Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 293

Chapter 293: Prophecy and Prophecy

Ivan followed the silver ladder all the way to the divination classroom.

The space inside is very closed. At least twenty small round tables are placed. The big red curtains are tightly drawn to block the outside sunlight. Only a small amount of light diffuses in through the curtains and diffuses the entire classroom. It's glowing red.

There are many shelves on the round wall behind, on which are placed dirty quill pens, candle heads, and tattered playing cards and a lot of tea cups.

It looks like a venue for some kind of mysterious ritual...

A group of little wizards each found a place to sit down, and Ivan and others naturally sat together.

"Where is the professor? Hasn't he come yet?" Ron said in surprise.

"No, Trelawney has arrived..." Ivan shook his head and motioned for Ron to look behind the curtain cloth on the right.

A witch with a thin figure and thick round glasses was standing there, looking at them through a transparent gauze.

Ron was startled at once, and Sybil Trelawney's erratic, ambiguous voice rang in the classroom.


"It's great to finally see you in the material world..." Trelawney walked out from behind the curtain.

She is not very tall. She is wearing a dark green silk robe, with countless chains hanging around her thin and long neck. Her pale blond hair is unkempt and looks messy, and she looks like a crazy mystery. Vigor.

As soon as she appeared, the little wizards who came to the class were calmed, and her words were far more shocking than her appearance.

In just a few minutes, Trelawney greeted Neville’s grandmother intimidatingly, warned Lavender that her most worried thing would happen on October 16th, and threatened to be present around Easter this year. Among the people, there will be one who will leave everyone forever.

The little wizards present were taken aback when they heard it, and they were so frightened. At the end of the hearing, they all cast their gazes at Harry.

They suspected that it was Harry in Trelawney's prophecy, because many people had read about Sirius in the newspaper.

And Neville tremblingly worried about whether his grandma would have anything...

There are also some little wizards who are dubious, thinking that Trelawney is talking nonsense.

Because many senior students secretly told them that Professor Trelawney likes to curse a student to death every year, but everyone is alive and kicking in the end.

Ivan looked at Trelawney with interest. He knew very well that Trelawney’s predictions had been verified in the original time and space, even the predictions made under normal conditions.

For example, this time, Trelawney's threatening prediction, except for the fact that Neville's grandma is unsure whether there was an accident, everything else was confirmed in the original time and space.

Lavender was most afraid of hearing the news that her rabbit had died, which was confirmed on October 16.

Around Easter, someone will leave everyone, this sentence may refer to Hermione.

Because she was really fed up with Trelawney's nonsense and there were too many courses to learn, she gave up the fortune-telling class and never came again. Naturally, there would be one less person in the fortune-telling class.josei

What makes Ivan a little curious is whether these predictions will be fulfilled now.

Because he could kill Lavender’s rabbit before October 16th if he wanted to, let her hear the most scared news in advance.

Or maybe cancel the divination class with Hermione around Easter, then two people will leave...

Afterwards, Ivan shook his head amusedly. He would not kill a little witch's pet in order to verify the truth of a prediction.

As for whether to cancel the divination class, it depends on whether he can keep the time converter next school year.

But Ivan soon thought that there is another way to interpret Trelawney's prophecy, which could also mean that Pettigrew-Peter will leave everyone.

Ivan glanced at the pocket of Ron's wizard robe, and the mouse stayed there, so it seemed that Trelawney's prediction was not so accurate!

Thinking of this, Ivan became more interested in divination. Immediately I opened the book "Pull the Fog and See the Future" in the divination class, and looked at it at random.

The contents of the various signs and predictions in the book are so eloquent that Ivan feels a little bit painful when he sees it.

From the direction of the clouds in the sky to the sight of a crow, a black dog, and even a strange-shaped stone, there are different indications.

If interpreting according to this, Ivan feels that he can find all kinds of interpretable things around him every day.

Professor Trelawney quickly asked everyone to take a teacup on the shelf, pair them in pairs, and interpret them according to the divination skills she taught.

With a hint of hope, Ivan experimented again. I made a cup of tea, then drank it all in one breath, and shook the cup three times.

Ivan checked his tea dregs along the mouth of the cup, and Hermione took the tea cup before she could see it clearly.

"Professor Trelawney made us look at each other!" Hermione gave Ivan a blank look, and then handed her cup to Ivan.

The latter shrugged and didn't care. Ivan didn't expect to see anything, so he began to observe Hermione's teacup.

The tea leaves at the bottom of the cup seem to be scattered and messy, and there is nothing special. Ivan then turned to "Pull the Mist and See the Future" to page five and checked it. It showed that this was a bad omen, but he didn't say anything more. specific.

"God! This is an unknown omen!"

Behind him, a voice rang.

Ivan, who focused on reading the book, was startled and turned to find that Sybil Trelawney had been standing behind him for some time. Trelawney was covering her mouth with a horrified expression, and she trembled slightly. Screamed. "You... a... killing! Blood... hell!"

All the little wizards looked at Ivan~www.mtlnovel.com~ with a surprised expression.

Trelawney couldn't help but stepped back a few steps and accidentally bumped into the table behind. Neville's hand shook, and the tea cup in her hand fell to the ground and shattered...

Ivan was surprised, not sure if Trelawney was making a real prediction.

What does this sentence mean?

Will you make a killing? Blood on the ground.. Like hell?

Ivan did kill a lot of dark wizards when he thought of the summer vacation, and maybe even more kills afterwards... It would be possible to interpret it in this way.

"Ivan, I think Professor Trelawney is just talking nonsense. She actually thinks that she can see the future with a few shakes of the teacup, which is too strange." Hermione was far away from Professor Trelawney. After a few moments, he couldn't help but comforted.

"Who knows this prophecy?" Ivan shook his head and said half-jokingly.

"But the teacup you were holding before was obviously my teacup!" Hermione rolled her eyes and said, vomiting.

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