Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 311

Chapter 311: Infinite reincarnation hell

Where is this?

Hermione blinked, and there was darkness all around, and the space faintly smelled of a potion.

The sleepy little witch almost thought she was still dreaming.

Then the memory gradually flooded, and a scream that pierced the eardrum suddenly resounded in the empty classroom.

The next moment, the dazzling lights came on, and the dim classroom became bright for a while, and Hermione closed her eyes subconsciously, and randomly pulled the quilt to curl up in the corner of the bed.

"Hermione, did you sleep well?"

A familiar voice sounded from the side, Hermione opened her eyes again, and found Ivan sitting in the corner of the room brewing a pot of potion.

"Ivan, why am I here? I mean, why am I sleeping on a bed?" Hermione stammered, curled up with her red face.

The little witch vaguely remembered that she should be reading in the classroom...

Ivan put down his work, turned his head, and said. "Don't you remember? You were too sleepy while reading, so you fell asleep on the table. I think you may be too tired these days, so you didn't wake you up."

"Then... what's the matter with this bed?" Hermione also thought about it at this time, and found that it was indeed in the classroom.

"Of course I changed it with the Transfiguration Curse, so that you can sleep more comfortably..." Ivan said with a smile.

"You should wake me up..." Hermione, who was hugging the quilt, said with embarrassment. Although she was wearing clothes, she was staring at Ivan like this when she was lying on the bed. There was always something weird.

Ivan shook his head, did not reply, turned around and continued to brew the potion.

Hermione also got off the bed quickly, but when she pulled the quilt she realized that her right hand seemed to be holding something, which was a note when she put it in front of her eyes.

The little witch looked at Ivan with a confused look. There were only two people in the classroom, she and Ivan, and this thing could only be set by Ivan.

But is there anything that can’t be said in person?josei

Hermione opened the note very puzzled, and was stunned when she saw the content.

[**Zone...Thirteenth row and ninth column bookshelf..."Black Magic Uncensored"]

What does it mean? Go to the bookshelf in the thirteenth row and the ninth column in the ** district to pick up a book called "Black Magic Decryption"?

Hermione turned her head and glanced at Ivan, but then she realized that this note would definitely not be Ivan’s.

Who would it be?

Looking at the writing on it, the little witch had a vague guess, and at this moment Ivan's voice came over.

"Hermione, won't you come down? I'm leaving now..."

"Yeah..." Hermione hurriedly crumpled the paper and stuffed it into the pocket of the wizard's robe, then lifted the quilt, got up and put on her shoes.

Ivan immediately waved his magic wand, and the soft bed was twisted and decomposed into a dozen square tables, returning to its original position.

The chairs, cauldrons and potion materials piled up in the corner also soared into the air one by one, and landed neatly on the table. The clanging sound was like playing music.

Ivan's fluent spellcasting opened her eyes to Hermione on the side. She never knew that spellcasting could still be so relaxed and beautiful.

"Okay, let's go!"

Ivan cleaned up the entire classroom, turned around, and returned to Gryffindor's lounge with Hermione before leaving for their respective bedrooms.

Pushing the door open, Ivan found that Harry and Ron were both in the bedroom, and they were chatting about Quidditch training not long ago.

Hearing the noise, both of them turned their heads, and Ron even spoke. "It just so happens that we are talking about you, Ivan!"

"Say me what?" Ivan was a little puzzled.

"I saw Hufflepuff team captain Diggory on the training ground today. He was so happy when he heard that you quit the Gryffindor team this year." Harry said.

"Even without me, they would have no chance! You are the best seeker at Hogwarts..." Ivan patted Harry on the shoulder. He didn't want Wood to make him temporarily Participate or something.

"Hope..." Harry shook his head. He didn't have much confidence. I heard that Hufflepuff's Seekers were flying pretty well, and he always had an unknown premonition.

Ivan vaguely remembered that this game would be disturbed by Dementors, but there was still half a month before the game, so he skipped the topic and asked instead.

"By the way, Harry! Can you lend me your invisibility cloak for a few days?"

"What do you want that thing for?" Harry asked strangely.

"I'm going to go to Hogsmeade Village to buy some potion materials or something." Ivan casually said a reason.

Harry didn't ask too much, digging out the silver-gray, weird fabric that looked like a flowing liquid from his suitcase.

"Take it!" Harry handed the invisibility cloak to Ivan, then reminded him again. "But you better be careful when you go out! Professor Dumbledore said that this thing can't be concealed from a dementor!"

"Come on, you might as well worry about those dementors..." Ron murmured on the side.

Harry scratched his head, and then remembered that Ivan had expelled dozens of dementors in one go when he was on the train, as if that was the case...

"I'll be careful!" Ivan nodded and put away the invisibility cloak.


At midnight, in Gryffindor's bedroom, after everyone fell asleep deeply, a gray-black mouse opened his eyes and crawled out of the bed.

Just when he walked to the door of the bedroom, Peter faintly felt how all this was so familiar...

Now if he turns his head, will he find someone staring at him in secret?

This thought flashed through Peter's mind, and then a deep voice rang behind him.

"Very good, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you were very fast today..."

Peter only felt a chill in his heart. Before he could understand it, he was hit by a spell and his body became limp.

Ivan skillfully picked up Peter's tail and took it out of the bedroom.

After discovering that he had been arrested again, Peter was struggling with horror, and at the same time a question emerged in his heart. Why should I say it again?

After dozens of minutes, in the potion storage room of the Bing Bing House, Peter shivered and curled up in the corner, looking at Ivan, who was constantly approaching.

"Hals, maybe you don't know, your father and I are very good comrades in arms, we used to fight side by side..."

"Enough! You have to say it every time you come, and I will recite it. Are you going to tell me about Sirius next?" Ivan interrupted Peter's words and shook the potion reagent in his hand. Opened his mouth and said.

"Come on, it's time to drink the medicine. Are you going to drink it yourself this time, or should I drink it for you?"

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