Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 316

Chapter 316: Do you dare to kill? The kind that cuts off the opponent's head with a spell...

"You just told me not to try to change the past, but to learn to follow the context of history and think about what you have seen..." Hermione said.

Ivan was confused. He could understand the meaning of this sentence, but such a vague content could not give him much help.

"Isn't there anything more specific?" Ivan said unwillingly. He thought that if he had a chance to return to the past, he would definitely write a detailed strategy map, so as to ensure that his actions did not go wrong.

Hermione shook her head, then remembered the last thing Ivan had said to her before, stuck out her tongue, and spoke. "Well, he said you definitely don't understand now, so you don't want to think about anything..."

Don't want anything? Do you want to go all the way?josei

Ivan was helpless, staring at Hermione, hoping to get any important clues from the other party, but the little witch looked at Ivan blankly, she only knew this.

"Don't try to change the past.. Follow the context of history?" Ivan thought these two words in his heart, hesitated for a long time, sighed, and said to Hermione.

"Let's go, take the invisibility cloak, let's go back!"

go back? where to? Hermione put on the invisibility cloak suspiciously, and Ivan on the other side also disappeared in place.

Afterwards, the two people wearing the invisibility cloak realized a problem at the same time. They couldn't see each other anymore, which was impossible.

Ivan had to adjust, and temporarily put away his invisibility cloak, and just use an invisibility cloak with Hermione...

Back to the Black Magic Store all the way, this time Ivan did not dare to be too close, but chose a high ground, where he could clearly see a few small alleys near the Black Magic Store, so that he could control the overall situation.

As the store was open, Ivan could also see Aysia.

"Is she your mother? She's so beautiful..." Hermione turned her head and asked softly. It was the first time she saw Aysia. She had never had a chance to see Aysia at King's Cross. Pick up Ivan.

"Yes!" Ivan nodded, but didn't want to say too much.

"Then you can always tell me now, what do you want to do? Is it related to your mother?" Hermione looked at Aisia and said aloud.

"Didn't I tell you anything when I asked you to come?" Ivan asked strangely.

Hermione shook her head again, saying that she didn't know anything.

Ivan hesitated, in fact he didn't want Hermione to get involved, but since the little witch was here now, he had to explain.

"About two hours later, a group of dark wizards will attack the dark magic shop. When I get home, the battle is over..."

Ivan closed his eyes, recalling the scene three months ago, muttering to himself. "I only came and saw her fall in a pool of blood..."

Hermione looked at Ivan in amazement, she could naturally hear who Ivan was talking about.

The little witch’s eyes were full of pity, she suddenly remembered Ivan’s loss of control when facing the dementor on the train, and also wanted to understand why Ivan was so obsessed with the time converter...

Ivan is still thinking about the past. He has looked back on the scene that day in countless dreams...

He sometimes dreamed that he had returned to the past with a time converter, but, like the sad wizard in Dumbledore's story, he personally caused Aysia's death.

Or falling into the cycle of time and space over and over again...

Countless scenes of illusion and reality are intertwined, and Ivan can't even tell what is real and what is fake...

Although he verified the authenticity once with the hair removed from Aysia's corpse, it is not insurance unless he is willing to open the coffin sealed in the basement and confirm the body with his own eyes.

However, Ivan did not have the courage to open the museum. He was worried that after seeing the worst result, everything would be doomed and his efforts would be meaningless...

"I believe you can change all of this!"

Hermione's voice reached Ivan's ears.

Ivan opened his eyes, and the girl's brown eyes were full of trust in the narrow space created by the Invisibility Cloak.

Ivan was a little moved, and he could see that Hermione really believed that she could, not just words of comfort.

"I have never seen anything you can't do." Hermione said confidently.

Although Dumbledore told them about the various rules of the time converter, one of which was that the past could not be changed, Hermione still had faith in Ivan.

He is so smart, he can easily learn those advanced magics, frustrate the conspiracy of mysterious people one after another, develop and improve many potions, and see through the true colors of the two Defence Against the Dark Arts class professors, and drove them out...

Ivan was a little bit dumbfounded, and there were a lot of things he couldn't do, that is, he appeared to be more powerful among the group of students.

"Is there anything I can help?" Hermione looked at Ivan expectantly.

"No, I hope you don't care about anything...all you have to do is protect yourself!" The expression on Ivan's face became very serious.

Hermione pursed her lips, and Ivan continued without waiting for her to speak.

"The enemy this time is a group of dark wizards, maybe more than ten! They are very dangerous, they make good use of all kinds of deadly black magic, you stay here and don't care about anything, I will deal with them!"

"How can that work? They have so many people, and you can't deal with them alone!" Hermione's face was full of worry, her words were rushed and panicked, she continued.

"I know a lot of magic~www.mtlnovel.com~ and have you forgotten it? We just took a duel class last semester. I even defeated a lot of senior students in the duel field and knew how to fight. ..."

"Not enough! This is far from enough!" Ivan interrupted Hermione's words, staring at her, and said sharply.

"You don't understand at all. The real battle is not fun in a duel, defeat is death! Those dark wizards will impose the most cruel magic on you...

Do you know the heart-cutting curse? People who are hit by this kind of curse will feel unhappy, you can imagine what it feels like to pull your bones out of the flesh one by one! It will only hurt more than this! "

"There are also some dark magics that will corrode the flesh and blood of people. Once they are attacked, they will be integrated into your body. After a while, your skin will fester, crack, stink, and drain..." Ivan said word by word Opened the mouth.

Hermione was frightened by Ivan's words and crazy expression. She trembled slightly to say that she was not afraid of those, but Ivan was the first to deliver a fatal blow.

"Do you dare to kill? I mean, the kind that cuts off the opponent's head with a spell!"

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