Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 318

Chapter 318: It's time to test acting again!

Is history really changed?

Ivan was a little puzzled, but he didn't do anything after he came back. Where is the butterfly effect?

Under Ivan’s gaze, Aysia did not wait in front of the nine and three-quarters platform, but walked to a place with no one next to him, leaning against the stone pillar on one side, and silently staring at the entrance of the platform with purple eyes. I don't mean to be close...

Is it because you don't want to meet Mr. Arthur and Mrs. Molly?

Ivan was guessing Aysia's thoughts in his heart. He remembered that the Weasleys knew his father, and once mentioned in Knockdown Alley that his father was a hero...

But the evaluation of Aysia was not so good. Judging from Sirius's attitude last time, Ivan felt that the members of the Order of the Phoenix might not treat his mother much.

It's no wonder that when he returned home in the first grade, Aysia waited until the Ron family had left before coming up to pick him up...

A few thoughts flashed through Ivan's mind.

After that, Ivan stared closely at platform 9 and three-quarters. He wanted to see if Esiah would meet with his past self, and whether the past would be changed!

It didn't take long for the little wizards to walk out from the partition wall on the nine and three-quarters platform, and ran to the waiting parents excitedly, and the platform suddenly became lively.

Ivan quickly saw the figures of George and Fred, and the loudly voiced Mrs. Weasley greeted them and hurried over. Vaguely, Ivan could still hear Mrs. Weasley's voice interrogating them about their grades this year.. .

The expressions of George and Fred were very relaxed. They had successfully reached the goal set by Mrs. Weasley this school year. Naturally, they were not worried and were happy to talk to Mrs. Weasley.

Ivan took a few glances, then set his gaze on the partition wall of the platform again, and after a few minutes, he would come out from there.

At this moment, Hermione pulled the corner of his clothes and spoke. "Ivan, remember that sentence?"

"What?" Ivan looked at her strangely.

"Of course I have to learn to follow the context of history!" Hermione reminded as she looked at Ivan seriously, holding the book in her arms. "You didn't see your mother here, did you?"

Although Ivan had not mentioned this to her, the wise Hermione had guessed it from Ivan's previous expressions and words.

"Yes!" Ivan said aloud, and then Hermione, who was a little surprised, suddenly realized what the little witch was about to say to her. "Are you asking me to go out now to entice Aysia?!"

The little witch nodded. Although she has limited knowledge of time, since the future Ivan said so, it must be meaningful, so she will remind her at this time.

Ivan frowned, his mind caught in the battle between heaven and man.

Considering whether the past has been changed by inaction, or whether to go up and lead Aia to return everything to the original?

The clash of thoughts lasted less than a second, and Ivan decisively chose the latter!

Because what he wanted was to lead the originally unknown result to the side he expected, not to enter another parallel time and space!

Thinking of this, Ivan took the "Black Magic Uncensored" in Hermione's hand and waved his wand, transforming the book into an empty suitcase.

Ivan took a deep breath, thinking in his mind what to say when meeting, then lifted the invisibility cloak and walked towards Aysia.

It's time to test his acting skills again!

At this time, Aisia, wearing a purple cloak, leaned sideways on the stone pillar on the left, staring at the platform nine and three-quarters intently, looking at every little wizard who came out, looking for the figure of Ivan from it. .

However, a familiar voice suddenly rang behind her.


Aysia was stunned, turned her head subconsciously, and unexpectedly found that Ivan was behind her, and suddenly asked a little strangely. "Ivan? When did you come here? Why didn't I see you coming out of the platform?"josei

The corners of Ivan's mouth rose slightly, and he said braggingly. "Of course the effect of the phantom spell! This is the spell I just learned this year, how about it? Is it okay?"

Ivan stretched out his magic wand and tapped a little on his body. The magical power like a water curtain shrouded his body and disappeared in front of Aysia out of thin air. The next moment Ivan released the magic again, and his figure reappeared.

After demonstrating the effect of the Phantom Mantra to Aysia, Ivan looked at Aysia with expectant eyes, as if he had a good test score and wanted his parents to praise a few words.

"Amazing! Really worthy of being my son!" Aysia bowed slightly with a smile, and intimately held Ivan in her arms and rubbed his cheek, without any words of appreciation.

Sniffing the familiar scent of lavender, Ivan's tight mind these days has relaxed a lot, and at the same time, he is slowly relieved. It seems that Aysia didn't doubt him.

Just as Ivan was thinking about it, I felt that Aysia's hand suddenly squeezed his cheek. Ivan exclaimed in pain, looking at Aysia very innocently, and didn't quite understand why she did it. ..

"I remember last year you said that you would definitely be back this Christmas! I didn't wait for you that day!" Aysia took her hand back and said with a smile, but the purple pupils were faintly shining with dangerous light. .

Ivan swallowed hard, he almost forgot about this matter, and hurriedly explained.

"Mom, you can't blame me! There are many things that happened in school this year. I was so busy that I didn't have time to come back. And I have to teach myself advanced spells, play Quidditch, and make potions..."

Ivan shook his fingers and counted the things he had to do one by one~www.mtlnovel.com~ and then said strangely. "Wait, didn't I ask Maca to send you a letter?"

Aysia stretched out a hand and flicked his forehead in angrily, and said. "Your owl is flying too slowly. I didn't see it until I got home from the station on Christmas!"

There was a little helpless look on Ivan’s face, he was busy looking for the lost diary, so it was not until Christmas Day when he saw that there were a lot fewer people at school, and he remembered about sending letters..

"Where is your owl?" Speaking of the letter, Aysia looked at Ivan's suitcase, but did not see Maca.

"It just so happens that I also think it flies slowly, so I lost it, intending to replace it with a fast-flying owl." Ivan said indiscriminately, and Ivan shrugged with an unbelievable look on Aysia's face. Had to speak again.

"Well, Maca actually helped me transport the potion materials..."

Without waiting for Esiah to think deeply, Ivan changed the subject and continued excitedly.

"By the way, if you don't believe me, I have made tens of thousands of gold gallons this year!"

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