Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 320

Chapter 320: 1 It will be fine, right?

Just chatting all the way, the two quickly returned to Knock Down Alley. Aysia took out his wand and clicked on the closed door, which opened.

"Well, you can sit upstairs, I will cook first."

Aysia took off the purple cloak and hung it at the door, then turned her head to look at Ivan, and couldn't help saying again. "I haven't seen you for a while now, how come you have lost so much weight and didn't eat in school, okay?"

"It's okay..." Ivan shook his head and said casually. "I miss you mainly!"

"I've never seen you take the initiative to send a letter to my family! Is that what you think of me?" Aysia tapped Ivan's forehead lightly, and said with a smile.

However, Ivan took advantage of the trend and embraced Esiah actively.

"What's the matter?" Aysia was a little surprised, and stroked Ivan's hair with his right hand, wondering if he was wronged at Hogwarts.

Aysia was about to ask, when she suddenly felt dizzy in her brain, and heard something faintly, she lost consciousness in the next second, her body collapsed, and she fainted in Ivan's arms.

"Faint!" Ivan said, putting away the wand that was holding Aysia's abdomen, watching Aysia's muttering mouth and said. "Sleep for a while..."

Ivan’s face was full of apologetics. He didn’t want Esiah to participate in the subsequent battles. After all, as long as Esiah participated in the battle, there was a possibility of death...

And he didn't want to take any risks!

So Ivan had to faint Aysia, otherwise it would be impossible for Aysia's temperament to hide and let him fight alone.

Fortunately, most magic items cannot achieve the defensive effect without the user's active activation. This is why he easily subdued Aysia.

"Hermione!" Ivan shouted into the empty space. He couldn't wear the disguise of the invisibility cloak, but knew that Hermione would definitely follow him.

Sure enough, not far from him, the little brown-haired witch took off the invisibility cloak and appeared in front of him.

"Ivan, what should we do now?" Hermione asked Aysia, who was unconscious, leaning against Ivan's arms.

"You take Esiah into the basement and take your invisibility cloak. No matter what happens, don't come out if you hear any noise, understand?" Ivan said.

Hermione pursed her lips and hesitated.

"Remember? You promised me just now!" Ivan said solemnly.

"Um..." Hermione gritted her teeth and nodded.

Ivan breathed a sigh of relief, and opened the trap door of the basement with Esia in his arms. Hermione followed Ivan silently.

Ivan stopped after walking all the way to the practice room, and placed Aysia in the corner. The invisibility cloak was relatively large enough to cover the two of them, so even if the black-robed wizards found them in the basement, they would not be able to find them.

Afterwards, Ivan walked out of the basement and looked at the wide variety of magic items on the shelves of the store. Thinking about the battle to come, he gathered up most of the useless ones and piled them up in the basement studio.

I won’t get hurt during the fight...this is all money!

After doing all this, Ivan turned his head, only to realize that Hermione had come out of the practice room for some time, blocking the door of the studio.

"Why did you come out?" Ivan frowned.

Hermione silently stepped forward, rushed forward, stretched out her arms to hug him tightly, and continued for a while. The little witch raised her head and stared at Ivan with her brown eyes, her body trembled slightly.

"Ivan, you will be fine, right?"

"Don't worry!" Ivan said in a very relaxed tone. "Do you know what I saw when I came in that day? The underground is full of the corpses of the black-robed wizards, so it must not be me who died!"

"Is that so? That's great!" Hermione said softly, but didn't mean to let go.

"Okay, I'll get some decorations from the top, they will be here soon." Ivan reluctantly comforted the worried Hermione, and sent her to hide quickly.josei

After Hermione left, the relaxed expression on Ivan's face turned to a heavy color. There were ten black wizards!

Fighting head-on, the chance of winning is slim!

But he is not without advantages, this is his own dark magic shop, he is very familiar with it.

In addition, there are many trigger-type black magic items in the store, and he only needs to inject some magic power to temporarily activate these items and arrange them into traps.

This might help him solve some of his enemies...

Thinking of this, Ivan put on the invisibility cloak and began to arrange it, and used Transfiguration to fill in the missing space on the shelf, then glanced at the clock, it was the time when he heard the first explosion in Knock Down Alley. It should be very close....

"Hushen guard!" Ivan waved his magic wand, and for a while, white mist continued to gush from the top of the magic wand, filled the air, and turned into the shadow of an illusory unicorn.

With a thought to Ivan, the illusory body of the Unicorn Shadow passed through the ceiling and stayed on the second floor.

There was a knock on the door, and Ivan quickly retreated to the corner of the first floor, watching silently.


The dark magic shop was very quiet, except for the heavy knocking on the door.

Maybe it was impatient, and after a while, the closed door was forcibly blown open!

A group of wizards dressed in black robes filed in from the door. The leading wizard is about forty years old, slightly fat, holding a magic wand in his hands~www.mtlnovel.com~ eyes like eagles carefully looked around In a circle,

There are many wooden shelves in the store with a lot of magic items neatly placed on them, but it seems that there is no one here, otherwise the big movement just made it should have attracted the attention of the other party.

The headed middle-aged wizard frowned, "Ralph, are you sure you read it right? She hasn't come back yet, right?"

"Impossible, I obviously saw her walking in with the child! So she must be here! Maybe it's because many of us are hiding..." The dark wizard named Ralph shook his head and vowed. Said.

The hostess of this magic shop, Aisia, had previously imposed an anti-phantom shifting spell in the magic shop in order to guard against them. They had already tried it, and they could not teleport directly into the shop anyway.

And this kind of curse is not the enemy or the enemy, and it is not a short-term thing to remove it...

(Ps: If you are careful, you should be able to notice that in the first few chapters, Esiah was out of the house and then used the apparition. In addition, in Chapter 269, Ivan found that there are many magic items in the studio. I hope you will return Did not forget...)

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