Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 289

Chapter 289: Elective

There was silence in the auditorium, and many little wizards were frightened by Dumbledore's serious expression. This expression was only shown by the white beard principal when things were urgent.

Perhaps noticing that his tone was a little heavy, Dumbledore's brows stretched out, he smiled faintly, and continued to speak.

"Well, that's what I should remind you of. Let's change the topic a little more pleasantly. Two new professors will join our lineup this academic year!"

"First of all, it is Professor Lupin. He readily agreed to fill the vacancy in the Defence Against the Dark Arts class." Dumbledore stepped aside, motioned everyone to look at the teacher's bench, and took the lead in applauding.

Lupin nodded to the crowd. He actually wanted to say that he was not as happy as Dumbledore said he was in this "dangerous" position.

There was a wave of sparse applause in the auditorium, and the little wizards in the audience looked at Lupin with scrutiny.

After all, Lu Ping's shabby dress was in sharp contrast with the other well-dressed professors, and it was hard to believe that he was a capable person.

Dumbledore waited for the little wizards to accept the last news before continuing.

"As for our second new professor is Rubeus Hagrid!"

Hagrid stood up with a brush, and his huge body moved the long table in front of him several centimeters.

Noting that everyone turned their gazes, Hagrid's cheeks were flushed, and a pair of rough hands were pressed on the table, and then lifted up again, always feeling that it was a little inappropriate to put it anywhere.

Dumbledore added immediately.

"Because your original teacher of the magical animal protection class, Professor Keitelburn retired at the end of last semester, so I hired Rubeus Hagrid to replace this position. He agreed to accept the responsibility of the hunting field This teaching position!"

Many little wizards looked at Hagrid on the teacher's bench in surprise, always feeling a little unbelievable. Even Harry and Ron were surprised, but this did not prevent them from expressing their excitement with warm applause.

Ivan was also applauding. He knew very well that the attack on the secret room last semester had cleared Hagrid of suspicion, and Hagrid had this opportunity to become a professor.

It’s a coincidence that Professor Keitelburn retired at the end of the term, which made Ivan wonder if Dumbledore was operating in the dark.

After listening to Dumbledore's babbling words, it was finally time for dinner.

The white-bearded old principal waved his magic wand with a single tap. The next moment, a golden plate full of food was placed on the long table of the four colleges, and the empty goblet was filled with all kinds of drinks.

The little wizards who had been waiting for a long time feasted, talking in twos and threes about the two newly appointed professors and the purpose of the dementors coming to Hogwarts.

When the dinner was over, the prefects led the freshmen to their respective lounges. The little wizards of the third grade stayed, and Professor McGonagall took a list and distributed it to everyone.

After Ivan took it, he found that it was a third grade class schedule.

In addition to the main courses of the previous school year, there are also several courses that you can freely choose to study, such as divination, ancient runes, Muggle studies, etc.

Before Professor McGonagall leaves, let everyone think about it tonight. They only have one night to make a decision, because she will collect all the class schedules tomorrow morning!josei

"It looks like we are going to be busy again this school year." Ron stared at the timetable and couldn't help complaining.

For Ron, whose grades are not high enough, adding a few more courses means that he will suffer more tortures at the end of the semester.

Harry also deeply agreed, and then the two of them figured out which courses would be relatively easy.

First of all, Hagrid's magical animal protection class is definitely to be taken, and because of their relationship with Hagrid, it is impossible to ask if this class gets a high score.

The remaining courses are more difficult to choose. Harry prefers to take Muggle Studies courses because he grew up in the Muggle world, and Ron wants to choose a divination course.

The two discussed for a while, and then turned their heads to ask Ivan's opinion, but to their surprise, Ivan had already started to tick the class schedule.

"Ivan, did you choose so soon?" Ron asked in surprise.

"Choose? Isn't it all right? Professor McGonagall didn't say that you can't choose all of them." Ivan shook his head and said casually.

Harry and Ron glanced at Ivan's timetable and stopped talking.

Professor McGonagall only said that it is recommended that each person choose two to three courses. He did not say that they cannot choose all of them, but normally no one would do that, right?

The two immediately looked at Ivan with weird eyes, and felt that only Ivan in the whole year would do this.

Just as they were thinking like this, Hermione's voice rang behind them.

"Ivan is right! There is always no harm in taking one more class!"

Harry and Ron turned their heads and looked over. Hermione was holding the class schedule and ticking on it. It seemed that she was planning to choose all the courses just like Ivan.

The two were speechless, and they even thought with shame whether they should take a few more courses, but this idea only appeared in their minds for a while before they were thrown behind.

Campus life is so beautiful, how can we just think about learning in our hearts?

This is horrible!

"By the way, you have chosen so many classes, and there are always some conflicts in class time, right? What will you do then?" Harry asked strangely.

Hermione was stunned and realized this problem~www.mtlnovel.com~ After pondering for a while, she was about to speak, and heard Ivan say.

"I think the professors will have a solution!"

"Yeah! Otherwise Professor McGonagall would have reminded us just now!" Hermione nodded and gave Ivan a quiet glance, somewhat happy that Ivan thought the same as herself.

Harry and Ron looked at the two with helplessness, then looked down at the class schedule. In the end, although they didn't check all of them like Ivan, they still chose three elective courses.

After finishing the difficult course selection, Ivan and the others, who had been exhausted along the way, returned to the dormitory with them. After hurriedly washing, they felt heavy when they touched the bed and never wanted to get up again.

Ivan was lying on the bed, thinking about the time converter that was about to arrive,

In the original time and space, it seems that Professor McGonagall took the initiative to apply for Hermione. I don’t know if Professor McGonagall will help her apply too.

If not, he can only ask Lupin to vouch for himself

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