Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 254

Chapter 254: It's all the bad boy Tom fooled me

No, you used to be a liar, understand? "Ivan corrected.

"How is it possible? You must be mistaken!" Lockhart shook his head and said in disbelief.

"You are a liar!" Old Ivan's wand pointed to the floor tiles in the distance, a red light flashed, and an explosion sounded.

"Well, you're right, I'm a liar!" Lockhart glanced at the big pit exploded on the ground, swallowed hard, and said against his will.

Ivan didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore and put away the damaged diary and crown.

Immediately afterwards, Ivan used the Transfiguration Curse to conjure a majestic giant eagle with a wingspan of several meters, ready to fly on it.

"Squeak~" At this time, Phoenix Fox ran out with his short legs, barely growing feathers, like a little turkey ready to be cooked...

Fox ran to Ivan and pulled his trousers so that he wouldn't forget himself, but when he looked up, he saw that the little wizard in front of him looked at him and his gaze seemed a little wrong?


Riding the giant eagle, Ivan all the way up and flew out from the entrance.

Lockhart underneath didn't have such a good treatment. He was grasped by the two claws of the giant eagle and yelled in the air for fear of falling.

"Go back!" Ivan jumped off the giant eagle's back, looked back at it, and said.

The giant eagle nodded humanely, and then went into the secret room, waiting for the magical power of the Transformation Curse to be exhausted, before turning back into a rock again.

Ivan did not stay longer in the girls' bathroom, but took Lockhart to the principal's room with him.

Along the way, Lockhart kept babbling and asking questions, and Ivan was so annoyed that he immediately warned him to say one more thing, so that he would be speechless in the future!

In front of the principal's office, the door of the passage is directly opened.

Ivan started Occlumency, thinking about how to explain later, and walked in without stopping.

Walking through the semi-circular stairs, Ivan saw Dumbledore in a dark blue robe sitting behind the desk. To his surprise, Hermione was also here.

"Ivan, it's great that you're okay!" When Hermione saw Ivan, her frowned brows stretched out, and she jumped up with joy.

"Hermione, why are you here?" Ivan asked, confused, confused.

At this moment, Dumbledore's voice rang.

"It was Miss Granger who came to inform me that you were in danger, and I asked Fox to find you."

Hermione, who hugged Ivan tightly, realized that there were other people in the principal's office. Her white cheeks suddenly turned red, and she hurriedly released Ivan.

"Thank you, Hermione..." Ivan said gratefully. Had Hermione not notified him in time, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back.

The little witch shook her head, indicating that this is what she should do.josei

When she was in the corridor before, she saw that Ivan looked ugly and panicked to chase Lockhart, and she guessed that Lockhart must have a problem.

In addition, the attack might have something to do with the mysterious person. Hermione was very worried about Ivan's safety, so she immediately notified Dumbledore in the auditorium.

Dumbledore quickly determined the approximate extent of their disappearance based on the report of the portraits in the castle...

Hermione tweeted about what happened to Ivan, and stopped abruptly in the middle of it, staring wide-eyed, watching a familiar figure walk from the door.

"Professor Lockhart?!" Hermione was surprised.

"Professor? Are you talking about me?" Lockhart was looking curiously at the portrait in the principal's office. After hearing Hermione's words, he was stunned and pointed at himself strangely.

Later, Lockhart seemed to have thought of something again, leaning up like crazy, and hurriedly asked. "You must know who I am, right? Tell me!"

"Ivan, what's wrong with Professor Lockhart?" Hermione was taken aback and hurriedly hid behind Ivan.

Dumbledore gave Lockhart a thoughtful look, and then turned to Ivan with his blue eyes, his slender fingers came together slowly, and he said in a deep voice.

"Halse, I think... you need to explain it to us."

"Of course, Professor! But this story may be a bit long!" Ivan nodded.

As early as this time when he came to the principal's office, Ivan had thought of his excuses.

Even when the old Malfoy sold him the diary from the beginning, every sentence he said was the truth, only things about the system were concealed...

After all, the system and traversal are secrets he must keep, and he will never say it.

At the same time, Ivan deliberately mentioned his mother Isia several times when he was talking, and he paid attention to Dumbledore's face.

The centenarian just listened quietly, his expression didn't even fluctuate much, only a slight movement on his face when Ivan talked about the Slytherin research room.

Ivan couldn't figure out the relationship between the two, and it was obvious that Aisia was full of anger when he mentioned Dumbledore.

If he didn't understand, Ivan gave up the idea of ​​temptation, and after telling the cause and effect of the Horcrux, he spoke again.

"In the past few months, Tom Riddle taught me a lot of magic knowledge. He also told me about the existence of the Slytherin Chamber. I used to regard him as my best friend..."

A look of loneliness appeared on Ivan's face in good time, indicating that he had always been a good student abiding by the school rules, but was fooled by the sinister old Malfoy and the evil Tom Riddle.

"You don't need to feel depressed, Hals!" Dumbledore continued gently.

"Many dark wizards are good at disguising and deceiving ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and Voldemort is one of the best, even when he was a student, you must know that many adult wizards were fooled by him at that time."

"And Ivan, you managed to see him through, didn't you?" Hermione said comfortingly.

"Yes, even though he pretended to be very good, I still found something wrong, so I planned to hand the diary to you for verification... I didn't expect someone to stolen it midway."

Ivan explained how Dobby had stolen the Horcrux and lost it, and then the broken things Lockhart did when he picked up the Horcrux, and how he deduced that Lockhart was the attacker based on various clues. ...

"So why did Professor Lockhart become like this? Did you do anything to him?" Hermione said curiously.

"I saw through his identity. He was going to use the Forgotten Charm on me, but was bounced back by my protective ring..." Of course, Ivan would not say that he had washed Lockhart's memory, but the original time and space. Lockhart's experience has changed, a different way of saying it.

is that so? Lockhart looked dumbfounded, but couldn't refute, because he didn't remember anything...

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