Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 253

Chapter 253: What kind of wand is that?

Under the impact of the huge amount of water, Tom Riddle's body almost collapsed, looking illusory to the extreme.

He finally got up from the ground, his clothes wet.

The Ravenclaw crown on his head was impacted by the water and fell to the side, and the wand in his hand did not know where it fell, looking extremely miserable.

"What kind of wand is that!" Tom Riddle's eyes looked straight at the elderwood wand held by Ivan in his hand, with a look of fear and unwillingness on his face.

Tom's right hand moved slightly, as if he wanted to do something.

What moves faster than him is Ivan's magic!

"Shen Feng Wuying!"

The invisible and invisible magic blade cut off Tom Riddle's right arm in an instant.

"Ah!!!" Tom Riddle let out a violent wailing, and no blood came out from the broken arm, only the billowing black mist came out.

"I thought you could really recover indefinitely in this state... Now it seems like that."

Ivan approached Tom Riddle step by step, and saw that his right arm had no intention of reorganizing, he couldn't help but sneered.

"Do you think you won? Hals? If you kill me, the four girls will have to be buried with me!" Tom Riddle covered his wound, his face full of resentment.

Ivan ignored Tom Riddle's words, and another curse hit Tom's body.

The sound of a huge explosion echoed in the silent chamber, and Tom Riddle rolled all the way and hit the corner wall.

Ivan doesn't believe Tom's nonsense.

Ginny, who had the same experience in the original time and space, only recovered after the Horcrux was destroyed. Let Tom continue to live, so that the deceived girls lying in the school hospital will never be able to wake up.

Tom Riddle supported himself with difficulty, but this time he could not stand up again. He gritted his teeth while looking at Ivan who was approaching in front of him.

"Don't forget, Hals, you and I have both completed the blood fusion ceremony. In other words, we are both Slytherin successors! Dumbledore will never tolerate you!"

"Dumbledore helping you now is just trying to borrow your hand to get rid of me. With our current strength, we can work together to kill him!

At that time you will be the strongest person in the entire magic world! No one will be your opponent! Everyone must surrender to you, even me! "

Tom Riddle's expression is very sincere.

"Really?" Ivan said noncommittal, and Tom Riddle's left leg exploded with a light wave of the old magic wand in his hand.

Ivan's gaze was very indifferent, and he ignored the other party's words, a series of spells were cast out, and under the blessing of the old magic wand, they hit Tom Riddle on the body.

After five or six spells in a row, Tom Riddle could no longer maintain his human form, the black mist suddenly dispersed, and a black diary fell to the ground in the air.

"It's time to end it all." Ivan's left hand took out a small crescent-shaped package from the pocket where he had cast the non-marking extension curse, and inside it was a basilisk tooth.

The black diary kept trembling, but Tom Riddle's power had been exhausted at this time, and even the black mist could not be used.

Ivan held the basilisk fangs and pierced into the center of the diary without hesitation.josei

A stream of ink continued to gush from the gap, and piercing screams kept ringing in his ears. Ivan watched all this silently. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

After a full half a minute, everything fell silent.

When Ivan touched it again, there were no hints in the magic inventory of the system. Obviously, this thing had become an ordinary diary!

After that, Ivan had no time to rest, and walked to the fallen Ravenclaw's crown and destroyed it with snake teeth together.

Ravenclaw's crown is different from the diary, and it does not absorb any vitality, and the resistance is even weaker. It is not worth mentioning in front of Ivan, who holds the snake teeth.

Seeing that both Horcruxes were destroyed in his own hands, Ivan knelt tiredly on the wet ground.

Staring at the scene that seemed to have been ravaged by the storm, Ivan smiled bitterly.

He never thought that things would develop to such a point.

Originally thought that Tom Riddle would have a limit to being strong after he was resurrected, but he did not expect that the other party would actually find the crown in the Bing Room, and the two Horcruxes were unified, so that the strength was exceptional.

This is still the case when the two Horcruxes are fighting each other to suppress each other, and Tom has not been able to completely resurrect, otherwise Ivan feels that he may not be able to wait for Phoenix's help.

Thinking of this, Ivan couldn't help but glance at the Deathly Hallows in his hand.

Although he had known for a long time that this elderberry was made, the wand inlaid with the tail feathers of the night skeletal was extremely powerful, and could even provide the blessing of combat power for wizards such as Dumbledore and Voldemort.

But after experiencing it personally, Ivan realized how strong this thing is!

While holding the old magic wand, every spell he releases is equivalent to the effect of being blessed by the enhanced magic text.

Coupled with the ability to drastically reduce the consumption of magic power, Ivan feels that he has never been as powerful as he is now!

He was very sure that few people in the entire magical world could defeat him now!

If it weren't for the saneness, Ivan would have an urge to take the old wand as his own.

Ivan turned the old magic wand over and over and couldn't find the place where the magic text was inscribed. The whole wand body was integrated, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"I don't know how this thing was made? How strong is the alchemy level of the three Peverier brothers to make these Deathly Hallows, it can't really be made by the **** of death..."

Just as Ivan was studying the old magic wand~www.mtlnovel.com~ another voice rang in the silent chamber.

"Who am I? Where am I? What the **** is going on here? Is there a flood?" Lockhart finally got up from the ground, with a dazed expression on his face.

Because Ivan drained the water in the two ponds to deal with Tom Riddle, Lockhart was also affected, and he almost didn't choke to death, so he woke up early.

"Who are you? Do you know me?" Lockhart looked around for a week, then set his gaze on Ivan and asked aloud.

"Shut up for me!" Ivan pointed his wand at him.

Lockhart struck a spirit. Although he didn't remember anything, he was still a bit psychologically shadowed by the wand being pointed at.

Seeing that Lockhart was a little more honest, Ivan began to test the effect of the Forgotten Curse, and asked how many things he still remembered.

Finally found that Lockhart had forgotten thoroughly, even his own name and where he lived, but he stubbornly felt that he was a master of magic before...

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