Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 310

Chapter 310: Risks and safety boundaries of time converters

Ivan hung the time converter around his neck, held the hourglass and started to turn it over.

Two laps

Ivan silently counted the number of rotations in his heart, and the surrounding scenes began to become blurred, and even the senses seemed to have temporarily lost their function, as if he was isolated from the whole world.

As the number of rotations increased, Ivan even had a faint illusion that his thinking was affected.

One hundred and nineteen one hundred and twenty circles!josei

Ivan's hand stopped, and the surroundings had returned to normal. The evening sun shone through the window, and the noise from a distance also came.

Ivan didn't mean to stay here, and went through the nearest secret tunnel to the responsive house.

I need a place to hide!

Walking all the way to the eighth floor, Ivan said silently in his heart, and then opened the door.

The inside is very spacious, like a small room, with enough material to live for a week, on the wall is a magic calendar that can automatically turn pages.

From the calendar date, Ivan confirmed that he was indeed back five days ago.

These materials were prepared by Dobby by Ivan soon after school started, for today!

Next, he will spend five days here to see what risks are associated with using the time converter for a long time

In a blink of an eye, a few days passed in a flash, and things went smoothly beyond Ivan's imagination.

During this period, nothing happened, as if the so-called risk did not exist at all.

Ivan was not idle either, and practiced the spell he had mastered by the way. He knew very well that he would go through a fierce battle after returning, and now even a slight improvement in strength is particularly important.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, when Ivan finished his usual practice and was about to take a break, a familiar feeling enveloped him.

Ivan found that he couldn't move suddenly, and his feet no longer felt like stepping on the ground, as if stepping on an empty space, but there was no feeling of falling.

Before he could figure out what was going on, Ivan felt his body squeezed by something and sprinted forward rapidly, and fuzzy colors and shapes kept flashing by.

After a while, Ivan's feet stepped on the ground again, and all the abnormalities disappeared without a trace.

"What the **** is going on?" Ivan's forehead was cold sweat, and it was the first time he encountered this kind of thing when using the time converter.

One thing is certain is that the situation just now was extremely similar to every time he used the time converter. Could it be that the time converter started by itself?

So when has I been teleported?

Ivan turned his head abruptly to look at the calendar, and found that he was only one day later, when he used the time converter.

I was kicked back to the original time?

A thought flicked through Ivan's mind, but he was not completely sure, Ivan tried to bring up the magic inventory of the system and took a look.

The above risk warning has become beyond the safe range, the time converter will become easily damaged, and the residence time is extremely unstable

In other words, if the return time is too long, it may be kicked back to the original time point at any time.

Ivan didn’t know what expression to make for a while,

Compared with the risks of wasting life and being thrown into the turbulence of time, the instability of residence time is nothing. In the eyes of some people, such risks are even negligible.

For Ivan, it's different.

He is going to save people. If he can't determine how long he can stay in the past, he will not be able to make arrangements calmly. He can only choose some similar time periods to force interference!

In this case, it will undoubtedly add more uncertainty to his plan

For example, he once planned to go back to the past and to ambush those dark wizards in the magic shop with Aysia. If he suddenly disappears when the war starts, returning to the original time point will definitely cause extremely serious consequences!

Yifan's face changed and changed, and finally he sighed helplessly. He didn't expect that the risk mentioned by the system actually meant this.

But even if there is more uncertainty, he must give it a try!

Using the remaining time, Ivan went back many times in other rooms of the responsive house to test the safety limits of the time converter and the specific residence time.

Now this room must not be able to stay, otherwise, I will collide with my past self

After trying for a period of time, Ivan found that the safety limit of the time converter is about five or six hours. If it exceeds this range, he may be forcibly sent back to the original time point in the middle. The stay time is relatively random. , It is difficult to determine.

It is inevitable that the time converter is damaged, and Ivan did not dare to do too much testing.

Fortunately, in many experiments, the time converter will be slightly hot when the residence time is about to come, warning in advance, so that there is no sign.

And there has never been a situation where I was kicked back right after I went back.

This made Ivan feel more at ease, revising his rescue plan in his heart, thinking about how to fool himself when the time comes.

By the way, Harry's Invisibility Cloak!

Ivan suddenly thought of that. If he could get it, some of his actions would definitely be much more convenient.

The phantom spell cannot be concealed from some clever wizards, but the invisibility cloak is different. Unless you have some targeted magic items, no one can discover yourself as long as you don't reveal flaws.

Ivan was thinking in his head while walking towards the classroom where Hermione was.

"Fortunately, it seems that I didn't come too late." Ivan entered the dimly lit classroom and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw Hermione still lying on the bed sleeping soundly.

He was delayed for some time this time, and he did not come back as soon as his front foot was gone as expected.

Fortunately, Hermione hasn't woke up yet~www.mtlnovel.com~ Otherwise, he would have a headache to explain.

After all, with the cleverness of the little witch, discovering that the time converter had disappeared, he would surely be able to guess that he was hiding something from her.

Ivan didn’t want Hermione to be involved in such a dangerous thing, and didn’t want to be distracted to protect others while fighting.

Thinking of this, Ivan put the time converter back on the little witch's neck, and then sat in the corner to continue his research work.

The improved version of the compound decoction will not be ready until the day after tomorrow at the soonest. The time converter is now useless in his hand. Ivan has already confirmed everything that needs to be confirmed.

It's better not to arouse Hermione's suspicion, or she might ask Dumbledore for advice without knowing how much trouble it will cause.

Ivan shook his head, put these complicated thoughts behind him, and devoted himself to the research and development of the potion.

After not knowing how long, Hermione, who was awkwardly asleep, finally opened her eyes.

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