Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 317

Chapter 317: You are scared, aren't you?

Hermione was completely stunned by Ivan's words.

This year, who is 13 years old, she has never touched the word killing, and can't even imagine what it would be like to cut off an enemy's head...

Hermione bit her lower lip tightly, trying to say that she could do it, but the words that came to the mouth were stuck in her mouth, and the mist filled her eyes...josei

"You're scared, aren't you?" Ivan hit Hermione's self-confidence cruelly. "But those dark wizards will only be more terrifying than I said!"

He understood very well, and now to make it clear, it was only a blow to Hermione's confidence, but if Hermione was really involved in the battle, it would be tantamount to pushing her to the brink of death!

Ivan consciously faced the group of dark wizards at the same time and had no chance of winning. He had to rely on a suitable venue and the power of the invisibility cloak, not to mention Hermione, who had no combat experience.

If she gets involved, it will probably be a dead end.

Ivan has no extra energy to distract and protect Hermione...

"So you understand? I'll be fine when the black-robed wizards are handed over to me." Ivan said.

"But they have so many people!" Hermione was very worried and could not help but suggested. "Otherwise, let's take your mother and leave first. We can go to Hogwarts. Those dark wizards must not dare to go anywhere!"

"And we can still ask Professor Dumbledore for help..." Hermione racked her brain to think of her idea.

"You don't know my mother, she won't go to Hogwarts." Ivan shook his head and rejected Hermione's proposal.

Aysia and Dumbledore were very uncomfortable. Just mentioning that they were angry with the convenience, I am afraid that they would rather die than seek Dumbledore's help.

"Anyway, don't worry too much..." Ivan looked at Hermione, who was worried, and said in a relaxed tone. "What you said, there is nothing I can't do...Is it? It's the same this time!"

I didn't mean that!

Hermione glared at Ivan in dissatisfaction, but didn't talk about dealing with the dark wizards anymore.

Ivan’s words just now made her realize that she was weak, and if she forced herself into the war, she might not only be unable to help but also drag Ivan...

"Then...I'll be watching you here." Hermione hesitated for a long time before finally speaking.

"En!" Ivan nodded, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't want to hurt Hermione because of his own affairs.

Afterwards, Ivan turned his attention to the dark magic shop in the distance.

Following the context of history... Ivan tried to parse the message left by his future self,

Does it mean don't take the initiative to change, just wait for them here? Let everything go as it is, and cover the truth with illusions only at key points?

Ivan frowned. He didn't like such passive waiting. In contrast, he still prefers to take the initiative.

At the same time, Ivan also noticed that Esiah still maintained her previous actions, resting her cheek with her right hand, and staring at the clocks hanging on the wall in a daze. She didn't know how long she was in a daze...

It seems that there are no customers in the store during this time, and Aysia is boring enough,

But why keep looking at the clock? Does this make any sense?

Just as Ivan was thinking about it, a slight chime came over, apparently from the clock on the wall.

What surprised Ivan even more was that Aisia, who had been in a trance, moved.

In the magic shop at this time, Aisia looked at the time indicated on the clock and pointed to four o'clock, with a slight look of expectation on her face, and muttered to herself.

"It's almost time, right? Will it be a little earlier now?"


Aysia stood up, walked out of the magic shop, grabbed the purple cloak placed at the door and put it on her body, then stretched out her hand and pointed her wand behind her.

With a bang, the door of the magic shop closed directly...

"Apparition!" Aysia didn't stay at the door too much, waved her magic wand again, and disappeared directly in place.

On the high ground in the distance, Ivan who watched this scene was directly stunned. The person he needed to protect disappeared in front of him?

"Where did she go? Why did she leave?" Ivan muttered to himself in confusion.

Now there is only more than an hour left before the black magic shop encounters an attack. Aysia is gone. Who can the black-robed wizards attack by then?

Ivan is a little anxious. Although Aysia is not here, he can calmly turn the magic shop into a trap to seduce the black-robed wizards, but what if Aysia waits to come back?

"Four o'clock...Where can she go at this time?" Ivan remembered that Esiah had been checking the time before, and looked at the clock on the wall through the window.

"She should have gone to Kings Cross Station!" Hermione said suddenly.

Kings Cross Station? Ivan turned his head and glanced at Hermione, and then realized that today is the holiday day for the students at Hogwarts, and the train will arrive at King's Cross Station in London in the evening!

It's very likely that Aysia is going to pick him up!

"But it shouldn't be right. I didn't wait for her at the station at all!" Ivan frowned. He remembered clearly that after he got off the train, he waited for a long time at King's Cross Station and didn't see Esiah.

It is precisely because of this that he had never thought about this before...

Unless, the past has been changed!

In other words, Aysia did not go to King's Cross Station at all...

Ivan immediately decided to confirm it personally, and said to Hermione.

"Hold on to me, let's go to King's Cross Station!"

Knockoff Alley was too dangerous, even with the invisibility cloak, Ivan would not dare to leave Hermione here alone.

"En!" Hermione nodded and grabbed Ivan's left hand tightly.

Ivan asked Hermione to pull the corners of the invisibility cloak by the way, so as not to drop the invisibility cloak here when she teleported, and waved her wand with her right hand.


With a burst of space change ~www.mtlnovel.com~ two figures disappeared in Knockdown Alley.


At the same time, Ivan and Hermione appeared in the corner of Kingdom Cross Station. Since the two were wearing invisibility cloaks, they did not cause panic even in this crowded place.

After Ivan stood firmly, he looked around and saw many acquaintances. Hermione’s father, Mr. Granger, and Ron’s parents, Arthur and Molly, were also waiting in front of the nine and three-quarters station. With.

Where is Aisia? Isn't she here?

Ivan glanced around, and when it was strange, he saw Asiah in a purple cloak coming in from the entrance of the station...

Ivan then remembered that Esiah, without the invisibility cloak, could not teleport into the station like them, so naturally he had to take a step back.

"What the **** is going on?" Ivan was completely lost when I saw Aysia really in the station, so why didn't I meet her in the first place?

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