Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 292

Chapter 292: You cannot change the past, you are just completing a piece of history!

Ivan thought all the way, walking through the corridors and stairs towards the top floor of the North Tower. When he was about to reach the top floor, Hermione's voice suddenly interrupted Ivan's thoughts.


"What's the matter?" Ivan turned his head strangely, and unexpectedly saw Hermione reach out and remove the time converter from her neck.

The golden chain shimmered in the sun, and she hesitated and passed it over.

Ivan reached out and took it, and said with some surprise. "Didn't Professor Dumbledore let you keep it? What are you doing for me?"

"But sometimes it can be worked around, right? I think the professor just doesn't want us to abuse its power." Hermione stuck out her tongue, then continued.

"So we can exchange it and let you keep it, and then I will be responsible for supervising you!"josei

Hermione could see clearly Ivan's reaction in the principal's room, and naturally knew that Ivan wanted this thing very much.

"But you have to assure me that you have to take me with you every time you use the time converter!" Hermione said seriously.

This time converter was handed over to them by Professor McGonagall's guarantee to the Ministry of Magic. Hermione didn't want to disappoint Professor McGonagall's trust in them.

More importantly, Dumbledore said that the abuse of the power of time can cause unpredictable risks.

Hermione didn't know how Ivan was going to use this time converter, but she felt that since she agreed to Professor Dumbledore to supervise Ivan, she must do it...

Ivan looked at the serious look of the little witch and shook his head secretly. Even if I use it secretly, can you still find out?

Thinking of this, Ivan opened the magic inventory of the system and checked it.

【Magic Items: Time Converter

Magic: powerful

Effect: Every time you turn the pointer, the time will go back by one hour, and the risk will increase by one minute...

Explanation: This is an exquisite magical product with a powerful ability that can affect time. You need to use it carefully.

Note: Time will not increase or decrease! You cannot change the past, you are just completing a piece of history! 】

Can't change the past, but can it complement history?

Ivan silently looked at the time converter in his hand, and it seemed that the power of time was far more miraculous or...horrible than he had imagined!

The other item in the remarks made Ivan a little incomprehensible for a while.

Why is it said that time will not increase or decrease?

If you use the time converter, you can add a few hours of learning time every day, and even one day can be used as two days.

Does the time here refer to the total length of time...lifespan?

Ivan suddenly realized this. What if a dying old man used the time converter to go back to the past?

I'm afraid that the old man will still get old and die soon after returning to the past, so the time converter is not so much about adding a person's time, it is more about moving the time in the future to the present.

Nevertheless, this magic item is still extremely powerful, because what he lacks now is time, even if he wants to overdraw the future for this.

After a period of contemplation, Ivan soon recovered.

Just when Ivan was lost in thought, Hermione was a little nervous. She thought that Ivan was hesitating the suggestion just now, and she didn't want to have another gesticulating supervisor.

Otherwise, when you use the time converter, you can tell yourself... Hermione quietly lowered her bottom line, but she soon felt that she was sorry for Professor Dumbledore's trust.

Thinking of this, the little witch's cheeks flushed red, and she immediately made up her mind to stick to her bottom line, her face puffed up, and the fierce one would argue with Ivan.

Fortunately, Ivan regained consciousness, noticed Hermione's entangled expression, and somewhat guessed what she was thinking. Before she spoke, he hung the gold chain of the time converter in her hand on Hermione's neck again.

Hermione's thoughts of all the rhetoric that she had originally thought were stuck in her mouth, and her whole person was stunned, as if she had been petrified. She looked at Ivan in surprise and stammered. "Aren't you going to want this time converter?"

"It's the same with you. You won't refuse me when I want to use it, don't you?" Ivan shook his head and asked.

Hermione looked down at the golden timer, held it tightly in her hands, smiled and nodded solemnly.

"Of course not, as long as you want to use it, you can do it anytime!"

This time Hermione stopped talking about proper use.

Trust is always mutual,

Hermione knew that Ivan wanted this thing very much, but now she gave up the opportunity to get the time converter and gave it back to herself. This is undoubtedly a great trust...

However, what Hermione didn't know was that Ivan was thinking about the scenes in the principal's room just now.

What do you mean? Albus Dumbledore?

If she is really ready to do something, Hermione can't stop it...

There is a big difference between his and Hermione's strengths, and Hermione trusts him very much. If necessary, Ivan can even make Hermione fall asleep without knowing it. Dumbledore's so-called mutual supervision is useless at all.

Ivan believes that Dumbledore knows this as well, but why the other party still wants to make such arrangements.

Or did the white wizard just wait to see what choice he would make?

Ivan couldn't guess the idea of ​​this Dumbledore, and because of this, he would give up this opportunity to obtain a time converter and instead gain Hermione's trust.

After all, his most important thing in the near future is to improve the potion. There is nothing to hide about this. He has ample reasons to persuade Hermione to use the time converter generously.

"Yeah! It's been so long, I wish we weren't late..." Hermione suddenly realized this and said anxiously.

"Don't we have a time converter?" Ivan shook his head~www.mtlnovel.com~ What's to worry about.

"That thing is not used for these trivial things, we have to look back several times today!" Hermione said dissatisfiedly, and ran towards the fortune-telling classroom while pulling Ivan.


Ten minutes later, the panting two finally arrived at the platform in front of the fortune-telling classroom before the class. The place was already full of people, and it seemed that they were the latest to arrive.

The trap door to the classroom has been opened, and the little wizards are lining up and entering the classroom down the ladder.

"It looks like we came just right!" Ivan smiled.

Hermione glanced at him angrily, and if it hadn't been running all the way, she would have been late.

"Where did you go?" Ron said strangely as he watched the two people running hurriedly all the way.

"We accidentally got lost..." Hermione replied casually. Naturally, she wouldn't talk about the time converter, but they had promised not to tell anyone.

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