Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 250

Chapter 250: Escalating battle

Latest URL: At the same time, Ivan also waved his magic wand.

"Thunderbolt exploded!"

The black misty face collided with the orange fireball, and a huge roar sounded in the silent chamber. The pools on both sides were affected by waves of water, and the bluestone slabs on the ground burst apart.

The aftermath of the shock made Ivan step back several steps...

Tom Riddle remained unmoved, still standing steadily on the spot. With a light wave of his wand, Ivan, who had just stood still, felt a sound of wind coming from his side.

Ivan subconsciously lay down and rolled backwards for a few laps. Looking back, at the fixed point where he stood, a big hole was torn out from the hard floor tiles.josei

A giant serpent stone sculpture that was guarding on both sides had been activated at some point, and the thick and thin bodies of the two men were twisting toward Ivan.

Ivan's brain kept ringing the alarm, the activated giant snake was already close at hand, and the hideous snake mouth opened to easily swallow him in.

"Shen Feng Wuying!" Ivan did not hesitate to use his strongest magic,

Under the increase of the strengthening magic text, the huge invisible blade entered from the mouth of the snake, cutting the giant snake in front of it neatly from the middle, and the emerald green snake body instantly turned into a gray stone, collapsed and fell. In the pools on both sides, huge splashes of water were raised...

After cutting the giant snake, the Shenfeng Wuying Curse did not stop at the slightest, and cut it towards Tom Riddle further behind at an extraordinary speed.

Tom Riddle's face changed drastically. He did not expect that Ivan would be able to cast such terrifying magic. The several magical barriers that he constructed so hard were broken almost instantly. In the end, he had only time to avoid the head, and the magical blade was already slashed Body!

Tom Riddle let out a cry of pain, and a long thin wound appeared from his left shoulder to his right leg, almost splitting his body in half.

"Bone to pieces!"

As Ivan's voice sounded, another curse hit Tom Riddle, his body was like catkins, and he was knocked into the pile of rocks behind.

"Huhu..." Ivan gasped hard. Although he only released a few spells just now, he actually did his best.

Ivan took a few steps forward to help Tom Riddle collect the body, but unexpectedly saw him stand up again from the pile of rocks.

Tom Riddle no longer had the aristocratic temperament he had before, a big hole was blown out in his body, and the wound caused by Shen Feng Wuying still remained on his body.

But the strange thing is that under this kind of injury, Tom Riddle did not shed a drop of blood, the big hole in his chest was full of black mist, and a black diary could be vaguely seen lying on the position of the heart.

In just a second or two, the big hole in Tom Riddle's chest slowly healed, or the black mist reorganized his body.

Ivan's heart slowly sank. He consumed a quarter of his magic power, and it seemed that he did not have the effect of a one-shot kill.

"So you didn't resurrect at all!" Ivan said with certainty.

Although Ivan doesn’t know what Tom Riddle’s current state is all about, but judging from his previous performance, ordinary attacks may not have much effect. The black diary in the opponent’s chest is the real death. hole!

But it is true. If it can be resurrected so easily, Voldemort’s main soul will not always think about seeking the Philosopher’s Stone. After the failure, he has worked out a cumbersome resurrection plan and directly finds a few people to absorb the vitality. .

"You really exceeded my expectations again..." Tom Riddle's body seemed to become a little illusory.

He stroked the wound previously cut by Shen Feng Wuying, took a deep look at Ivan, and said word by word. "Of course I haven't resurrected yet... but that will happen sooner or later!"

"Are you sure?" Ivan said mockingly. "I think it's better for you not to resurrect. After all, you can't even beat me as a second-year little wizard, and you have the face to call yourself the Dark Lord?"

"Damn you!"

Tom Riddle's face became very ugly, his wand stretched out, and the fiery flames rose up, transforming various forms in mid-air, engulfing the billowing heat wave and rushing forward...

Ivan pointed with his right hand, and a statue of a large snake beside him was activated and blocked in front of him, and he inhaled the fierce fire into his mouth.

The next moment, a fierce fire burned out of the serpent's body, and the serpent was struggling to roll in the aisle. Ivan's complexion changed, and the serpent plunged into the deep pool under the wave of his wand.

Seeing the hot air in the pool, Ivan realized that the fierce fire had not melted, and immediately shot again...

Petrification Curse! Disarming curse! Splitting spell!

Three spells in a row were activated, and Ivan had already exerted his strength to the extreme, and the effect of the experience card had already been activated at the moment of the battle.

Tom Riddle, who had been almost cut in two before, didn't dare to be in Tuo Da, he became more cautious, and imposed several spells on himself. Then the wand was lightly picked, and under the curse of ten thousand bullets, pieces of gravel the size of a human head made a piercing sound in the air..

Countless curse rays are constantly flickering in the dimly-lit secret room, and the giant snake statues guarding on both sides have also become the best support for the two. In the duel of transfiguration, they collided with each other and dismantled a seventy one. Eight fall.

Nearly half of the magic power in Ivan's body has been consumed, and he can't help but become anxious. Tom Riddle is very cautious and always keeps a distance with him, not giving him any chance to get close.

The special nature of the Horcrux makes it difficult to destroy. Only the ring of fierce fire that can be used once in Ivan's hand and the basilisk fangs he carries with him can work.

And using both of them requires a right time. After all, Tom Riddle is not a living target~www.mtlnovel.com~Stay in place and let him burn...

He needs to create an opportunity before the magic is exhausted!

"What's the matter? Do you only have this strength?" After some temptation, Tom Riddle gradually figured out Ivan's level of strength. He found that the previous level of curse, Ivan could not release at will, so he sneered. Continue to say.

"What about your bloodline magic? You got the method of fusion bloodline from me at the beginning, don't tell me, you don't have the guts to try it after such a long time..."

"In that case, let me do it first!" Tom Riddle had a gloomy smile on the corner of his mouth, and a large black fog continuously poured out from his body, like a black wave, which was photographed right away!

Fear, despair, pain...Various negative emotions permeated the dimly lit room, and the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a lot...

Ivan tried hard to drive these negative emotions out of his mind. At the same time, he finally understood what the black fog was summoned by Voldemort who had possessed Kino last school year. That was the blood magic that the other party possessed!

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