding in the responsive room on the eighth floor. Are you so afraid of me? You have to find a help to come over to see me..." Ivan said mockingly.

"Yes, I took a lot of effort to get you away!" Tom Riddle didn't mean to be angry.

Just as Ivan knew him well, Tom also had a deep understanding of Ivan. He knew that the little wizard in front of him never had a word of truth in his mouth, and his strength might be stronger than usual.

That's why he deliberately spent his energy to find the Horcrux he had sensed, just to ensure that he could be foolproof.

Thinking of this, Tom Riddle turned to smile.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you for taking me into the responsive house before, so that I can sense this thing!

Of course, even without you, I can find it. After all, this was originally planned by me..."

A smile came up at the corner of Tom's mouth, and after getting knowledge about Horcruxes from the forbidden book area, he decided to collect some powerful and commemorative items to make several Horcruxes in the future.

They are placed in the safest places in the world to ensure that he can defeat death, and the Requirement Room is one of the safest places in the magic world.

Ravenclaw's crown is the carrier for his first Horcrux originally planned!

It's a pity that he tried to please Helena Ravenclaw in school, but learned from her that the crown was not at Hogwarts at all, so he only chose an ordinary diary.

Ivan's complexion was very ugly. He knew very well that Ravenclaw's crown was a Horcrux made by Voldemort around the age of 28. Compared to the original diary, it was much stronger.

Precisely because of this, he didn't dare to make this idea in these two school years, for fear that he would be deceived.

Ivan was thinking that waiting for his Occlumency and Alchemy to be higher, he would be able to find a way to separate Voldemort’s soul from the crown and keep this legendary item, but he was taken the lead by Tom Riddle. step.

"You seem to know it?" Tom said unexpectedly, pointing to the crown on his finger.

He found that Ivan seemed to recognize Ravenclaw's crown, and even understood that it was the second Horcrux, otherwise Ivan would not have said the words to find another "help".

This made Tom Riddle faintly uneasy. He had tried his best to overestimate the little wizard in front of him, but every time he met him, there was something unexpected.

Ivan did not answer Tom Riddle's question head-on, but sneered. "You may have inquired from Lockhart. I saw another you last semester. There are still two here. I don't know which of you is the real Dark Lord."

"Of course there is only one real Dark Lord." Tom Riddle pointed to himself, and didn't care about the topic Ivan avoided. He thought that Ivan might have received some news from Helena Ravenclaw, so Guessed something.josei

"Really? I believe they think so too!" Ivan said noncommittal, but he was secretly relieved in his heart.

What he worries most is that Tom Riddle helps the Horcrux in the crown to resurrect, so he must face two Voldemorts at the same time!

Now it seems that these two Horcruxes are not cooperating sincerely. Although I don't know how much help Tom can get by wearing the crown, at least he can fight!

Ivan slowly approached, narrowing the distance between the two, intending to repeat the same trick.

Tom Riddle realized that Ivan was talking about himself just now, his complexion changed involuntarily, but he quickly returned to normal.

"It looks like you are smarter than I thought... Hals!" He applauded, staring at Ivan, and said admiringly.

"Smart? Do you mean being played around by you?" Ivan said mockingly as he walked, and at the same time clenched his wand and was ready to deal with the opponent's troubles.

"Don't say that, I spent a lot of energy to calculate you." Tom Riddle looked at Ivan's eyes full of admiration, and after a pause, he continued.

"You are much better than that stupid Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. He wrote all his thoughts directly on his face. As long as I give a little guidance, he can only do what I say... "

"Those boring and naive little girls are even more stupid. They are willing to believe whatever I say..."

"So I always think that these Muggle-born children are not worthy to learn magic. Hogwarts needs to be cleaned up once, leaving only you and me as talented and capable little wizards."

Tom Riddle talked eloquently, and because of this, he had been possessed by a pure-blooded Slytherin girl for the rest of the time except for controlling Lockhart once.

"Don't forget, you are also a half-blood wizard, Tom! Your body is also bleeding from Muggle! Why don't you think about getting rid of yourself first..." Ivan sarcastically relentlessly.

Tom Riddle's face changed, and his eyes grew gloomy.

"Perhaps it used to be like this, but it won't be anymore! I have used the information left by Salazar Slytherin to work out a method to purify the blood of the pits in my body. I think you have already experienced that method. Isn't it?" Tom Riddle said grimly.

Ivan frowned. He understood that Tom was talking about blood fusion, and every blood fusion was equivalent to a blood exchange.

However, this is obviously not enough to meet the need of "purification"~www.mtlnovel.com~ Even if the blood is fused multiple times, it is impossible to completely remove what Tom called the "drain blood".

Ivan looked at Tom, who was obsessed with the "purification" of his bloodline with pity. He felt that Tom's appearance would be nearly ruined in the future. It is probably because of this...

After paying the price of nearly ruining his appearance, when the original space-time was resurrected, he needed to use the remains of his Muggle father. This so-called purification of blood is a joke!

The two got closer and closer in the conversation, using words to try to influence each other's emotions...

Until the two face each other, the distance is less than ten meters.

The long and narrow aisle looks a bit similar to a duel field. The giant snake statues erected on both sides of the aisle are like the audience silently watching the two ready to go...

Ivan silently calculated the best shot distance, but Tom Riddle was not letting him get closer. A dark light flickered on the top of his wand in his hand, and endless black energy poured out, spreading into a painful face , Screaming towards Ivan.

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