Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 288

Chapter 288: You can always bring me different kinds of surprises

"Has she always been like this?" Hermione couldn't help but said as she looked at Luna's distant back.

"Yeah, she's a little weird, she has always been." Ivan nodded.

Hermione pursed her lips. Compared to Luna's case, she actually wanted to ask Ivan what happened during the summer vacation. Did someone close to him pass away?

But Hermione was also a little worried and asked if it would remind Ivan of some sad things.

Just as Hermione hesitated, Harry and Ron saw that they hadn't moved, so they walked over.

"Harry, are you okay?" Ivan looked at Harry and asked aloud.

Harry, who had recently awakened, was still a little pale, and he complained. "It feels terrible..."

Just now Professor Lupin took him to the school hospital specially, and Mrs. Pomfrey also made a fuss and had to give him a full-body examination, as if the dementor just leaned on him a little bit, and he contracted some serious illness.

"I guess there must be someone on the train that had the same experience as mine, right?" Harry said with a smirk, and said with a guilty conscience after seeing everyone being silent. "Isn't there even one person?"

"Come on, Harry, everyone knows you were attacked by a dementor, that's no big deal." Ron patted his shoulder and comforted.

But I was obviously not attacked...

Harry thought a little depressed, not understanding why he was the only one who passed out.

He remembered very clearly that the Dementor never touched him.

Harry didn't want to admit that he was too timid, but there seemed to be no other explanation.

Ivan saw Harry's thoughts and said aloud. "The dementor creature affects everyone differently. The more painful the past experience, the greater the impact."

"But there is a way to keep me unaffected, isn't it? I heard Ron say that you used a kind of magic to drive away dozens of dementors!" Harry said a little excitedly, and he was really hard to accept himself. Will be frightened by the dementor and pass out.

"That is the patron saint curse, remember? We saw a blue and white phoenix in the auditorium when we were in the first grade. That was Dumbledore's patron saint!" Ivan explained.

"Of course I remember, and you defeated Kino with that magic!" Harry quickly remembered.

"Can you teach me? Ivan?" Harry asked nervously, he was a little worried that Ivan would teach himself, after all, that should be very powerful magic.

"Sorry, Harry, I may not have much time lately." Ivan groaned. He felt that he had to take more than ten courses at the same time to accumulate grade points, and he needed to complete the potion improvement as soon as possible. He should not spare time. Come teach Harry.

Harry was a little disappointed, but Ivan quickly told him that he could learn from Lupin.

Although Hushen Guarding is a high-level spell, it is not very difficult to learn, as long as you spend time and use it, you can master it.

Talking all the way and walking into the auditorium, Ivan found that they were a bit late. The long table of the four major colleges was already full of people. The sorting hat just stopped its newly compiled ballad. Professor McGonagall holding the sorting hat Standing on the stage.

Several people didn't dare to neglect them, and while Professor McGonagall didn't notice them, they hurriedly found a seat and sat down.

"You are really amazing today, Ivan!" George leaned forward as soon as Ivan sat down and said excitedly.

Fred also echoed.

"Yeah, we all saw you driving away those pesky dementors on the train. I bet many adult wizards can't do this. By the way, what is your patron saint? A white horse? It's so beautiful, but unfortunately we didn't see it clearly."

"Hmm.. Almost." Ivan said vaguely. If he could, he didn't want to be known about the particularity of his patron saint.

In addition to George and Fred, the little lions on Gryffindor’s long table also cast their gazes. Ivan’s fame is so great, coupled with his recent popularity, so many people are Talking privately about the scene that happened on the train.

Their voices grew louder and louder, until Professor McGonagall, who was in the process of sorting, turned his head and stared at them, and the little wizards stopped.

The sorting ceremony ended soon.

As the last freshman walked down the steps, there was enthusiastic applause in the auditorium, and they couldn't wait to have dinner.

Only then, Dumbledore stood up and walked to the front of the stage. He looked around every student in the auditorium and gave a welcome speech.

Immediately before the little wizards in the audience complained, Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued.

"I have a very important thing to remind you before you enjoy a delicious meal and become confused."

"Our school is currently ushering in some dementors from Azkaban. They were sent by the Ministry of Magic to perform official duties. You must have known this because they searched the Hogwarts Express train... ."

Having said that, Dumbledore turned his gaze to Ivan. He had already heard of what happened on the train.

As he thought before, every time I meet Ivan always brings him different surprises...or trouble?

Ivan was also looking at Dumbledore, remembering that Sirius had told him that his father was once a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and from the default attitude of Sirius when he inquired, his father’s death was very serious. It may be related to the old professor.

Ivan felt like he was in a cloud of mist,

What role did Dumbledore play in it? Why does Aisia hate Dumbledore so much?

If you really hate him, what will Aysia send him to Hogwarts for?

Countless questions shrouded Ivan’s heart,

The two looked at each other in mid-air, and Dumbledore nodded slightly, but Ivan turned on Occlumency for the first time and moved his gaze away.

Even if Ivan didn't feel any signs of brain invasion, he was used to it a long time ago.

Dumbledore's eyes didn't stay on Ivan for too long~www.mtlnovel.com~ and soon returned. His expression became serious, and his tone made anyone who heard it remember.josei

"These dementors will be at every entrance of the school, and I have to remind you. No one is allowed to leave the school without authorization while they are there. Any tricks, tricks, and disguise can't fool the dementors—even Including the invisibility cloak!"

"In particular, remember not to have any kind of conflict with dementors! They are very dangerous, and there are a lot of them that can't be dealt with by a little wizard who has learned to call God to protect!"

Dumbledore looked around at the crowd, saw that they were sitting awkwardly, hearing the words just now in his heart, and nodded in satisfaction.

He deliberately didn't mention Ivan's feat on the train, nor did he give Ivan any extra points for his "brave save" attack on the dementor. I just don't want anyone to think that it is something to be encouraged and imitate it.

Although the things Ivan did before were dangerous, they were all special cases. Those little wizards couldn't find their targets if they wanted to imitate them.

This time is different, there are really many dementors in the school...

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